Monday, April 12, 2021

Baby Fever

 Monday! Rainy here. Which I guess we need but after being spoiled last week it's tough to take.


Val and Anna have Peter. Oh, Anna tazed him!!  She says he's turning into his father.  Finn comes over. Valentin has to put him in the basement. Finn gets Violet's stuffed pig and goes to leave but finds Valentin's wallet. He probably thinks they slept together. 

Maxie and Britt talk about her plan after she gives birth. Maxie says Spinelli. Britt says Peter will figure it out in 2 seconds flat. No to Robin either. NO ONE YOU KNOW!  Maxie has been pregnant since LAST MAY. Lordy.  Does no one count at GH? LOL Anyway, Britt says that she will take the baby and place it and Maxie can't know where. 

Chases' apartment: Chase doesn't feel, clammy... thinks he has food poisoning ..Guess I was wrong thinking it was Greg! He tells Finn he needs sleep and Finn gives him water and leaves. Chase has a fever dream where Willow wants to move back in. Then he wakes up and is worse. 

Michael and Willow move a mattress :eyeroll: ...they talk about their relationship. Michael tells her that he has feelings for her and Sasha and he broke up. Oh! Willow has feelings too. Lord these two are insufferable. They kiss; A REAL KISS! Tongues and all..damn. I haven't seen that in a year!!  They have ZEX. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

NuTaggert is in with Portia at GH. I guess Real tested positive for Covid? Or something? I don't know. Taggert says he knows that Portia cheated on him with Curtis. He says it's his fault because he was a bad husband. They say they hope Jordan and Curtis get back together. 

Curtis is at the club and Jordan walks in. "The Savoy" is the name of the new club. She tries to get it on with him an he's not having it LOL . He wants a divorce. 

Chase calls in sick

Peter tells Anna unless they let him go, someone will die. 


  1. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I ff'd through a lot of stuff today.

  2. WHERE did Savoy come from? On ZOOM, Donnell said he was pleased with the name of his club - I am lost....

  3. Zzzzzzzzzzzz is an understatement. Tedious.
    Hiney...same old thing over and over.

  4. Chandler Mansion:

    V.C., Anna, and Hiney: TAZING HIM!!!! YAY!!!! *Grabs popcorn* Taze him again Anna!!!! :)

    Anna and Finchy: This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy went WEEE WEEE all the way to Finchy's home. :)

    Finchy: You look pretty.



    V.C. and Hiney: *Eats some popcorn* Uh V.C., why aren't you putting duct tape on his mouth?!!?!?! Hiney wins the line of the day.

    Hiney: So tell me how long it's going to be before you bed her? Oh and by the way when you do, you will know you owe it ALL to me.


    The hospital:

    Britch and Maxie: Spinny? Nah just get Felicia and she will take the baby to Texas. Oh wait I guess not. There is Brooky! :) Maybe the Tribbles can help too.

    Portia and NuTaggart: That surprised me to see that recast Taggart. I was concerned about Real!! Great scene though. I'm glad he knew she cheated on him, and with Curtis. I'm glad they made peace. With their scene, I'm thinking Portia and Curtis are going to be together, and Taggart will be with Jordan. Fine by me! :)

    Chase's home:

    Chase and Finchy: Oh no!!! Chase!!! I thought Gregory was the one going to be poisoned.. Poor Chase! I don't want him to die!!!! :(

    Chase's Chillow fever dream: *Sniff sniff* Beautiful fever dream don't wake up just yet Chase! Oh rats you did. You are sweating!!! :( Will he die on the couch? :( Why is his shirt off? Does he feel hot and cold? is he having hot flashes like a woman does when she is having menapause? :)

    Q's gatehouse:

    Michael and Willow: BORING! Michael was in a boring relationship with Sasha, and now he jumps into another boring relationship.. OH MY NO COVID KISSING OR ZEX!!! UGH! They must have been vaccinated. UGH! BORING!

    The Savoy bar:

    Jurtis: MAN! Curtis is all sweaty and wearing a tank top! He lookin good!!! :) I thought at first Jordan said the boy as the name of the club. Where did Savoy come from? Poor Jordan she is so constipated.

    Curtis: I think it's time we got a divorce.


    1. They must be vaccinated. Real kisses. Holy cow

    2. Maxie is 11 months pregnant. Wow. That's a first

    3. "lindie says, They must be vaccinated. Real kisses. Holy cow"

      Yeah they must have!!!!

      "Maxie is 11 months pregnant. Wow. That's a first"


    4. Got to say I was shocked I tell ya, that there was real kissing. I do believe that I've been brain washed, lol!
      Your face palm was excellent, made me laugh out loud! :) Seriously where did that line come from?

      And this: "Hiney: So tell me how long it's going to be before you bed her? Oh and by the way when you do, you will know you owe it ALL to me." HAHAHAHAH! Lord have mercy, it reads like a cheesy Victorian novel. It's official, PLP is Snidely Whiplash. And Anna saying for the umpteenth time "you're just like your father"...means nothing now. KILL PLP NOW!! (thanks for listening!)

    5. "Julie H says, Got to say I was shocked I tell ya, that there was real kissing. I do believe that I've been brain washed, lol!"

      ROFL! We are just used to not seeing anybody kiss! It's been a year! :) We have to get used to it again.

      "Your face palm was excellent, made me laugh out loud! :)"

      Hahahaha! Thanks. :)

      "Seriously where did that line come from?"

      I have no idea!!! He says it AS he was leaving?! He could have said it when he got there. Maybe he was talking to Belle the pig! :)

      "And this: "Hiney: So tell me how long it's going to be before you bed her? Oh and by the way when you do, you will know you owe it ALL to me." HAHAHAHAH! Lord have mercy, it reads like a cheesy Victorian novel.

      Hahahahaha I know!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "It's official, PLP is Snidely Whiplash. And Anna saying for the umpteenth time "you're just like your father"...means nothing now. KILL PLP NOW!!"

      Yes! Snidley Whiplash needs to die and die now!!!

      "(thanks for listening!)"

      Hahahaha you're welcome! :)

  5. jordan and curtis weird. just because she has a career where she cannot tell him everything means divorce. there are alot of careers where you cannot tell your spouse everythig about your job. and i don't mind millow.

    1. Loved Millow! Chase going to die, making Willow feel guilty and out of Michael's arms??? 😡😡😡

    2. Classic soap. Chase will be on deaths door and Willow will go back to Chase because of this.

    3. You're probably right as they don't seem to know how to write anything else for Willow, just round and round and pick up the toys.

  6. I like knowing Brooklynn will probably have Maxie's baby safe and sound. Whether in Brooklyn or in PC. But as someone else mentioned... poor Valentine

    I say Anna and valentine say go ahead to the whisperer. at least you won't be able to terrorize anyone else. Call his bluff and kill him. Jack Bauer style (24)

    Yes it was slow, but no Carly made me relax and somewhat enjoy.

    1. Agreed, no Carly was fabulous and I didn't think the show was that bad! And 100 likes for Jack Bauer style. Lol!

  7. Why don't they record Peter when he is threatening people? I know it won't hold up in court, but they could post it all over the internet or something.

  8. Replies
    1. As in Thelma and Louise? Where the heck did Louise come from? Yuck

    2. Her name is Louise but they are calling her Lou after Lulu.

  9. Great idea, Britt sends the baby off who knows where, Peter kills Britt and Maxie doesn't know where her baby is. Great plan. She already has one daughter in Portland Oregon or somewhere.

    1. ROFL! Very good point.. Britch should write a letter which states where the baby is.

  10. Just thought of this: Peter is probably wondering what Finn was doing at Anna's and he is not poisoned somewhere.

  11. In real time Maxie has been pregnant for 11 months but there were no shows from May until August so I'm thinking that the timeline was magically paused for those two and a half months.

  12. I still think peter dying is a coming. Who dun it. Especially since Valentin and Alexis have kidnapped him. Stupid that people aren’t recording Cyrus. And peter for that matter.
    Also Hayden is not even mentioned anymore.

  13. Real Andrews may be dealing with personal health issues. He has battled Cancer in the past, which required surgery. I hope he is doing fine.

  14. I think its the first time seeing Anna in jeans. She is so tiny.



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