Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Here we go!


Alexis is in Charlie's ordering a lot of stuff...because you know, SAM'S IN JAIL .. wtf is this? UGH 
Kendra the trainer comes in. Alexis said she had her GP look at the ingredients in her protein drink. The doctor gave it the all clear. She says it helps her sleep and she feels good but 'needs a refill" DUN DUN DUN ... Kendra's face is like Heh heh heh.


Nightmare of Brad's: He dreams Nelle tells Michael about Wiley at her parole hearing. Yells, wakes up Lucas. He shows Lucas his meds from Dr. Neil. Lucas wants to know when he started seeing a therapist. Brad texts Julian, panic mode about Nell's parole hearing. He tells Lucas Dr. Neil wants to see them both at therapy. Lucas is like SURE! 

Later, Lucas goes to see Julian and says Brad yells "Michael" in his sleep. PFfffffffffft! 

Kelly's... Michael and Sasha..she says she didn't tell Nina about Valetin because she didn't want to hurt her more.
Maxie and Lulu: What is Michael DOING with her???? Then...
Valentin and Nina walk in, all 'back together"...Valetin wants to get married in City Hall..
OH WOW! WAIT.. Chase comes in and arrests Sasha for fraud, identity theft and burglary! What!! Nina did this!!
Oh she'll probably end up in Pentonville with Nello!! LOL!! 

MAXIE Is being so bitchy! LOL She lays into Lulu about turning in Sasha and what a mess she made over it all.  She really gets on Lulu's case for 'ruining Nina's life"... Lulu finally says: LIKE you wouldn't tell if YOU knew!???? 

Sasha is in the PCPD "Visiting room" with Michael. She wants to plead guilty. He tells her to bargain with Valentin information. Alexis walks in, she's her lawyer. 

Real parole hearing. Nelle tells Mr. Gray that she'll be out by evening. He's like: don't count on it. Even if they "let you go" it could take months.
Oh, more time to shank Sasha ahahahha
Tad tells her to 'act nice and sweet,  like when we first met, not like you are now" ... 

HEARING: Chase is there, Brad is there...Michael isn't coming because of an "Emergency" ...Parole people come in. Opening statements happen. 
Mr. Gray says she's a model prisoner. Nelle says she's taking full responsibility for her crimes. She talks about training a therapy dog and working at hospice and how she needs to do better and she THANKS the parole board for "making her a better person".. Laying it on thick.

The parole board decided not to release her. She cries. Slips up while talking to Brad and Tad and says "I'm missing so much of Wiley's life" ... Brad says he'll send pics. 

Michael says either HE will get Nina to back off or he'll tell the DA his  involvement. 
Kendra's at Keifer's grave and mixes poison into ALexis' protein stuff. She said Shiloh told her about Kristina's confession. 


  1. Michael will find out about his child when he(Wiley) either graduates high school or is walking down the marriage aisle. I like Brad but it's getting a bit much watching him writhe in emotional torture while trying to be loving.
    Can Val's part in this deception stay a secret for long?
    Sports bra girl and poison is just stupid. Alexis should have a better story line than that.

  2. Brucas home:

    Brucas: Oh!! I had a feeling it was a dream! I mean Nelle telling Michael the truth just like that? So anticlimactic! Love how Michael was so angry though! :)

    Chillow home: Have they moved in together yet? Chase in a towel!!!! At first I thought it was Caaaaaaaaaaarlos! DAMMIT I miss him!!!!

    Parole hearing:

    Marty and Nellie: Hehehehe Tad. :) Salt and pepper hair, and those eyes. :)

    Parole board, Marty, and Nellie: What a fantastic performance from Nellie!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Bravo!!!! :) Too bad you didn't win. Marty warned you.


    Nina and V.C.: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: The reason why I'm upset is sitting right there, and Lulu's here too! Wow! It's almost like we're surrounded.


    Sasha and Michael: UGH!

    Lulu and Maxie: Oh shut up Maxie!!! She is really pissing me off! Can their friendship end already?

    Police station:

    Michael, Sasha, and Alexis: Alexis is kicking you out Michael!!!! GET OUT! Break up already!

    Sasha, Alexis, and Nina: Nina is not backing down! HA! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Alexis and Julian:

    "Karen says Alexis is in Charlie's ordering a lot of stuff...because you know, SAM'S IN JAIL .. wtf is this? UGH"

    ROFL! Alexis seems so happy and refreshed!!! Does she not know about Sam!?!?!?!?! I guess Julian doesn't know either!?!?!

    Kendra and Alexis: Oh look they are bonding.. While Sam is in jail. :-0

    Keifer's grave: Great scene!!!! :) I like this storyline!!!! I want Kendra to confront Alexis and give her a piece of her mind.

  3. So glad they aren't releasing her, but you just know little witch will escape!
    So sick of Maxie!

  4. I can't remember ever watching MEK on AMC but he is is really good!!!

    1. Really? You can't remember? :) I wonder why.. Hmmm. Do you remember Dixie?

  5. Sonya, I can't remember because I didn't watch AMC, LOL.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...