Thursday, April 29, 2021

Casey the Alien (Thursday)


Ray Walston and Bill Bixby
Robin Williams and Pam Dawber
Bradley Lockerman and Kimberly McCullough

You all know what these names have in common. Again, this could have been a great Vlog that Karen and I could have collaborated on. But the time just isnt there. Not now anyway. For many, this is the worst storyline in soap history. And they might be right. How about you? What are your recollections of this storyline. Is it the worst one of all time. If not, what was.  

Food for thought: Casey visited Robin when she was a child. Robin's children are getting older and can easily be SORAS'd. What if Casey paid a return visit to one of them? 

NOTE: I'm popping in here to say that Casey The Alien was done right around the time of Starman, which was hugely popular. Jeff Bridges, Karen Allen. Look it up! 

You all know what to do. Chime in on Thursday's show. Let us know what is happening and what you think. 


  1. Yup, worst story of all time. And bite your tongue for having him come back and visit Robin's children, lol!

    Thanks for posting this though, while Karen is away!

  2. Ugh. Hated, hated, HATED this storyline. This was back when "GH" had no qualms about mimicking popular movies. I remember there was also a Frisco and Felicia storyline that was basically "Desperately Seeking Susan."

  3. Didn't watch then, but anything is better than the Peter story line that has been going on for ages. Maybe Casey could visit Peter and take him away.

  4. Don't remember too much about it. Must not have been too memorable for me then. I agree. Peter is worse and he's destroying my favorite Anna.

  5. Worst storyline but Casey and Robin were adorable!

  6. Maybe it was the worst storyline...until Hiney.
    Right now it's either the slick, slimy and together villain Cyrus or the repulsive falling apart villain Hiney. Crazy.
    Any day that Liesel and Scotty and Britt are on it is a good day. "Mutter!". LOL

  7. Ohhh Has anyone watched yet? I think maybe Cyrus has awakened the Kraken. lol

    1. Hahahaha. Which Kraken? You mean Ava? :)

    2. That's exactly who I meant. lol Definitely not a good idea to threaten HER daughter. They may find him eviscerated in an alley somewhere soon. (hopefully)

    3. "Di says, That's exactly who I meant. lol Definitely not a good idea to threaten HER daughter. They may find him eviscerated in an alley somewhere soon. (hopefully)"

      Hahaha. Yeah very true!!! Don't mess with Ava!!!!

    4. "Eviscerated" excellent word! I'm on board, especially with Ava doing the eviscerating!

  8. Cyrus and Hiney get worst villain ever. Can anyone think of worse than them

  9. Who was best? Frank Smith. Faith Roscoe.??

    1. Faison...always and forever.

    2. I think I like Helena better than Faison. I forgot her.

    3. Definitely helena. Bad as she was we loved to see her in action.

    4. Oh yes, Helena! Faison is a close second, and lets not forget Jerry Jax. Loved him!

  10. The alien storyline: It wasn't that bad. It was actually fun. I love how Casey was toward Robin, and the actor was HOT! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Balbrecht: They are so adorable together!!!!! :) Dr. O is still all flirty. I love her dress today and I loved her dress yesterday.

    Scotty and Laura: Laura is in shock that Scotty and Dr. O are together hahahahhaha.

    Balbrecht and Laura: Laura is being very nice to Dr. O, and Dr. O likes that.

    The hospital:

    Cam, Trina, and Joss: Joss hurt her ankle playing vollyball. Oh oh!

    Joss's private room:

    Joss and Portia: Joss can't play in the tournament anymore this season. Joss doesn't like hearing that at all!!!

    Joss, Cam, and Trina: Trina and Cam come back, and Trina asks her mother why there are cops around the hospital. Portia tells her that Jason is here. Cam wants to know why Joss didn't tell him that Jason is in the hospital. Joss didn't think it was a good idea, and Cam says she is probably right. Oh he has to go somewhere. Oh I know where he is going *Roll eyes*

    Joss and Trina: Joss wants to go to a road trip!!! She grabs her phone. I'm thinking Nixon falls? YUP!!!! Joss called her father and he said to her he is hurt, but didn't tell her he got shot. Joss didn't even ask him why he got hurt.. So, OFF TO NIXON FALLS!!!!!


    Ava and Nik: Ava is skeered of Cyrus. She doesn't want what happened to her brother to happen to Nik. They talk about Spencer. He still won't return Nik's calls. :(

    Ava and Cyrus: OH OH! CYRUS!!! He wants to talk to Nik. Poor Ava all alone with Cyrus!!! Meh she can handle him. :) Why is both Ava and Carly afraid of Cyrus? COME ON NOW! They are tough cookies!

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Brick: BRICK!!!!!!!! :) Hey they aren't flirting.. Rats. Brick is in on Carly's plan.

    Carly and Laura: Laura meets Brick and tells Carly that Brick is charming. Carly wants Laura to be all soft toward Cyrus! To use that for Carly's plan.

    Jason's room:

    Britch and Jason:

    Britch: And you're annoying enough as it is.

    Hahahaha. She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Britch and Jason are so adorable together!!! :)

    Young Danny aka Cheeto and Jason: Awwww love that young Cheeto is visiting his father. :)

    Sam and Jason: Sam wants to know what Jason is up to, but she knows she can't because her kids come first!!!! I wonder if the Tribbles visited Jason yet.


    Sam and Britch: Sam is rude to Britch.. Jelly much Sam?

    Britch and worker: Hmmmmm. That worker guy looks a little like Greg Vaughan. OH OH When the worker guy is alone, he is talking to Cyrus on the phone!!! So this guy is working for Cyrus! :)

    Private room:

    Dr. O and Britch: Dr. O wins the line of the day. They talk about Jason.

    Dr. O: The man is the equivalant of an olympic bob sled run.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Never heard anybody call him that before! :)

    Scotty, Dr. O, and Britch: The look on Britch's face when she finds out her and Scotty are together! HAHAHAHHAHAHA.

    Jail/Alexis's cell:

    Alexis and man in a suit: Alexis is cleaning her cell floor. At least I think it's her cell. Man that guy is so rude. He snaps his fingers and points. Her job is to clean the floor, but not anymore!

    Jail waiting area:

    Alexis and Nik: Alexis works at the library now!!! So did Nik help Alexis switch jobs? Hmmmmm? All Nik wants to do is to protect his Aunt Alexis. There was a black spot above her lip, and the next scene, it's gone. Someone must have plucked it out.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to see Robert, Olivia, Cheryl, and Tiffany.

    1. Definite win for the line of the day! Dr. O was killing it yesterday as was Britta!

      Joss was a little self absorbed yesterday, yes?

      The Whisperer was back in full force, and Snarly with Laura was making me nauseous!

      And I'll repeat what I wrote above....Ava eviscerating Cyrus would be fabulous!

    2. "Julie H says, Definite win for the line of the day!"

      Haha yes! :)

      "Dr. O was killing it yesterday as was Britta!"

      YES! Scotty, Dr. O, and Britch would be a great family! :) If Dr. O and Scotty got married. :)

      "Joss was a little self absorbed yesterday, yes?"

      Yeah she did something stupid and had to lie about it.. Oy!

      "The Whisperer was back in full force, and Snarly with Laura was making me nauseous!"


      "And I'll repeat what I wrote above....Ava eviscerating Cyrus would be fabulous!"

      Haha and she would too!!!

  11. One of the reasons that this storyline failed so badly is that they successfully recast Duke and then suddenly killed him off again to free Anna up for this caca. GH hired a new EP, Joseph Hardy and this is the direction he went. He lasted 2 years and most of tbe storyli es were duds.

    1. "Wrenspence says, One of the reasons that this storyline failed so badly is that they successfully recast Duke and then suddenly killed him off again to free Anna up for this caca."

      Oh you mean when they gave him a new face and he said that he had a plastic surgery on his face? Yeah then when they killed him off and he died in Anna's arms, well that was just too traumatizing! I hated it! I couldn't ever watch that scene again. Then as it turned out, he was fake and not Duke at all.

  12. It should be noted that Cesar Faison was created for this storyline and for that alone, it should get some credit.

    1. Didn't remember that little tidbit! Ok, so maybe the storyline wasn't so bad after all! :)



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