Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just Another Day in SoapLand....

Na'Vell from BUZZWORTHY Radio and the lovely Lisa LoCicero on the Soap Cruise!  
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Carly didn't end up pluggin' ol' Dante. I liked Dante confessing to the murder/coverup with Brenda. Dom Z is so good. I know people are sick of Dante, but I'm not sick of the actor.

Lisa/Terrell. Ugh. The bringing on of Terrell is just useless. He should have been Maya's brother or Tommy Hardy.  This story is so over. 


I love the Brenda house-- the giant bed in the middle of the room. At least she has a bed. LOL. People hardly get those on this show unless it's the couch. 

A lot of people seem to like Michael and Abby. He took her to the Metro...and As Sam says she basically cured Michael.  LOL.. 

Today was just really REALLY REALLY dull. Yes, SnB were on and Lante and JaSam..but they were snooze worthy. Sonny and Brenda--we didn't even see their love scene!! oy!


  1. wasn`t this the perfect time for Brenda to tell Sonny??Just saying if she s ok with it now sooooooo tell him sheesh this is Nan I forget my google name lol

  2. Sonny was off a week and 3 days, they must of been sick. he's usually on 4 days a week. why didn't they keep him off.

  3. i like Micheal and Abby...but please give them a freaking storyline already.....

  4. Who is Jax's long lost sister going to be? anybody know? sure would be gross if it were Brenda.....brahaha

  5. I think they dropped the Jax sister idea..really. ;/

  6. Just read on ravenbeauty's website that "the" baby in question (Brenda's) is JAX'S. Would love for this to be true! Brenda has jax's first child, and she gets Sonn too. can you imagine Carly's face? In fact, I would much more prefer a Brender/Jax reunion. Anyone else?

  7. Anon #3, wait, THIS isnt a story for them?? Theyre on non-stop. I need a break.

    So glad Luke is back tomorrow. That means more Spencermaines!

  8. A week into Feb and I'm afraid both shows were snoozy....

    I'm sure they'll pick up, but there is a lot of repetition.

    But, you know, I rmember when I first started watching a soap on a regular basis (GH) back in the 1970s, I was thinking they repeated stuff all the time. It was like they wanted certain things emphasised. Luke and Bobbie would have two conversations very similar and then say it all again a couple days later. It took some getting used to back then. And here it is again.

    I'm glad we missed the Sonny love scene--I've seen enough of those to last a lifetime. No more, please.

  9. I think Siobhan is Jax's long lost sister. I don't think she knows it nor does Jerry. She is on contract now, so there has to be more to her story once this whole Balkin thing is done.

  10. I nominate Abby for Jax's unknown sister. She is tall and blonde. She fits the Jax family better than Sebastien Roche as Jerry. It could be Siobhan, or how about Lisa the Loonie? Wonder how long we will have to wait for this story to start? It would be great to get rid of the Balkan story sooner rather than later. Of course, we have to get through another barfbag full of Franco.

  11. It would really be nice if they could cut the MIchael/Abby scenes to give a love scene to Sonny and Brenda, you know, the two people who are supposed to be getting married. It's not like they'll probably be having a honeymoon.

  12. I am not sick of Dante! Sick of the story,not him!

  13. Sorry twilight, I am soooo sick of Dante. Typical son of Sonny thing and showing him every day. Funny, michael & dante are on every day but not kristina. This show is clearly against women, except carly & Sam of course. lol

    It would be just like GH to have Lisa be Jax's sister & then kill her off. Finally give Lisa someone and it'll be ripped from us and never spoken of again.

    I would love for Brenda's babvy to be Jax's! Then carly can go to go to jail for all her crap whether she did it or not. Then have her hear jax is a dad of her baby. man her blood would boil.

  14. I am sick of Dante too. Can't even see his face which is sad since I liked him so much when he first came on. They show him with the town crimals more than they show him with other cops. stupid. I hate carly too. It doesn't happen often but i can't wait to see her in her place

  15. I want more Maxie. And I want more Liz. Some interaction with her & Lucky would be nice.

  16. posted on another thread on accident sorry for the duplicate but is that a mole or a zit above the irish lad's eyebrow? It's bugging me.

  17. I hope Abby is Jax's sister (or Jerry's daughter, she seems young enough)...just please not Siobhan!

    I've wanted a Brender/Jax babe for years (ever since VM left 8 years ago). I hope the writers do it. It could have happened when Jax ran off to Europe (one of the times Carly cheated with Sonny or something). Soapalicious!

  18. I say it's Suzanne messing with the wedding


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...