Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Time After Time



Great week mostly because of the Alexis-Centric episode on Thursday. What a show!! Kudos to all involved. The concept, the dialog, the acting--everything. Perfection. There was also a good semi-cliff hanger on Friday.  There was also more fake body parts on the show than we've seen since all the masks!  


If you haven't watched Thursday's episode that celebrates NLG's 25th year on GH get to it. Like NOW. I've seen it twice already and it got better the second time. Time lapse layers were used to show her last day in Port Charles before going to jail.  We are reminded that not only is  Nancy a stellar actress, the character of Alexis is rich in history and dimension. Having her talk to Kevin and finally sew up that childhood drama was also just a good use of everything a soap should be. 

CHILDHOOD REVELATION OF THE WEEK: While talking to Kevin, Alexis remembers what she saw Mekkos do to her mother Kristina and why the watch she has is so important to her. The fact she couldn't save her mother weighed on her her whole life and basically tainted her idea of a "good man". Adorable casting, btw. 

COUPLE OF THE WEEK: Ah, the Gatekeepers. No, they aren't one now but they used to be quite the item back in the day. Ned was always there for Alexis and they are still close. (they got a little TOO close not too long ago!!) 

RUBBER BABY BELLY BUMPER OF THE WEEK:   A LOT of people on twitter guessed this from day one of Brook coming in looking like a Sumo Wrestler. It took me a bit longer but there it was!! Fake Giant Belly!! She's a damn Quartermaine for sure!! Thing is: I do feel sorry for Valentin. I'm loving him now and he's not going to really have a baby. Wah. Charlotte will be the only one rejoicing when it's finally found out. Brook even stole Maxie's ultrasound photo to show him. Hey, once Britt catches on we get into the switch. 

HAND OF THE WEEK:   Oh, you SPENCER, YOU!! We thought it was him because you know, tricks and things. Then Laura got a note about him graduating from school. Nikolas can't get ahold of him at all. Spencer doesn't want Ava near Dad. I can't wait until he's back. 

MEANIE OF THE WEEK: When Cyrus yelled at Laura, I did jump! You'd think with all his money and reach, he'd be able to track Bobbie Spencer but... you know, a soap. Hell, they still can't find Sonny! 

MICHAEL FACE OF THE WEEK: Yeah, not much different from every week! I wasn't even going to mention all this because I have zero interest but Sasha walked in on Michael and Willow almost kissing. They "broke up".  I guess Sasha will have to tell Chase next. zzzzzzzzz. I guess it will be Millow, Chooklyn, whatever Brando and Sasha are. SaDo? No clue. 

RECEPTION AREA OF THE WEEK: Remember in the olden times people would  "pay a call" to someone? Well Jason sure got his fill this week. Just about everyone came to see him. Carly was a mouth and made it all about her naturally. Scotty told him he knows it was Peter that did the deed and since he told Franco he'd not let Jason 'suffer' for his death, he wants to help him out. 

SPIN THE BOTTLE OF THE WEEK: Oh, boy. Peter put poison in one of those coffees and the Chase Family decided to play Russian Roulette with them!!  We know Chase isn't going to die. We know Finn isn' or Greg? Come on. He was talking about how full and great his life has been. Get ready to watch him go 6 feet under. 

SCENES OF THE WEEK: Anything Alexis. The whole day was just a chef's kiss. From the daughter talks to the men-friends at Kelly's to the  hugs to the flashbacks. Nancy just hit it out of the park. Loved her talking to her younger self and the session with Kevin.  FIGHTER, IDEALIST, AVOCATE. All the things each of her daughters are. :sniff: 

PROP OF THE WEEK: Even with all the fakeness out there, this watch stood the test of time (giggle) and delivered a powerful reminder of Alexis' resilience in the face of a life changing circumstance. By the end of the show, the seemingly unfixable watch started ticking again, signaling Alexis return to her life. 


Cyrus gets Nikolas to try to find his mother; Hummingbird Cake is involved

Laura worries and makes Ava promise to keep Nikolas away from Cyrus

Josslyn is waitlisted at her college; suffers a sprained ankle at volleyball practice

Scotty tells Jason he will help him and realizes he didn't kill Franco

Molly graduates law school, shows her mother her gown early

Alexis talks to Kevin and relives her childhood trauma

Alexis faces her last day in Port Charles

Alexis goes into Pentonville and helps her cellmate with her parole hearing

Krissy, Molly and TJ may move into the Lake House

Ava gets a hand in the mail 

Britt and Maxie continue to bamboozle Peter; Maxie needs "Bed rest"

Brook Lynn steals Maxie's ultrasound photo and uses it as her own 

Peter put poison in a drink...we think Gregory will get it instead of Finn

Valentin holds Peter at gunpoint 

WUBS THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK: I want to talk a bit about the Alexis episode and some of the rumblings I saw on Twitter and on FB about Julian. The flashbacks that Alexis had were HEALTHY flashbacks. Ergo, she was healing herself. Thinking of Julian even in good terms after he tried to murder her wouldn't show growth. This is why Ned was featured and not Julian, Sonny, Jerry, Ric or Alcazar. Like it or not, it was a way to propel her character into healing. 

On the Chase Family drama, I am not happy that Gregory will suffer because of stupid Peter. Having even one more character die at this messes hands is gross. I like Greg; I know he's not a central character but damn. Can we dare hope Valentin shoots Peter right between the eyes? Ugh, you know that's not going to happen. 

Love the idea of Molly, TJ and Krissy moving into the Lake House!! PLEASE PUT THEM ON A LOT MORE!! PLEASE!! There are stories just waiting to be written! 

Glad Spencer will be back. Looking forward to the University getting up and running. 

Carly needs a damn vacation. We had two Carly free days this week an it was music to my ears. 

SPOILERS:   Willow finds it hard to break it off with Chase, Valentin and Anna's plan fails and Sonny realizes something is up with Nina. GET all the SCOOPS at Diagnosis Daytime. 

Ok that's it! Next week is my surgery on Wed (minor) and we'll see how things go. I might have to adjust my schedule because I'll have to cancel some kids. I'll let you know!! Cheers! 


  1. Thanks as usual Karen. Best of luck with your surgery.

    The Alexis episode was FANTASTIC. NLG is awesome. I like that they focused on all the positive people in her life. Would have liked Diane to be there; even very briefly. Otherwise, I am totally happy with the episode

    Valentin is one of my new favorites. Can't help but like him now. He will be heartbroken that there is not going to be a baby. Oh well, maybe he can straighten Charlotte out; she is a spoiled brat, sorry to say.

    Will the original Spencer be back? I don't want a recast. If it's a recast, keep him gone. Too many actors already. I'd like some like Carly to go on a LONG vacation to give others a chance for screen time.

    Yes, to Molly, TJ and Krissy living in the Lake House. I can't even decide if I like the newish TJ because he is barely on the show.

    I HATE what they did to Alexis in making her lose her law license. I don't like how soaps treat women. I hope they do her justice with the prison scenes.

    My worst fears: Maxie's plan won't work, Anna's plan won't work and we DON'T get a who dun it? and Peter will go on being his awful self that everyone hates.

    Oh, and they must have aged Molly. The actress is only 22. Too young for law school unless she started college at like 16 years old

    PS. I think that Peter has killed Gregory (just when I was starting to really like him). Why don't they keep him and get rid of Sasha or someone useless like that? Peter has killed so many now; will he ever pay? Seems not to me

    Thanks again Karen :)

  2. the writers forgot alexis sister kristina in her backstory. I would not miss any of the finn family. and carly needs to come back as sarah brown or tamara braun.

    1. Oh ya, Kristina hasn't been mentioned in forever. I forget, how was that her sister? I wasn't watching much at all at that time.

    2. "lindie says, Oh ya, Kristina hasn't been mentioned in forever. I forget, how was that her sister? I wasn't watching much at all at that time."

      Her father was Mikkos! :) Here is the link to read all about her.

    3. OK, so they were "full blood" sisters and not half sisters? How were they separated?

    4. If I remember correctly, Alexis mom gave her up for adoption to protect her from Helena. And yes they were full blood

  3. PSS. IF they are bringing Drew Cain back why wouldn't they have Billy Miller back? Has he moved on to another job?

    1. I could be wrong, but I think there was some bad blood between Billy Miller and the current producer.

  4. "Expresso!!"

    Hahaha. In Italy they call it Espresso. :)


    Hahahahahaha. Rubber baby belly bumper! ROFL! I love it! :)

    "Ah, the Gatekeepers. No, they aren't one now"

    They will forever be called the Gatekeepers to me. :) I love my Nexis.


    Hahaha sounds like candy. Hmmm how about Chaselyn. :)

    "whatever Brando and Sasha are. SaDo? No clue."

    ROFL! They are Brasha!!! :)

    "I want to talk a bit about the Alexis episode and some of the rumblings I saw on Twitter and on FB about Julian. The flashbacks that Alexis had were HEALTHY flashbacks. Ergo, she was healing herself. Thinking of Julian even in good terms after he tried to murder her wouldn't show growth. This is why Ned was featured and not Julian, Sonny, Jerry, Ric or Alcazar. Like it or not, it was a way to propel her character into healing."

    Yes!!! You're right!! :) And then the watch working.. It all fits into healing.

  5. I am listening to JPS. And So It Goes. Love him singing this song.

  6. I thought Chase might get the poison/another blood test would show Finn is not the father - I don't think Greg gets it and dies...
    the fact that Valentin and Alexis are holding Peter in the basement - and the fact that Peter has done horrible (MORE horrible) things lately I think PROVE that character is going to die soon......they have built him in a corner that he can't shake - even HELENA was horrible but only on the show sporadically and didn't have a major connection with anyone we liked --
    this Nina and Mike and Elijah thing - again I scream - you GOOGLED Nina but didn't find SONNY CORINTHOS -------- in the same freakin town>>>>>
    please bring Mike home with no memory - it is beyond ridiculous.

    1. So, we are supposed to believe they don't have internet? They do have smart phones don't they?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Especially since Nina kidnapped baby Avery...daughter of alleged Mob BoSs Sonny Corinthos...that would be in the news for sure

  7. The Alexis episode was everything, and the actress playing her as a child was perfect!
    I still need to try this hummingbird cake, lol!
    Thanks for the SS and best of luck with your surgery.

  8. Fantastic SS for a fantastic episode. Loved it all.

    kd said...""I want to talk a bit about the Alexis episode and some of the rumblings I saw on Twitter and on FB about Julian. The flashbacks that Alexis had were HEALTHY flashbacks. Ergo, she was healing herself. Thinking of Julian even in good terms after he tried to murder her wouldn't show growth. This is why Ned was featured and not Julian, Sonny, Jerry, Ric or Alcazar. Like it or not, it was a way to propel her character into healing."

    This was so well said. And it makes sense of the missing bits of her life. Thanks again.

    Good luck with the surgery.

  9. A great GH week and another great SS! Thank you.
    It is a wonder how GH can come up with such an outstanding episode as a tribute and still stutter along with story lines. Except for the Diane exclusion the Alexis episode was perfection. I never watch an episode twice but this one is worthy.
    Whispering Hiney running around from place to place hogging the screen is unbearable. The character and the actor.
    I like LW as Carly but since Sonny's 'disappearance' she has become so annoying. The whole Sonny thing is insulting. He checks the internet for info on Nina. This is hogwash.
    NLG did a great job as did all who were involved. She also had a really fun FB live chat that evening. Maybe GH should tackle every story like it is a tribute to someone.
    Good luck this week with your surgery kd!

  10. Even some soap sites are starting to speculate about a "Who Killed Peter? storyline, so I am hoping it's a sign that it's coming soon.

  11. Don’t you just love all the dramatic material Rebecca Herbst is getting since Franco died?

    1. Yes. I want to see her helping Britt nail Cyrus too and getting some of thefired people back.

    2. she is one of my favorites on GH. I would like her to be a lead actress along with finola hughes, genie francis and nancy lee grahn. so tired of LW and kemo.

  12. After a great week can someone tell me why Anna and Valentin are tying Hiney up in the basement again? What is the point.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...