Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Surgery: Burn Unit On Notice

Chad  Dulley, our "Michael Corinthos Jr" goofing off on Hollywood Blvd. Yesterday, he was twitpicing up a dang storm!! Too bad he didn't wear these to the wedding! LOL's the wedding been going for you?? I have so enjoyed the CLOTHES!! SQUEE! Love how Tracy, Olivia and Alexis are all in shades of blue. I also like the blossoms around the pavilion they look so spring like. It is all a bit choppy--I mean Carly knocked Max out and then did her hair, dress and makeup in 3.4 seconds. LOL. Like I said Thursday, there were a lot of things just thrown around in there last minute. Like the Spinelli "sequence" in black and white. I also can't figure out why Jason and Sam just wouldn't have told everyone at the wedding about Theo, especially since he had access to the whole thing, and had sent Shawn. SMH. I am suspending my disbelief to enjoy the ceremony Monday/Tues however...promise.  Or at least, keep my crabbing to a minimum. 
Why the "burn notice" title?? Well, because of the upcoming BOOM-EFFECTS, naturally!! BOOM! BOOM!  I think I  need to count up all the fires, booms, un-blown bombs and bullets used in Guza's tenure.  I bet it rivals a Miami Vice season. Heh. Sam's going to be found, Sonny is going to think it's Brenda. She's going to lose her hearing temporarily. Go check them Scoops. 
I have BIG SCOOPS up !! Brenda's going to be in A CAVE with the Balkan..A CAVE IN THE WOODS!! HOW Batman like@@@@!! 
By the way, Vanessa said NO Baby in that interview? Well, spoilers say that she realizes that Suzanne MAY have tampered with that outcome.  Ergo, still a possibility!

Of course the HUGE news this week was that Becky Herbst kept her job! That has to give some people cause for celebration. You know, it should give us ALL cause for celebrating because it means TPTB listened to the fans.  Whatever happens budget wise from now on, they'll have to carefully think before pulling a plug. I would love to see all the ABC casts trimmed down to the core people that really matter to the history of the show. Families are the essence of any soap, they need to remember that, imo. 

Best Scene this week: I have to go with Robin, Molly, Kristina and Brenda making the wedding favors. Very cute, very natural and I wish it had gone on longer!! KUDOS to Haley Pullos who I thought shined this week in her scenes. When she was hiding from the Balkan, hearing all that information, she played it perfectly!


Tyler Christopher's pilot, "The Lying Game" finally got picked up according to Daytime Confidential.  They weren't sure it was going to be picked up at all... so this is good news for him. Maybe this shall breathe some life into the boy? LOL...I would love to see Nikolas turn evil Cassadine for a time. Just sayin. Sure beats whatever he's doing with Brook  Lyn!

HUGE RUMORS rumbling about the net. Of course, now that Becky's staying there are a lot of stories being floated around. Rumors say Jake is still going to die by car-- and now there's word he may donate his liver to---Josslyn. @@ Okay--- I guess if they go this way it's a total "homage" to BJ/Maxie?? The second part that came in yesterday is that Joss may be SORA'd to 3-4 years old!! That is going to take some suspension of belief on our parts, eh??  

My Man James Franco is now tweeting: @JamesFranco -- which is thrilling and scary for my obsessed brain. I am so hoping he does an account for the Fronkey!!  How WILL I be on twitter and resist the urge to flood his mentions stream? hahahaaa. He'll show up in Port Charles on Friday and Monday...and of COURSE the Oscars this weekend. 

See you monday for wedding fun and frivolity! Hope you checked out the blog below with Brenda's Wedding Rejects! xxoo


  1. Great update! Just one note: the term is "suspension of disbelief," not "suspension of belief." [Please feel free to delete this comment.]

  2. Love that they are keeping Becky, but I will be very disappointed if they don't give her character more of a story. What they have her in now is stupid, ridiculous, and god awful.
    I think the rumors of Jake dying better be false. Especially if this is to lead to Jason and Sam having a kid. Sam is supposed to be caught in an explosion and go deaf. Is she really going to want a baby after this happens? And if Sam has a kid, her storyline will turn into Elizabeth. Even more boring with even less to do!!

    If Jake does die and give a liver to Josselyn, I know that all the actors will hit it out of the park and maybe stop the feud between Carly and Elizabeth. But, I sitll think this is an unnecessary storyline.

  3. I agree about the Story aka: LIZ everyone needs a damn story!! LOL
    Thanks for the correction, I need those. I tend to type as I speak, and obviously don't speak correctly either! LOL

  4. While I am happy RH is staying, if the Jake dies story goes ahead, I am still done with this show. Jake giving a liver to Joss makes no sense. Maybe if there had been a build up to a story with Joss being ill, like the Maxie/BJ story. Anyway, that is just my two cents.

    As far as the wedding, I know many of you have enjoyed the past two days, but I think it was just a continuation of the usual crap writing. I do agree that Haley did an outstanding job- she is an incredible little actor.

  5. I'm hoping the wedding gets more exciting in the way that everything ties together better. I SAID HOPING! LOL

  6. If Jake dies, can Jason take him and bury him across the field in the Pet Cemetery?

  7. Karen! ROFL! You don't speak correctly either? ROFL!

  8. I hope they don't SORA, Josslyn. I love that cute little actress, and she really looks like a CarJax kid.

  9. Jake is sooooo cute, and so adorable with Jason, now that we've saved Lizzie Webber, let's try to save her son, OK?

  10. Morgan can be killed, he is related to Joss, better match...
    and Jake is SOOO adorable.

  11. Thanks so much for this post, pretty worthwhile material.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...