Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is Tamara Braun OUT at GH?

Daytime Confidential's rumor patrol is hearing she may be done! They have a pretty good track record so-- I tend to believe it. What do you think? Will you miss her? Kim's not a well liked character, that's for sure.  Tams has her fans though, and she is a good actress. If she's leaving then "Drew" will probably flip back to Franco. 


  1. Sorry to say, but I would like Kim gone

  2. Sorry to say, but I would like Kim gone

    1. Me too. Save the money for Robert or Mac.

  3. YES!! I hope the rumors are true...Bye Felecia..hahaha! I won't shed a tear when Kim leaves, I want Franco back!

  4. I loved her as Carly, but hate her as Kim. Time to let go.

  5. She was a pretty good character when she started--a strong, smart doctor, and a loving mother. Now she is just a mess. I have felt all along that Franco would come back.

  6. Won't miss her in the least. The character is beyond a mess, the cast is too big, etc. I wasn't a fan of her Carly either, but those were big shoes to fill. I wish the actress well.

  7. Like the actress, and when she first came on I was interested in the potential of the character. But now she has no connection to anyone except Fake-Drew, and they've boxed her into a corner. I cringe when I see Kim. Let her go into therapy and then back to her original home. San Diego?

  8. Hope so - lousy character and lousy actress. Nice person, though. About time!

  9. her character just never worked.......and thinking Franco IS Drew is ridiculous-----at least the writers realized that Franco/Liz belong together and Kim is just not needed...........now ON TO GETTING RID OF SASHA!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, everytime she calls Franco Drew I cringe...and I tell her, 'his name is FRANCO' (yes I talk to my tv) LOL

  10. Yeah, Sasha and Peter next! Also,TB has had the ugliest wardrobe and blah hair and makeup for her entire stay.

  11. Never cared for her this time around. And now that she's in her teenage mode maybe she should hang with Oscar's friends. lol. Just one of too many characters on GH.

  12. I agree. Use the money for Robert and Mac

  13. Liked Kim when she was with Julian, but won't miss the character Kim has become. After Oscar died it seemed there was no place for her to go. Very sad. Tamara is a wonderful actress.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...