Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Interesting Ingo Tweet

Just tweeted:

Dont expect to c me much on GH. once a week seems to the norm for me if that. I must have peed in the pool and was fresh out of chlorine :-) 
I’ll be on the air for the next week or 2 a bit. But after that a lot less. Sorry guys. I don’t know what to tell u.  It’s not my call.”

Interesting because we know he's not been on a ton--there are rumors many people have taken time/pay cuts  (all over ABC daytime, not just GH) -- and  he may just be cutting back by taking more time in little bits than in great chunks.


  1. I wonder if this post was a subtle request for Ingo/Jax fans to get to campaigning for his airtime?? I definitely will be sending off a few postcards today!

  2. I sent off an email for save Jax and Kate.

  3. I think this is sad. He was angry and nervous after the initial Becky reveal, and now he gets to see Becky saved while he's kicked to the curb. I'm not a big Jax fan, he hasn't been written positively in quite awhile, but this is still disheartening...

  4. Okay - so we have all of these awful newbies, but Ingo can't buy airtime? Booooooooo!

  5. I think Ingo is expecting something, because after saying it was good the fans were able to get Becky back, he said

    "I can only hope For that kinda love if I get fired."

    Maybe he's heard the rumors too.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...