Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Cover Girl


Ratings were up !! I'm thinking it's a bump for the Sasha reveal (weddings always bring in eyes) and good old Michael E Knight. People want to see what Tad is doing now a days! Ok, ok, "Mr. Gray". We ALL KNOW who 'he' really is though! 

I loved Friday's show so much, I hardly remember the rest of the week.  Plus, we had Nelle on! Ryan killed someone again! How can you beat that combo?!!


FAN THEORY OF THE WEEK: Remember when Ava and Nina had a nice drink together in Crimson? Well, we saw them sit down-- and Ava smile but nothing else. I was a bit upset about it until someone pointed out that Nina could be totally scamming Valentin on the "forgiveness" front and we will see the plot unfold in a flashback. Oh, PLEASE LET IT BE SO!! 


Please Tell The kids I love them!! 


Danny and the Girl-Child? 


Oh my GOD,  Jason-- It's SCOUT!! 

YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL OF THE WEEK:  Oh yaaaahh! Bye Sam.. and get this: Jordan hauls her off right after telling her that Ryan killed her "alibi" Bryce!! Then--it gets better. How can it, you ask? Well her cell-mate is in solitary for putting someone's eyes out--and the guard says "Every Day is a NEW DAWN"!! Ahahahaa. Oh, Shlioh, still killin' it even beyond the grave. 


FLIM-FLAM OF THE WEEK:  'Hi, my name is Janelle Benson and my hobbies are: Knitting, taking care of the dying, training dogs for the blind, helping old ladies across the street, baking pies for the inmates, donating blood and picking up trash in Oscar's Meadow. Oh, and my sweet, sweet baby died.
The End. 

Unfortunately, the parole board didn't buy it and Nelle's not coming out anytime soon. 


UNEXPECTED PAIRING OF THE WEEK: At first I was like, huh? Laura being all cool with Ava? Then I remembered the whole Ryan thing-- and losing a child thing. And guess what? LOVED  THEM!! Plus, is Nikolas totally coming back or WHAT~~?? 
Also: Genie has on a Beetlejuice blazer this time!! She's been wearing coats and jackets all summer--why not go for this look? :eyeroll: 
Someone's watching them. Everyone's money is on Nikolas. BUT--is it Tyler Christopher's Nikolas or???


YES, IT'S STILL A SECRET OF THE WEEK:  No movement on the Wiley front other than Lucas is getting suspicious of Brad's guilt daily anxiety attacks.  Brad is also on the coals for tampering with the DNA test of Sasha, as ordered by Dr. O.  Ut. Oh. 


MORGAN MENTIONS OF THE WEEK: There were A MILLION because--it's the anniversary of his death! 3 years ago, people. Yikes. Joss was upset, Sonny was cryin' at his grave...Carly was all "Morgan, Morgan". And yes, I know it's like that in real life --but this is a soap and no one --I mean NO ONE is mentioned more than Dead Morgan. 
MOSS ALERT: It was actually MOVED from Center Island while the teens were carving pumpkins. It's planning a protest later in the month. 


WUBS FAVORITE OF THE WEEK: Oh, you know I was picking this!! I'm a sucker for a good killer and JL plays Ryan to perfection.  The sheer fact they stuck Bryce in with a notorious serial killer is SO Soapy.


FACE OF THE WEEK:  Ma' matter who I am, I think you might be a bit Coo-Coo. 


IDIOT OF THE WEEK: Maxie. Maxie. Maxie.  STILL getting on Lulu's case about telling Nina the truth? I think she is just jelly SHE didn't get to do it!! Although I must say, her wardrobe and make up was finally on-point! 


Yeah, hi..remember me? Get back here please, I'm running out of things to do... I can only eat so many donuts and pretend to care about Alexis' exercising for so long...

REVELATION OF THE WEEK: Finn finally realizes that Hayden may have had that baby after all....


PROP OF THE WEEK: Poison protein powder


Ryan breaks out of jail just in time for Halloween. (I have a list for him to kill, btw, just seek me out, writers!!) Oh, and after he kills, he's not found. That way he can pop up whenever we need to 'clean house' a bit! He could also have a side story where he's living on a tropical island somewhere. Calling Ava now and again! 

Curtis also helps Ava through this time--- because you know, Curtis. 

Olivia and Julian have to go into business together. She bans flannel 

The Moss dresses up as Faison's Brain for Halloween. 

Britt comes back and helps Brad remember how to act like a badass-liar. 



Liz told Kim off--and just how crazy she is.  Ditto Cam
Nelle's parole was denied. --Giving her more time to spend with Sam and or Sasha I'm presuming. 

Nina seemed to forgive Valentin--but it was awfully fast, wasn't it? 
Sam is off to Pentonville and Ryan killed her only hope of leaving 
Kendra is going to poison Alexis with protein powder to avenge Keifer's death. NINE YEARS AGO. 
Finn's figuring out that Hayden might have a secret
Lucas is figuring out Brad might have a  secret
Someone's watching Laura and Av

Tamara Braun is out as Kim 

Since Friday was the best of the best in a long time, I'm a happy camper. Maybe we will get a Pentonville Soap... 


  1. Best SS yet! Ok are we for sure Tams is out? I got the latest SOD and it wasn't in there. So I don't wanna get my hopes up just for them to be dashed LOL!
    I so hope that is Nik watching Laura and Ava, can't imagine who else it'd be since Ryan is in P'ville.
    I agree about Nina taking Val back too soon, I even mentioned how I thought she might possibly be playing him cause it was awfully fast.
    Loved Maxie's look too, but sick of her crap. She need to shut her trap. Can't wait til she finds out about Peter HA take that Maxie!
    LOL! Karen you slay me! Poor Finn, Anna needs to come home.
    Can't wait til he finds out he has a daughter BUT FIRST Michael needs to know he has a son.
    Speaking of, so glad Nellie's parole was denied. When wiping her fake a** tears she had a snear I'm sure that wasn't missed....
    Glad ratings but can they stay? Maybe hopefully with the new writer?

    1. Shelley's name is still on the banner but I think things are tying up as she exits. I'm hopeful. Finola took over Tony Geary's cushy vacation schedule!

  2. Excellent SS & I loved Friday, too! Sam had to finally get rid of those 5 inch heels to go to jail! Ava and Laura are so good in their scenes and Ryan is pure gold. Hope that the real Nik is lurking!

    1. I'm surprised she wasn't wearing them to the very end! LOL!

  3. Ryan really needs to clean house. he can continue in prison, sam, sasha and nelle.

  4. i'd like to point out that i was the first one here to think Nina is playing Val - i read another blog yesterday that said 'yep, she is".........that makes MUCH more sense.....
    Dear Diary, thank you for hopefully getting rid of don't forget Sasha and Keifer's sister and Jordan and Dev --------oh, and if time, let's get rid of Brad..........

  5. Wonderful SS! Sam looked so good in her prison garb. The casual look suits her.
    It is stupid that Ryan was given a roomie, but glorious and yes, soapy. JL is fab at everything he does. Wish he had as much air time as some others. Pentonville sure is getting crowded.
    I still hate the sports bra girl/Alexis story. No one cares about Kiefer. Hope it just fizzles away and disappears.
    How could anyone believe that Sasha deceived everyone on her own? This character has no smarts and no personality. She seemed a bit more lively with the old Nina but still rather lifeless. Give the girl some chutzpah or put her in jail with Ryan.
    But Brad, PC, is so good at being sleazy.

  6. sorry but I don't like Felicia's hair cut short - did you see Monday's preview?

    1. Didn't see that on preview. Short like Hayden, or really short? I do like that style.

  7. Kristina Malandro always looks better with long hair IMO

    1. Yeah I like it when it's either long or medium. Short hair, no.

  8. "People want to see what Tad is doing now a days! Ok, ok, "Mr. Gray". We ALL KNOW who 'he' really is though!"

    ROFL! Yes we do know!!!! :)

    "I was a bit upset about it until someone pointed out that Nina could be totally scamming Valentin on the "forgiveness" front and we will see the plot unfold in a flashback. Oh, PLEASE LET IT BE SO!!"

    Yes please!!! Let her be scamming him!!!

    "Hi, my name is Janelle Benson and my hobbies are: Knitting, taking care of the dying, training dogs for the blind, helping old ladies across the street, baking pies for the inmates, donating blood and picking up trash in Oscar's Meadow. Oh, and my sweet, sweet baby died."

    HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah basically. :)

    "MOSS ALERT: It was actually MOVED from Center Island while the teens were carving pumpkins. It's planning a protest later in the month."

    ROFL! I can't wait to see the protest!:)


    YES PLEASE!!!!!!!

    "Olivia and Julian have to go into business together. She bans flannel"


    "The Moss dresses up as Faison's Brain for Halloween."

    LOVE IT!!!! :)


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...