Monday, September 25, 2017


Note On Comments:  I really don't mind comments unless they are totally nasty or they tell me to blatantly shut up (since it's my blog lol). So, I want to hear everyone's opinion. Some people are loving the show--we need to embrace that. We can only HOPE the ratings go up!! Right? :) 
Let's just be civil to each other because god knows, right now the world needs some niceness. 


Ava is all "What do you want me to do with this number? Call Port Charles and Say there's a psycho blue-eyed guy at a clinic in Russia, come get him"??  OMG This is so dumb.  It's so boring. And then the nurse comes in and says: WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM A WEAPON?! (the pen). For godsakes, just lock him up if he's that dangerous. 
Nurse: Oh My goshz! HE's GOTS A WEAPON!!
Doctor: NO! HE can't!! It's a PEN!! Who gave it to him? Did you?
Ava: Well...I er...
Doctor: YOU stupid bitch!!
Then....Steve Burton stands up, holds up the pen in his fist and...(laughing hysterically) takes down his hood to reveal his perfect St. Jaysus hair. AHAHAHAAA. 
FIGHT! He punches out 2 orderlies then some guy comes with a cattle prod. Then, they give Jason a sedative. He falls down. 
Later, Ava gives the phone number to the Dr. The doctor dials the phone. Sonny answers.."hello? Hello"?? 

Carly and Sonny blabbering about NELLE. Carly wants to talk to Zach Grant's sister. Sonny says no. Blah blah. So, of course Sharon Grant calls Carly later and she's going to talk to her lol. 

Nelle doesn't want Michael to buy her the apartment. 'What would your parents think"??  They talk about some kind of lease/trust. I don't even care. Oh she's renting from him. 

Billy Miller wakes up. Sam's in the hall. Then he has a seizure. Then! He wakes up and everything is great! LOL The doctors don't even stay in the room. GEESH. They talk about love...bullets..blah blah. 

Franco Mess: 
Mom says the twin is Jason Q's twin...the other one was sent to live with them.  He wants the whole story. 
Heather gave Franco to Betsy. When Susan ran from Port Charles and had an ultrasound,  they saw 2 heartbeats.  Susan, Betsy and Heather were all at the ultrasound, btw. Heather said "Just take one back to the Q's and fight for custody...they don't even know there's another kid!
Franco remembers his name was DREW. Full name was ANDREW.  Oh, and Betsy said He died. (but we know Helena took him).  Franco asks questions "Why don't I remember him dying"?? Then she hedges--you know that Hells prolly got him.  Franco wants to tell the Qs. Betsy says no, don't tell. 
My predictions look ON THE MONEY! 


  1. Reading your surgery yesterday when you talked about skipping to watch brought back some fond memories! Whenever my friends and I were hooked into a SL we would do the same. My mom was a single parent (dad passed away)so my house was the only one without a parent home so we always watched there. It wasn't the best choice we ever made but it was fun and because we were so addicted we felt it necessary!! Lol! Anyway,thank you for that and for this blog! You're a far more gracious woman than I Miss Snarky!! Lol! Have a blessed day! ��

  2. Well, the pen IS mightier than the sword, or something like that.

  3. i like Maura West - a.k.a. Ava, but I kinda think SHE is the female Sonny - in EVERY story - why???? it's ridiculous that she is in the clinic and now interacts with Jason - did she not MEET the first Jason? Someone please help me on that. NO WAY Valentine would know Jason was there - well, it IS GH and they change history more than I change my sheets......
    the whole rewrite of Jason is ridiculous - I would MUCH rather have Steve Burton back as a new character -
    WHERE is Dillon? And I will repeat - what happened to the BIG high school reunion and we found out Amy loves Dillon.....
    GH is all over the place - no continuity...
    get rid of Parker, Valerie, Kristina, Molly and Nelle...
    and also - it's been days since we have seen Olivia and Ned--Alexis and Diane -
    and OSCAR?????
    finally----- I actually would like Valentine and Lulu together and

  4. I have questions about Valentin. When they were going to bring him on in the first place, he was supposedly the worst, most evil Cassadine ever, and even Helena was afraid of him. BUT . . . the worst he's done on screen is allegedly kill Nik (I say allegedly because we all know he's not REALLY dead. And if he was in the WSB, then prior to him stealing the chimera or whatever, then wouldn't he have been a reasonably decent person? I guess I just don't think he's that bad at all, and even with him 'killing' Nik - who HASN'T murdered someone on the show???

  5. Kelly's:


    Janelle's thoughts: Oh I can't have Michael buy my apartment building!!! Because when I kill Michael, then I don't want anybody suspicious of me!

    Griffy and V.C.: WOW! Griffy is so in wuv with Ava!!!!!!

    The private hospital:

    Jason's room:




    Russia clinic: Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: And tell them what? That I am in a clinic in Saint Petersburg Russia? And a violent psychotic with blue eyes wants him to come and get him?

    ROFL! Perfect line. :) OH there is the Jason I know and remember!!!! Welcome back incredible hulk!

    Betsy's home:

    Betsy and BobTodd: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...

    Sonny's restaurant:

    Carson: Listen to Carly, Sonny!!!! Glad is not backing down and is talking to Zack's sister. :)

  6. I know this is the age of iPhones and nobody really knows anyone's numbers because we tend to just push a name these days, however Ava really didn't recognize her daughter's father's phone number? Frustrating...

  7. KT4GH said...

    I know this is the age of iPhones and nobody really knows anyone's numbers because we tend to just push a name these days, however Ava really didn't recognize her daughter's father's phone number? Frustrating...

    ** That's Sonny's HOME phone #. Which I could NEVER see him giving to Ava, period. It would have to be unlisted. Now, giving her his cell #, sure. I could easily see that. It makes sense, if one thinks a little more. Just on face value, it's odd sure.


  8. "K says That's Sonny's HOME phone #."

    Really?! I thought it was his office.

  9. When the doctor asked who are you to Sonny all I could think of was Cloris Leachman in the movie young Frankenstein when she said "HE VAS MY BOYFRIEND!!!!"

  10. Yeah, it looked like that was Sonny's office no. to me, too. The Jason twin storyline is so contrived and stupid just to bring Jason back. I think anyone of us could remember if we had a real or imaginary friend even at age 3. So glad we don't have to suffer through Sam crying anymore, not that I could actually watch it. And Ava has been at the clinic for a week and is still just hanging around doing nothing but talking to Patient 6. Anyway, Maura is wonderful but she can't carry the whole show.

  11. Yesterday's episode was one of the worst. Jason awoke from coma into a seizure but when it was over Sam was rather nonchalant about the whole thing. She casually mentions she called someone....I lose interest quickly. A little more excitement might be in order. For weeks we listened to Joss whining and crying and yelling at Sonny for sending Jax away. He fixes it but didn't really matter because clearly Jax didn't care....and now Ingo is gone. For now. I think the editing team may think that short snippet scenes make GH edgy. Nope, just annoying. One more with other women on GH who's characters have gone from strong to is now Ava's turn. I have watched DOOL on occasion. Watched a bit today. They are telling a story or two. Not twenty. Thank you.

  12. what a mess yesterday's episode was...geez GH writers, at least try to do better

  13. sonya said...

    "K says That's Sonny's HOME phone #."

    Really?! I thought it was his office.

    ** I realized my mistake today. It was his office. I dunno what made me think it was his home. But, it's the same principle. I couldn't see him giving Ava that #, either. Like today when he told Brick there were VERY few people that had it. Giving her his cell #, for when dealing with Avery or such, makes sense.


  14. LSV422 said...

    Yeah, it looked like that was Sonny's office no. to me, too

    ** It was, my brain must not have connected right when I typed that last night. It was my bad!

    The Jason twin storyline is so contrived and stupid just to bring Jason back. I think anyone of us could remember if we had a real or imaginary friend even at age 3. So glad we don't have to suffer through Sam crying anymore, not that I could actually watch it. And Ava has been at the clinic for a week and is still just hanging around doing nothing but talking to Patient 6. Anyway, Maura is wonderful but she can't carry the whole show.

    ** It really is a mess already. They're already trying to bend over backwards to try and fit it in with what REALLY happened, and in the process what they're doing makes no sense at all. The whole reason I was okay with it when it was revealed a few years ago that Franco was the child of Heather and Scotty, is when RC wrote it, he made sure that it could have feasibly happened that way, at the time. (Having watched back then, it worked). With what's going on now, doesn't make a bit of sense at all.


  15. does anyone know the name of the actress playing playing sharon grant (zachs sister they blame nelle for his death)


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...