Thursday, April 8, 2021

Alexis Davis

 Finally saw Tuesday's show... Great stuff from Jeff, Genie and Marcus.  Liked the prison consultant lady. 

You know Spencer got that fake hand LOL 

TODAY IS ALEXIS DAY!! 25 years of Nancy on GH !!  I love the character of Alexis-Natasha!! She's just a good addition to the show and now is a vet for sure. 

Alexis talks to Sam about her mother. Then says she needs to go talk to someone. Kevin sees her and asks "Who is Alexis Davis" ... 

Fighter, Idealist, Advocate is how she describes herself. 

Flashback to little Alexis watching her mother and father dance. 

YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS!! Good stuff, too much to write really. She sees Jax, Finn, Valentin, Ned. Goes to the Qs and Olivia tells her she doesn't hate her but wants the old Alexis back. 

Alexis is seeing her mother and father fight. He kept beating her one Christmas when Alexis was 5 or 6. He gave her the watch but when she wanted him to stay over, she threatned to tell Helena all about them. 

GREAT SHOW... comes full circle and Molly "graduates" so Alexis can see her in her gown. Alexis goes to prison and ends up helping her cellmate for her upcoming parole hearing. 



  1. Today's episode was outstanding. It should be Nancy's submission for the Emmys. She is always good, but today she out did herself. I was crying the last 10 minutes of the show.

  2. excellent show today. makes me wonder why actresses like NLG, genie francis, finola hughes and rebecca herbst are not lead actress material. instead we get the banshee (LW) and the mumbler (KEMO) for the leads

  3. This episode was really well done. I loved how it came full circle with that final little touch at the end.(in case not everyone has scene it.)

    I think the writers could also submit this episode.

  4. HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY ALEXIS DAVIS!!!!! :) What a great show today!!!! Alexis was everywhere! At Kelly's with all the sexy men at the table! She saw little Natasha. When she first saw her, I thought at first that they were at the courthouse. Yes Alexis I know all about self sabotage in relationships. I've done it. You don't want to get hurt so you protect yourself. Alexis talking about going to jail tomorrow.. Huh?! I thought it was next week!! At Charlie's that bartender looked like Julian! Man I miss him! All the talk about her mother's watch! Hmmm. Is the watch storyline going to be back?

    Alexis remembering a memory and taking it out on Doc! Lashing out at him! Wow what a powerful memory!! Her father asks are you being a good girl? I thought he was asking Natasha, but he was asking her mother!!! Yuck! Anyway, all the flashbacks!!! Including Dobson!!! I love Dobson!!! I wish they didn't show the flashback of Alexis running away from her wedding to Ned. :( hurtful memory. I'm glad they didn't show the semi. I love the Gatekeepers and always will. :) Alexis talking to little Natasha made me cry!!!!!!!!!!! :( Alexis did win the line of the day.

    Alexis: That was awhile ago. I think the British were coming. And someone dropped tea in the Boston harbor.

    ROFL! I loved the end when the watch started to work! YAY!!!!!! :)

    Throwback Thursday: In honor of Alexis's 25th anniversary, *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1996* Alexis first episode..

    1. You know what’s ironic? In her first episode, she was hired to help Kevin. And in today’s episode, it is Kevin who ends up returning the favor

    2. "bigdoodah says, You know what’s ironic? In her first episode, she was hired to help Kevin. And in today’s episode, it is Kevin who ends up returning the favor"

      Oh wow!!! You're right! It all comes full circle!!! :)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Even being choked up through most of the episode I did manage to laugh at line of day! :) Kevin was the perfect person to guide Alexis down memory lane. I was thrilled to see the flashbacks, and YAY!!! Dobson!! I just loved this episode!

      After reading yesterday's comments we now have 4 nominees for the bus hit. Ponytail, PLP, Gladys, Snarly and maybe Mumbles. We might need a bigger bus.

    5. bigdoodah - Wow, that's an excellent observation and thanks for posting it!

    6. Interesting. I didn't remember that. I love that touch!

    7. "Julie H says, Even being choked up through most of the episode I did manage to laugh at line of day! :)"

      Haha oh good. :)

      "Kevin was the perfect person to guide Alexis down memory lane."

      Yes he was!!

      "I was thrilled to see the flashbacks, and YAY!!! Dobson!!"

      Yes!! YAY Dobson!!!

      "After reading yesterday's comments we now have 4 nominees for the bus hit. Ponytail, PLP, Gladys, Snarly and maybe Mumbles. We might need a bigger bus."

      Hahahahaha. Nah Ponytail can stay and Snarly. The rest, bye bye!

  5. Wonderful episode. So well done. Bravo to GH! And NLG of course.

  6. This is why I really wish that they would have done victor cassadine’s return in a better fashion. Those would have made great scenes between him and Alexis, and given more insight as to the woman she has become.

  7. What is up with Peter? Is he going to do something bad to Finn?

  8. Semi spoiler below:

    This was SO, SO well done. The entire episode. Why can't it be like this all the time?

    Peter and Cyrus need to get killed. Carly needs to not be on for a LONG time.

    Wow, to the back story of Alexis. Had they ever mentioned any of this before? If so, I don't remember. Explains SOOOOOOO much about why she is the way she is

  9. Man...from Kristin to Kristina, not to mention Sam’s own past.... they’ve all dealt with domestic abuse...this lineage has dealt with their own version of the cassadine curse. What’s crazy is that you can see how charismatic young Mikkos could be up until he lost control and went fully insane, just like in the ice princess storyline.

  10. I can't say how much I enjoyed this episode, but I'm going to try! NLG was simply the best, and the writers outdid themselves. I was boo-hooing during her conversation with Natasha, and I totally lost it when Kevin described her daughters with the words Alexis used to describe herself. OMG, that was just PERFECT! Bravo GH!

    1. I agree Julie H. Must have been different writers for this episode. They knocked it out of the park. Fighter, Idealist, Advocate. Describes Alexis and each of her daughters is one of those things.

    2. It was so funny that her "party" at Kelly's was all guys. It was great because all of those guys have been there for her and have been her supporter and friends.

  11. I so agree that Genie Francis, Rebecca Herbst, Nancy Lee Grahn and Finola Hughes should be the lead actresses on "GH." They regularly blow everyone else out of the water.

  12. Also, is it too much wishful thinking that maybe Cameron Mathison is a Jax recast, in light of Ingo acting like a d-bag to NLG?

    1. Maurice said it was a joke. Didn't you see his post on twitter?

  13. I thought it was glaring that Diane was missing in this episode. While I'm happy all of her male friends were there for her- Diane is has been her BFF forever and I thought it was strange she wasn't involved at all. If they couldn't get her in the end scene with everyone for Molly's graduation - she should have at least been in an "earlier in the day" segment - the could easily have pre-taped that.

  14. DIANE wasn't there?????????HOW is that possible??????? I was screaming WHERE IS DIANE?
    also, if Peter is going to threaten Violet, then that HAS to mean WR is bye-bye-----non-redeemable character goes too far.....hopefully huge WHO DUN IT is in the works.

    1. What?!?!! He better not threaten Violet!!!!!

    2. It was a HUGE hole having Diane missing from this episode.

    3. Is that why Peter was glaring in Finns direction?

  15. They could have showed Diane for a hot 5 minutes. Not nice. Otherwise, super episode



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