Thursday, October 31, 2019

MEET Nikolas Cassadine!!


I must admit, I wanted it to be Tyler but his guy has the Cassadine "look"-- and although I thought he was too young at first, the actor is 41--so! hey! Bring it on. Here's hoping he can act! Marcus Coloma is playing him. Nikolas was on canvas in 2016 and after Tyler Christopher's hasty leaving, Nicholas Stabile stepped in. 
Here's hoping he can act and I'm dying to see him interact with our AVA! Here's his IMDB for you to take a look-see. 

BY THE WAY--happy Halloween from a very rainy Rochester--poor kids are soaked!! 


  1. In Brooklyn, it rained today, and they said there would be a break in the afternoon/evening for trick or treating, and it did work out. It's supposed to pour later, around 11, but that's OK . . .

    Thanks so much for sharing the pic of the new Nik, he does look like TC . . . Just finished working, so going now to Port Charles . . .

  2. Replies
    1. I agree. Way too young for Ava, but so was Morgan. LOL

  3. Well, Ava WAS with Morgan . . .

    Also, I just started watching, but, isn't it supposed to be a high school dance? Aren't those dances chaperoned to protect the children? Why are so many adults at the dance, including Kendra?

    And, Cam said he still is doing community service--YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! ALL of the murderers in PC do no time at all, or go to jail for, like 5 minutes, and he was trying to get pot for a sick friend, and his sentence is how long?

    1. AntJoan two different parties. Kendra wasn't at the HS party since she's not in high school. She was at the other party.

  4. Spectacular costumes, and lots of extras, so far I'm loving this show!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ugh. Tyler Christopher coming back would have had me getting back into the show. Instead I’m now deleting the series recording from my DVR. So disappointed.

  7. Maura was born in 72 and NuNik in yrs, not a big deal really. Peter Cook, Christie Brinkley's ex is dating or engaged to someone young enough to be his granddaughter now that is disgusting. So 6 yrs is nothing...haha!

    1. Laura Wright is 49 and Wes Ramsey is 42...7 years difference. lol

    2. Exactly. Besides this is the 21st century. Age is just a #. Except a 30 yr age (plus) age difference...that's just gross, hello Peter Cook to name one...

    3. My husband is 8 years younger than I am . . . Nothing wrong with that . . .

  8. I just watched a few clips of the show South Beach he was on and he can act. So we shall see...

  9. Was Colton Scott not available?

    1. Oh if he had played a recast Nik, hopefully he doesn't fall in love with Felicia!!! Hahahaha. I hope you got the joke! :)

  10. I am pleased that Nik was not a Friday cliffhanger. This new guy's pic looks a lot like Chase. Let him hang around to tie up some loose ends and then he can disappear until the real Nik (Tyler) returns. I am sure that Sam could outfight Cassandra in a jail cell blowout.

  11. I was so hoping for Tyler or Nick Stabile who I really liked, but I'm just so ready for Nikolas Cassadine to be back, that I'm giving the new guy a lot of leeway. He does have "the look", and age isn't an issue for me, lol!

    Cassandra looked awful, I'm hoping they did that on purpose, and oh my yes, ride or die mumbler should be able to take her in a fight. If not, Sammy loses her street cred.

    Bummer that Cam and Joss are getting busted for drinking, that's not going to go well. And our poor Trina.....Dev is now officially an idiot!

    1. I agree Julie, I was just ready for Nik to be back I don't care who plays him. Yeh I wish it were TC or Stable. But Marcus looks Cassadine like so like some have said, let's hope he can act. He's easy on the eyes. Age isn't an issue for me either.
      Cassandra looked awful, yes. On purpose I'm sure. She had just come from where? Solitary? Infirmary? I barely listened cause I am hating this sl. Anyways. I'm sure Sam won't let her beat her down, although from the weak way she acted with Jason the other day she just might.
      I hoped Cam and Joss wouldn't get caught, mind you I don't condone underage drinking (but it's a soap and it's not real) and they both have been thru real crap this yr and finishing off a bottle of what scotch together. I knew they'd pay for it the next day. LOL I wonder if Joss is gonna throw Cam under the bus? Poor Trina, hey girl...welcome to my world. Dev, you're an idiot! I do hope Cam and Joss get together. They were cute together.

    2. I don't condone teenage drinking either, but just like you said this is a soap! At least 2 of us are going to like the new Nik, for awhile anyways. Some commentors on FB were really up in arms about the new guy's age and it not being Tyler. Lol!

    3. New Nick has the look and fortunately Spencer is young looking and hasn't been SORA'd so a dad who's 41 instead of 46 doesn't make a heck of a lot of differnce, especially since it's the age where it's always hard to tell if you take care of yourself, and this guy certainly does. And he has that cassadine stare down pat.

    4. Loved how Cam and Joss actors played drunk! They didn't overdo it like some adult actors do, they were just right! Hope they didn't know how to act from experience, LOL . . .

    5. Those two were great and so completely normal for kids that age to try alcohol. At least they didn't drive. And poor Trina - I thought she had the crush on Cam instead of that lackluster Dev.

  12. ride or die mumbler seemed afraid of the old lady in her cell

    1. Hahahaha! I thought the same thing!

    2. hahahaha And she was sleep talking to her too.

  13. I just think that with the ratings tanking so badly it would have been quite a boost to get TC back instead of a recast.

    1. Well...he left for a reason 😓 and they couldn't get him back, sadly. But the character is popular. So...I'm willing to give the actor a chance. Because apparently TC didn't didn't want to come back so....

  14. Only Tyler can play the complicated Nicholas. He is the best and has been playing him since the beginning. There is NO substitute. Why couldn't thy get him back?! So disappointed. :(

    1. He didn't want to come back. Their choice was find a good replacement or drop the character.Everyone wanted the character back so they found a new actor. I think they picked well this time. I hope it works out as well as our last Carly replacement.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...