Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday Soap Fest!

TOMORROW THERE ARE THREE repeats on the soaps..all weddings. Scrubs is planned for GH
 I'm not going to go crazy about OLTL, just watch this week if you can on Soapnet. All 4 shows!
Adrienne Barbeau and Tristan Rogers in Palm Beach, CA at her book signing! SOD 


General Hospital: Valentine's Day all over!! 
OMG... The guards stopped Molly from going into the PH...but not the dress-cutter? FAIL!!
Scrubs was cute today-- Terrell might be good for them!!
Siobhan and Lucky are so boring.
Balkan and Shawn are so boring.

Spinelli having a Maxie Black and White fantasy today. 

"Caper is in a Nancy Drew novel....or in a chicken paccata"...says Spin. ahahaha. That was pretty good.

Theo totally dissed Alexis and wants her to resign! WOW...because she has children!!  What a sexist p-i-g! I'm sure NLG loved that scene. "you pompous ass"!! (wonder if she was really saying that to a certain you-know-who!!) 

God, Liz..I know you're a nurse but HIPA privacy!! geesh, blurting out about Sam's PG test. 
Johnny and Ethan: Random

Seen on Twitter this morning: Jennifer Aniston was just heard on THE VIEW: "I just met Viki from ONE LIFE TO LIVE in the elevator and I almost passed out."

Kris Alderson from OLTL: Had a very tearful day yesterday ( @britt_underwood 's last day) but we had a great time at night celebrating her 5 amazing yrs on the show!


  1. Sorry, I disagree. Really LOVE Siobhan and Lucky (who by the way looked hot hot hot today).

  2. It was a funny, sweet episode. I liked it, for a change!! And the ending was ... aaargh, I wanted to know the results so I almost got angry at my TV, I wish it didn't stop there but that's exactly the kind of "suspence" a soap is supposed to give you...
    Loved Micheal and Spinelli, loved Maxie helping jason, loved loved mac and Alexis and truly loved Lucky with Siobhan. I agree with Anonymous1, they're not boring at all, I actually wish they had more love scenes together LOL. I loved Scrubs too but this s/l is starting to be boring, I wish they got back together.

  3. What OLTL wedding tomorrow?

    The KA tweet is so sad :( I'm going to miss Langston that friendship is so wonderful and is really going to leave a hole in the show.

  4. Lucky and Siobhan are totally boring I just can't see lucky with her . Everyone said Liz made him look like an idiot Siobhan makes him look like a dumb stupid idiot .I hope one life to live signs Rebecca Herbst .I'm going to miss Liz so much And since I won't be watching General Hospital when she leaves And one life to live is so awesome right now .A whole week of cliffhangers and a whole week of the story going quickly it was just awesome .I can see Liz and her kids moving to landview right now .Working for be, Lord knows Jessica and or Natalie needs a friend now .And Brody sure needs a girlfriend And she wouldn't have to worry about her kids getting killed all the time .Sam could figure out how to keep her kids from being killed and raped Because of Sonny and Jason .

  5. I really TRY to like Siobhan and Lucky but I see NO chemistry... she's a good actress and all but I don't know. Just not my cup o' tea.
    Today's show was fun..but GH is so so disjointed and not integrated, it makes me bored.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Karen you aren't going to go crazy about OLTL? Why?! And don't forget when Spinny said Maxie had sex with the deli guy! ROFL!

  8. Why would I be going crazy over OLTL only that I LOVE IT!!and I don't want to keep talking about it! LOL

    AND... I'M SPOILER FREE on OLTL so don't tell me!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love OLTL too Karen! :) So much soapy goodness!! :) And Natalie had old school eye liner on today! Love that! :) Oh come on Karen talk about OLTL! Please?:) When you said don't talk about spoilers did you mean today? Did you not see it today?! Did you see Jerry Van Dorn (Clint)eye yesterday? I wonder if he had pink eye.

  11. I loved the JET chat, which seemed to only happen so they could talk about the hotness of their women?? Haha.

    Maya stops traffic -- cuuuute.

  12. I love Lucky and Siobhan! They were the highlight of my episode today. I thought their tender moment discussing trust is why they make such a great pair; they really understand each other on a soulful level that they don't always know how to comprehend. I love watching their love story unfold and I know they'll be saying their ILYs soon.

  13. Can this Johnny/Lisa crap stop already? FREE JOHNNY!!

  14. I agree about freeing Johnny from Lisa! He BELONGS TO LULU!!!

  15. Very helpful info, thank you for your article.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...