Saturday, February 5, 2011

ABC Unveils Frons-Guza SnB Wedding Tattoos!

Yes, this is the official wedding Tattoo for the Sonny/Brenda nuptials! As the actors did in "Lord of the Rings", cast members will seal their souls together by getting the same tattoo. This will forever be a symbol of their work together on 9 days of taping this important, historical event.

If you'd like your own tattoo, please contact ABC offices and you can be directed to your local tattoo parlor where they have been sent special guides for inking. Designed exclusively for General Hospital by Kat Von D...this exciting and striking tattoo will  be the envy of all at Fan Club Weekend in July.


  1. Guza, of course, would have to have his Jason tattoo removed first, and that'll never happen.

  2. Did I hit my head or something? Is it April Fool's Day?

  3. It's always WUBDAY!! :)
    BOB...I think he has the Jason tatt on his BOTTOM half. :)

  4. The tatoos are a hoot, thanks for Sharing.

    Loved that Carly heard those terrible things about her. Would have rather have had her hear them by sonny, jason, or one of the others that thinks she does no wrong. Loved what Jax said to her the other day, too. Not once did I hear her blame herself for Michael being raped. Only Dante.

  5. Really? Is that for real? Wonder what that cost em. maybe they used the left over money from becky's firing for that crap. BTW, where the heck has Liz been? Karen you are so right when you say Nik & Brooke are BORING. Not that Liz & Nik were much better, but give this guy something to do. Tyler C is a great actor.

  6. I so agree. Nik & Brooklyn are just dull. In fact other than singing, the actress is not that talented at all. In fact, she's right there with boring (but beautiful) Maya.

  7. I want to see more Liz and Lucky or Liz and Jason before she leaves but not if it means Jake will die. That will piss me off to no end esp if they open the door for a Jasam baby.

  8. Karen this is a joke right? :)

  9. Give me a break!

    Surely NO one would actually have a REAL tattoo about this dumb wedding...must be those kind you ink on and wash off later. I mean, some fans are loyal, but that is absurd!!!

  10. ...I think he has the Jason tatt on his BOTTOM half. :)

    That's where I have mine!!

  11. OMG, yes, it's a WUBBAH JOKE! lol I found this when I went searching for "Brenda" photos-- and thought OMG, Guza made this guy get them and went from there.

    Geesh, you don't know me at ALL do you!!? LOL

  12. omg alot of brendas lettering on him and that is my name gezzz


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...