Monday, April 26, 2021

Monday: What's Up?


Oldie from the Archives! 

What will happen on GH today? Last we saw, Jax was seeing a cowboy Sonny and being led off to the hospital. Finn was yelling at Anna and hoping to find the antidote. TJ and Molly were having a discussion about the justice system and Brook made a deal with Valentin. You think I'll miss much this week? I'm thinking not a whole lot. I will try to catch the eps on Hulu tho so I can wrap up next Sunday.

Look for great posts from Dave during the week! 


  1. I love tyler christopher. I want him back!

  2. Looks like the Sean Donnelly episode is May 21. Hope they do him justice

    1. I am not seeing Tristan Rogers name attached to the promo pieces for the Donnelly episode. If he is not in it, that is terrible. He and Anna and Sean were the freaking 3 WSB amigos. WTH! I hope it was an oversight in the promo and that he is a major part of it. -OldSChoolGHfan

    2. If Tristan Roger's is not in that episode I am not watching. They were BEST friends.

  3. I love Tyler, too. NuNik is a good recast but not like the original. I really hope they get Jack Wagner for the Reilly episode.

    1. No way Wagner comes back at this time. Still sore about his last appearance. -OldSChoolGHfan

  4. Nixon falls spin off

    Pennsylvania side of the river hospital:

    Nina and Phyllis: Yeah Phyllis! Looks like Nina is still in wuv with Jax.

    Phyllis: Are you going to take him back?

    Nina: Who says Jax would want me back?

    I hope you don't get back with him Nina!!!! I want you with Mike! :)

    Nina and Jax: The first thing that Jax says when he opens his eyes, is Sonny! That is all that Jax can talk about! Sonny! Jax must be in love with him!


    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTanO Mountain:

    Lenny and Mike: Mike wins the line of the day.

    Mike: Who the hell robs a barn dance?

    HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA. Mike asks that question twice!!

    Mike and Elijah: Boy Elijah is getting defensive. Why you getting defensive? Did you hire those two guys to rob the barn dance? Hmmmmm?

    Lenny and Elijah: OH MY! Now Elijah is disparaging Mike! Geez Elijah and Mike just kiss already!

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Liz: For someone who just lost her husband, she sure doesn't look destroyed. Finchy and Liz are going to end up being a couple aren't they? Hmmm. Well since RayRay (Hayden) isn't coming back as for as I know, then Finchy and Liz can be together and I won't be upset. I'll call them Fiz. :) She is so sweet to him. Wanting to take him out for coffee! :) He is so busy though with trying to find out how to save Chase.

    Anna and Finchy: Wow they are together more now, than when they were a couple! Oh and the stuff that Anna got from the floor, IS the antidote!!!!

    Chase and Finchy: Finchy tells him we are dealing with a toxin!!

    Chase and Willow: What the hell kind of poison is this?!?!?! Now Chase thinks that he and Willow are married!!! OH NO HE IS HAVING A SEIZURE!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie and Anna: At first Maxie was rude to Anna, but then Anna told her everything including that text Anna got from Hiney. So now they are ally's? Oh Hiney is there with flowers. Is the flowers poison? Do you want Anna to smell them Hiney?

    Maxie, Anna, and Hiney: The look on Anna's face!!! Hahaha. I guess now Maxie and Anna will have to pretend! Let's do make believe! OH YAY! :)

    Q home:

    Brooky, Olivia, and Dante: Olivia is upset with Brooky! Dante is trying to calm Olivia down. Olivia and Dante go in the other room to talk, while Brooky calls Tracy for help and tells her the fake baby news. Tracy won't help her and hangs up on her! ROFL! I'm surprised Tracy won't help. So Brooky calls Lord Ashton for help and it seems like he has lost his hearing or something. Brooky had to yell out HELP ROFL! Olivia and Dante rush in! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M DEAD!

    1. HAHAHAHHA! I was with Mike and laughed out loud. Seriously, who DOES rob a barn dance?!

      So glad AnnaBot told Maxie the truth. If I was Maxie I would have tossed her out on her ear. I am so sick of this story.

      Loved Chase's eyeroll when he had his seizure. Does that make me a bad person? :)

      I would be all behind a "Fiz" pairing. Quite frankly I like Liz with all the men!

    2. "Julie H says, HAHAHAHHA! I was with Mike and laughed out loud. Seriously, who DOES rob a barn dance?!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't know! It wasn't even a lot of money! Even though the town needed it so badly! HAHAHAHHHAHHAAHA!

      "So glad AnnaBot told Maxie the truth. If I was Maxie I would have tossed her out on her ear. I am so sick of this story."

      Yeah I'm glad Maxie told her the truth too. I'm tired of this story myself. Someone needs to kill off Hiney!

      "Loved Chase's eyeroll when he had his seizure. Does that make me a bad person? :)"

      Is it because that was some great acting? Or you don't like Chase? :)

      "I would be all behind a "Fiz" pairing. Quite frankly I like Liz with all the men!"

      Yeah Liz has chemistry with most of the men! :)

    3. I agree liz has chemistry with most men. and love her friendships with women

    4. Sonya, I like Chase and thought it was a good eyeroll! :) And his color was bad. I'm with LindaV below, he looked sick!

    5. "Julie H says, Sonya, I like Chase and thought it was a good eyeroll! :)"

      I'm glad he isn't bulging his eyes out anymore. :)

      "And his color was bad. I'm with LindaV below, he looked sick!"

      Yeah he does!!! My poor Chase! :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This eyeroll was the first time Chase actually looked ill. His hair is always perfect and he looks too damned healthy.



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