Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Footloose

 Well, I watched yesterday's show and the only thing good that happened was that Anna finally told Finn about Peter's poison.  

Oh The SUN is out again today! After 2 days of snow, it's finally warmer. Geesh, our weather is just nutty around here. 

Oh boy... not much to say about THIS situation only that the whole Barn-Dance is such.. I mean.. ugh. EVERYONE has on western gear? Nina found a damn denim dress and jacket AND turquois earrings? Phyllis has a giant Western-style turquoise necklace hanging around too? Sometimes the props/wardrobe department just disappoints me. NOT often-- but sometimes. I'm sure I'll bitch about it during Sunday Surgery. 


Britt gets a lab test showing a 17 year old died from Cyrus' street drugs. 

Britt sees Jason being brought into the hospital. She tends to him (he has stitches) and he sees her hand shaking. He holds it and tells her everything will be ok. THEN FKING CARLY BARGES IN, sees it and says "What's going on here" ?? LIKE SHE OWNS HIM? God I hate her. Britt tells her to leave because she has to talk to Jason privately. OMG it goes on and on. Carly flips out when Jason says he could work the business from the island "NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME"!! UGH Britt asks if he wants a sedative when she leaves because "he's gonna need it' LOL !! 

The raffle table gets held up by a bandito. (pffffffffffft) Sonny tells him to knock it off. THEN Jax and Nina get held up by ANOTHER BANDIT. AHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA. I'm dead. So, Jax struggles with the gun, it goes off, then Sonny distracts the other guy and grabs HIS gun. (this is happening in different areas so they don't see each other yet). Oh my god. You have to watch this stupidity. I can't do it justice. The upshot is that Jax is shot in the shoulder and passes out. EMTs come and tend to Jax-- Jax is being taken away and sees a hazy Sonny and says "What the hell" before passing out again. 

Laura goes to talk to Martin, wants to make up. They talk about Cyrus and the mother and that Cy probably wants Laura to do something for him. Marin leaves. Laura talks to Curtis. He tells her about his divorce. 

Jordan sees Shawn in jail. He yells at her about TJ and not telling him he was kidnapped. She doesn't react much. He says he's in jail and not guilty but she says he pled guilty and it's his own fault. Oh, TJ is visiting Shawn. They go on and on about stuff. She syas she doesn't regret not telling him about TJ being his son because he had two fathers that loved him.  Jordan won't charge Shawn. 

Michael is home and Brook asks him about Willow. Valentin and Martin are coming over to discuss "term's of the baby's life. Brook says shes' going to Bensonhurst to have the baby and Valentin says he has the right to know where his baby is being born. She says no. Then Michael gets her to agree to it. Brook then says Val has to give up all his ELQ shares to have a part in the baby's life. He's like NO WAY, he'll go to court. LOL Martin is all for it because he will make a ton of money. They finally decide on a deal but Val won't sign until the baby is born. Brook says it's a deal. Wonders later where she'll get a baby. 

Molly tells TJ that Robert Scorpio is offering a Jr. ADA position when her internship is over. She wants to be a DA now. TJ is upset because he thought she was going to be a justice "warrior" and the system is messed up. She says she can work it from the inside. He says her mother got good treatment because she's white and Shawn is in jail for life. TJ finally says it's ok. Hugs her. 

LORD. A TON happened. It was tough to keep up


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is it odd that my top 3 couples on GH right now are:
    1) Scotty and Obrecht
    2) Jason and Britt
    3) Laura and Martin (non romantic of course)
    I can't have a top 5 because there aren't 2 more couples that are worth a darn.

    1. And the only happily married one is Laura and Kevin, and I guess committed, TJ and Molly. Oliva and Ned are in trouble, Peter and Maxi ( gross), Franco and Sonny are dead or square dancing. We never see Felicia with Mac. Not much love in the afternoon!

  3. "Geesh, our weather is just nutty around here."

    Haha yeah we are going to get 80 next week!!! :)

    Nixon falls spin off - Pennsylvania side of the river square dance:

    Phyllis, Sonny, and Bandit: Hahahaha. Is Mr. Bandit going to go on his horse and ride away? :) No money for you Bandit! Go in the corner and stay there and think about what you did!!!

    Jax and Nina: Oh Jax! Leave her alone. You two are over. I don't want you two together anymore. You lied to her. Just go back home to Port Chuckles and lick your wounds!

    Jax, Nina, and Bandit: Jax you are an idiot!!!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! This is hysterical! Come on Jax! You just got shot on the shoulder! You are acting like you got shot in the stomach or heart! JUST WAKE UP ALREADY! ROFL!

    Jax, Nina, and Sonny: Jax pointing at Sonny was hysterical! HAHAHAHAHHHAHAHHA!

    "Karen says, Jax is being taken away and sees a hazy Sonny and says "What the hell" before passing out again."

    Oh you are right he did say what the hell! I thought he said it's you!

    Back to Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Laura and Marty: Oh NOW you are being nice to Marty Laura? Make up your mind!! Are you going to invite him to a 4th of July get together?

    Laura and Curtis: I just love their friendship so much! :)

    The hospital:

    Britch and Cyrus: Man when Britch left, Cyrus had a creepy look on his face when he shut the laptop!!!! I love creepy Cyrus. :)

    TJ and Molly: Congratulations Molly!!!! :) I really like this scene. Great scene. Molly knows what she wants and she will go after it. :)

    Cyrus and Carly: Carly looked so SKEERED when Cyrus walked away. Come on Carly! You can handle him. Stop it.

    Jason's room:

    Jason and Britch: Awwww I love when he hold her hand and told her everything will be okay awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Jason, Britch, and Carly: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Excuse me?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That is perfect.. Carly is all jelly over what she saw. :) You can just read her mind.

    Carly's thoughts: Stay away from my Jason Britch! Jason why are you touching her?!?!

    Hahaha. I love how Britch doesn't like Carly and wants her to wait out in the hall. :) I love that Jason isn't defending Carly. :)

    Jason and Carly: Man! Jason is NOT happy with Carly! ROFL!

    Cyrus, Jason, and Carly: Cyrus is being so nice hahahaha. Carly stop looking like you are skeered!!

    Q home:

    Brooky, Michael, V.C., and Marty: Oh Brooky! Stop acting suspiciously! Someone eventually is going to find you out. I'm glad Brooky changed her mind about V.C. being in the hospital when the "baby" is born.

    Shaun's jail cell:

    Shaun and Jordan: Yeah I forgot to mention yesterday that he does see TJ! :) I love that!!! :)

    "Karen says, She doesn't react much."

    ROFL! She never does with anybody! She is even still constipated with Shaun! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1981* The Ice Princess Island Adventure!!! :) Enjoy. :)

  4. Stupidity rules this week. Carly needs to STFU-can’t stand her. Nina is very peculiar. Sonny looks ridiculous in that hat. Shawn needs to get out of jail and Jordan needs to learn to act.

    1. This is all true. Hopefully it was just stupidity week, and not stupidity year (or more)

    2. And they need to stop having Cyrus just walk into patient's rooms.

  5. This Pennsylvania side of the river hootenanny hoedown story will go down as one of the worst stories in the show’s modern history. It is. It is mind numblingly awful and poorly executed. It’s embarrassing really. And it’s a shame because the actors who portray Lenny and Phyllis are lovely. Phyllis’ portrayer reminds me of Rosalind Cash’s Mary Mae Ward. In this entire plot, I don’t think we’ve seen one customer in the Tan-O.

  6. LW needs acting classes like her boytoy WR. she is just over the top .writers please kill those 2. I actually like sonny with nina. love britt and jason

  7. The funniest/stupidest part of Friday's episode was Phyllis going on about how the town needed the raffle money, but Sonny later telling the robber it was only a few hundred dollars. Ummm, what? This storyline needs to end -- STAT!

    I do like the Laura and Martin scenes, and also Britt telling off Carly. Slim pickings.

  8. Carly never bothered me until recently. It is funny that IMO the two most annoying characters right now are Carly and Hiney.

  9. I'll bet Mo wanted out a way out of the Sonny-Carly relationship (at least with this Carly). The only Carly I ever liked him with was Sarah Brown. I'll all for Sonny & Nina.

  10. I'll bet Mo wanted out a way out of the Sonny-Carly relationship (at least with this Carly). The only Carly I ever liked him with was Sarah Brown. I'll all for Sonny & Nina.

  11. I'll bet Mo wanted out a way out of the Sonny-Carly relationship (at least with this Carly). The only Carly I ever liked him with was Sarah Brown. I'll all for Sonny & Nina.



  Well, it's sunny and cooler here... I'm your official weather girl for Western NY, that's for sure.  I'm ready for the sho...