Friday, April 16, 2021

Take Me to the Dance.

 It's Friday! What a week. Having anything done that requires stiches is not fun. BUT I've been relaxing so that's good. 

This week on the show was not a great one for me. Just slogged around. 

Sasha and Brando. don't care O. They talk about the last night. blah blah..drink coffee. Gladys comes over. Mad that Sasha is there. 

Alexis is in the prison yard. Orange is the New Black style. Big Blonde pushes her.  Her cellmate gets the bigger lady to lay off for now. 

Anna and Val are STILL NOT TELLING FINN about the poison!! WTF!! Carly tells them it's HER THAT'S KEEPING CYRUS IN LINE because SHE TOOK HIS MOTHER!! Don't you FORGET IT! She says she won't give up Florence and wants them to tell her what's going on. They won't. 

Laura and Marty at The PC Grille. She's still being pissy with her. Marty tries to make up with her. Then Cy sits down. They argue about his mother. Laura leaves. 

Then Anna introduces herself to Cyrus. I guess they haven't met. 

Ava and Nik talk about the Hummingbird Cake (again) and kiss. COVID Style. Ava and Nik have Zex. Then Nik finds out where Florence is through the bakery. 


Sonny asks Nina to the FIREHOUSE DANCE---she is going to the LIBRARY TO RESEARCH Nixon Falls. Where the hell am I? Wellsville in 1943?? What the hell? LOL!! This is just... Now Nina's acting like she's "helping Sonny" Be happy. :eyeroll: 

TODAY WAS I should have napped. 


  1. Frank and the writers have now just become embarrassing------get out your PHONE and GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AT least Nina finally mentioned Social media today!

    And the only other good thing was Anna telling Carly off

    1. I *loved* Anna putting Carly in her place.

    2. More of Anna putting Carly in her place.

  3. This was not a good week. It's all just a big stupid mess. IMO.

  4. I agree about the nap. sonny's story is too dragged out. someone put a bullet in carly's mouth can't take any more of her. they need a tsunami to wipe out alot of this cast.

  5. Saw something online about Kelly Thibaud and a false positive test and she has to be off the show

  6. Guess they don't have a TV even at the Tan O. Wouldn't Phyllis and Lenny be tv watchers. Wouldn't Sonny be on the news?

  7. Everyone has Intruder alerts on their phones.

  8. Brando's garage:

    Brasha: Awwww Sasha wants to talk about the Titanic zex!!! They like each other! :)

    Brasha and Gladys: Oh my! Gladys don't like Sasha and Brando together! I mean WOW the look on her face when they are talking. If looks could kill!

    Carson home:

    Anna and V.C.:

    Anna: We can't tell them, or he will take off with the antidote.

    WHAT?!?!!?! THIS IS SO STUPID!!! You can't trust Hiney Anna!!! He will take off with the antidote no matter what!!!!

    Carly, Anna, and V.C.: Carly is so desperate to get her soulmate out of prison!!!! I miss the Tribbles. Where are they? Are they visiting Jason?

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Marty and Laura:

    Laura: Why is that your business Martin?

    LAURA!!!! Stop it! Stop being rude to Marty! He don't deserve that!!!

    Marty, Laura, and Cyrus: Awwwww family!! :) ROFL!

    Anna, V.C. Cyrus and Marty: Huh?! Anna hasn't met Cyrus yet? I thought they did.

    Marty and Cyrus: Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: The least you can do for your brother, is to shout duck!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! Cyrus could just leave the table and we could have all the AMC people at the table. :) Anna, V.C., Marty, and bring Laura back. :) Fun fun fun! :)


    Nava: Looks like Nik found Flo!!! YAY! Oh Nava carona kiss and zex!!! :) YAY!

    The Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Sonny and Nina: Awww Nina! You really should go to the dance with Sonny and not Elijah!! I thought Sonny already asked her. Wait yes he did!!!! She said she didn't want to go. Nina going to the library! Well, there ARE still libraries! They do exist. :) I still have my library card. Sonny don't want to go on social media to find out who he is! Well there ya go!!! :) He likes it there! :)

    Prison yard:

    Alexis and Cellmate: Uh Alexis, don't trust anybody! REMEMBER?!!?!?!! UGH!

    Alexis and big lady: WHO IS THIS LADY! YIKES!!!! Is she related to Alice? Is she the bodyguard that Nik sent?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 16th 1999* Bobbie and Stefan get snowed in at Kelly's

  9. Saw a recipe for hummingbird cake. Pineapple and banana and other stuff with cream cheese frosting. Looks yummy

  10. It drives me friggin nuts that there's never a customer at Tano - I counted 2 - the drunk and the robber - what exactly is JustMike cleaning anyway ? Must be coffee spills

    1. I know. He was clearing beer bottles or some stuff the other day, but no one is ever in there.

  11. Anyone want to take a guess as who gets there to stop that punch from landing?

  12. Di, could the initials be JM? This prison stuff is so stereotypical and unimaginative. From Twitter it looks like Robin will be back for the John Reilly tribute sho-can’t wait!

    1. That is so awesome. Sean was Robin's special Godfather

    2. LSV422....I wouldn't think that they'd have male prisoners in the same yard as the female ones but this is GH. lol So who knows. Any women still in there? Or could that cranky looking guard be on someone's payrole?

  13. Anna and Valentin are really good together. I hope the writers realize this and find ways to keep the pair together after the Peter stuff is done.

    1. I think so too that Anna and Valentin are great together.

    2. I love Anna and Valentin together. And I am glad Anna got her mojo back. About time.

      So GH has it's first post covid love scene and they waste it on Millow when it could have been either Sasha/Brando and Nava? Give me some Nava anytime.

    3. Probably depends on if the actors are vaccinated and how comfortable they feel.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...