Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ABC CONFIRMS Rebecca Herbst Staying at GH

 ABC has issued a statement and you can see it on  Soaps  In  Depth .  After the fans kept campaigning for her to stay, the bosses wisely decided to keep her on. How this will effect storylines/scoops I'm not sure yet.

The statement issued says in part, “Rebecca Herbst will continue on as Elizabeth Webber. The show is thrilled she will remain on the canvas to portray the beloved character in many more poignant and emotional stories. Fans will be pleased to see Rebecca continue the role she created.”

On a side note, ABC may be trying to backtrack on this whole thing, blaming the "reporting" of her leaving GH as being "overstated"--what a bunch of sheeze-wacky. They fired her, they saw it was a stupid move and canceled it. To say anything else is pretty laughable at this point. 


  1. Glad to hear..Now give her a damn storyline and stop making her such a sap!

  2. This is the best news all week! I am so thrilled for Becky! Now please give her a damn storyline! And yes I agree,make Becky a bit of a bitch again!

  3. I say hook her up with Jax!

  4. I agree. Hook her up with Jax. I've wanted that for a long time :)

  5. Sheez-Wacky........LOL

    I love it I am gonna try to use that in every conversation i have

  6. Jax...wow, never thought of that. I'll have to think about it some more!LOL

  7. Yay!!!:D wooohooo!!! *runs victory lap* Go Becky Nation!

  8. Now that would be interesting, Jaxiz! Can you just imagine Carly's reaction to Liz helping Jax raise Josselyn? So glad she's going to stay!

  9. I adore Becky. Now lets see her in a real story.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...