Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital: Heartburn

First of all, in honor of Valentine's day I am going to put my FAVORITE ever Valentine's Day episode of a show up. It also happens to be in a Hospital..and I often wish GH would come up with some fabu stories that mirror some "ER" stuff. Episode "Be Still My Heart". I remember watching this in real time and just being shocked !!

Also has an awesome song by LoFidelity AllStars feat Pigeonhed : "Battle Flag" ...

 BEST WEEK EVER!! know how I loved One Life this week, it was just soooooo soapy. I honestly couldn't wait for it to come on everyday!! The writing isn't only good, it's a tightly knit,  flowing story with everyone involved. Cliffhangers every day o' the week!! woot!! 

 As for General Hosptial: Like I said, heartburn. OY. I just found this week to be tedious and boring. Thursday was better because it was more fun, but everyone was still isolated.  You can tell they tape X these days and X those days-- and never mix it up hardly. The Liz/Brooke rivalry is so forced--and instead of showing  that, why not have Nikolas and Liz happy and bonding with Aiden together so the baby reveal  will  MEAN something.
Oh, I think  I've said that before....sorry. 

The scenes at Jake's were ok, although Johnny and Ethan just seem to be randomly stuck in there. As do the fun Spinelli "capers"-- just as random. I really do enjoy GH, but it's all in pieces...nothing threaded together for me.  The unending Kristina and Molly trying to get Mac/Alexis together is getting old. Every holiday, they try to set something up--yet we never see Mac/Alexis outside of those scenes together. Drives me INSANE. Siobhan and Lucky are back in "Ireland"...isolated again. Guess it's way easier to tape them in a room for days on end talking about Megan and looking out the dirty, cracked windows. 
        So good to see Robin smile for once!!

The WEDDING starts the 18th-- and I'm so hoping steam picks up. We know a lot of the cast taped together for 9 days... almost as long as the wedding will last on screen!!

Best Scene This Week: Carly and Luke at The Metro. Loved it. Loved Carly calling Luke a "mooch"-- great chem between LW and TG, let's hope we get more. I think that's one of the first times I've seen Luke eat or be there!

Guess who's on TWITTER? Maurice Benard!! That's right! @MauriceBenardMB is the official twitter. His wife Paula will be tweeting most of the time, but it's "him"!! 

Superman All-Star Blue Ray is out February 22nd and has the voice of Finola Hughes!  It was great to see her at the Wedding last week, I have NO clue why she and Tristian aren't on the show.


  1. Karen said:

    "great chem between LW and TG, let's hope we get more."

    You know who else has great chemistry between LW and TG? JZ

    You think we will EVER see Nurse Bobbie again or has she gone the way of the virginal nurse Anne Logan and also Amy Vining and just vanished off the page with no explanation? (I know Shel Kepler died. She was awesome! But still they could have said she got married and moved away or something... It makes no sense when they bring Laura back once every 20 years and she makes no mention of her beloved sister)

    Anyway... with the Hooker storyline and Carly upset about Abby and Michael, the show's most famous hooker could be back to talk to Carly and offer motherly advice.

    I personally think, if written well, (OMG did I really type that with a straight face?) a scene between Bobbie and Abby might be very heartwarming.

    Maybe Bobbie could talk Abby into going to nursing school like she did?

  2. AWESOME idea about nursing school!! wow...I like it.

  3. They should have Abby as Bobbie's daughter , she didn't know she had .

  4. I think Abby should go to school full-time and become a psychologist/therapist. She did a wonderful job with Michael. Maybe she has a natural empathy which would make her a success helping others.

    Karen, you are/were so right about the boredom of the passed week's episodes. It is all so yawn worthy with nothing of interest happening with anyone.

    If TC's pilot project gets picked up, what can we expect to happen to Nicholas? What about Brooklynne, not that I am enjoying this storyline. It's a dud. Two boring people make for boring viewing.

    With THE WEDDING starting this week, maybe, just maybe, something interesting will happen.

  5. TC's pilot did NOT get picked up. ;/

  6. Karen, ever since that ER scene aired, I can't watch it without crying like a little baby- that has to be one of the greatest and unexpected episodes of any show ever!!

    And OLTL is golden these days- everything a good soap should be!! I have to admit I'm loving Ford, him dressed up as a hot dog and all the references could have been so corny and overdone but it wasn't! haha As for the wedding and the scenes that followed there are no words as to how GREAT they were!!

  7. Makes ya don't being able to wait till Monday but OLTL is not just cliffhanger Fridays.I miss Bobbie on GH she was a hooker with promise...

  8. I am just gonna comment on the ER episode. I am NOT a Greys Anatomy fan. I guess people like that soap opera fake medical drama show,but GA is no ER,it never will be! That particular episode when Carter and Lucy get stabbed was so shocking and scary. I work in a hospital,not in an bustling ER but up on a cardiac floor. Let me tell you we have seen them all and it is a scary thought when you come up against a unstable person or confused person,I always think back to that episode of ER. Anyways,ER was a one of a kind show and I truly miss it.

  9. "The Liz/Brooke rivalry is so forced--and instead of showing that, why not have Nikolas and Liz happy and bonding with Aiden together so the baby reveal will MEAN something."

    Because FRUZA is only concerned w/ painting Liz as the villain for Jasam's story. That's their main concern. Who cares about Aidan or a story about Liz? Apparently not GH. E.g. Becky's firing.

  10. ER was one of my favorite shows awhile back. I watched the reruns on TNT and the new episodes on NBC (I was 8 when the show premiered, so i only got to see those episodes if i slept over at my grandmother's house). The first time I saw the episode where Lucy and Carter get stabbed I was shocked. Thatand the episode after it were so well acted--I loved seeing Romano's human side when he didn't want to give up on Lucy. (Actually, I was just thinking about that episode the other day because my mom was in the hospital until Friday and when we picked her up there were hearts all over the place. I made a comment about hiding any cake knives and had my aunt in stitches.)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...