Friday, February 11, 2011

ABC Soap Opera: Rinse, Repeat...

Shows today were all reruns...did you enjoy them?? They were fun to watch. GH made me sad because Robert and Anna aren't on now.  BOoooooooooo. Those flashbacks were great with The Scorpios.  I think OLTL had more characters that are still on in 1995 than GH did in 2005!!
Yeah to Egypt!
New Spoilers are up!!! Sam's nabbed, Liz fools around with lab results--yada yada. Take a gander-- are you excited for Post-Wedding MAYHEM!!?

I'm so sure Alexis was telling off the writers instead of Theo yesterday!! LOL... I loved Theo's sexist blather  about her taking off work for her 'kids'. I wish Diane was in that scene though--it would have had a whole 'nother flavor!! By the way, Nancy tweeted she worked out with KeMo last week and is "just getting the feeling back in her legs"  !!! !

Maurice Benard gave an interview to TVGuide about the's pretty fun. Here's an excerpt:

TV Guide Magazine: It's hard to imagine Sonny and Brenda sitting around the house enjoying domestic bliss. That can't possibly work, can it?Benard: [Laughs] Oh, no no no! I don't know how they'll write it but I just hope they keep it as real as possible — a real couple with real conflict. There's always going to be trouble between those two. But you know me. I get tired playing all this angst. It starts getting to me after a while. I want Sonny and Brenda to be happy for a little bit. I can see myself letting the hair go grey and weighing 250 pounds — that'll be me in two or three years! Remember in the old days on the soaps where they'd let a couple get married and be happy for a while? But that doesn't happen anymore. Damn!


  1. I had a thought today while watching OLTL and PATRICK! He was so hot, love the hair, wouldnt it be cool if it was him coming back? he could rescue Marty and she could finally have a happy ending!

  2. Why would Liz pay off a lab technician if she is broke, broke, broke? Wouldn't that be a waste of money that she doesn't even have.

  3. Oh Mo it does happen....Just not on GH

  4. @Hope, I couldn't believe the hair on Patrick. I was in school when OLTL was on back in 95 and my mom didn't have enough VHS space to tape all 3 soaps. I never got to see Thorston Kaye when he was on there--only when he was on AMC. It was interesting to see him not to mention Nathan Fillion as Joey Buchanan...I have to say he is a much better looking person than the guy that plays Joey now. I don't like him at all.

  5. I guess the new Joey is going to fit like a new shoe just got to walk around with some bunions for a while .....I watched none of the weddings I was watching a new episode of Days ....

  6. I wish one may have to run these reruns they What go deep into the archives .Bobbi And brock, The old brownstone days ,The old Mysteriese the WSB , Old school those would be the best ones I'd tune for those . Robin and Patrick wedding is just too recent for me .

  7. I wish one may have to run these reruns they What go deep into the archives .Bobbi And brock, The old brownstone days ,The old Mysteriese the WSB , Old school those would be the best ones I'd tune for those . Robin and Patrick wedding is just too recent for me .

  8. Yeah for Sonny & Brenda, listen to MB and LET THEM BE HAPPY!! We all need to see happiness, I agree with him, enough of the angst.

    None of us may ever have perfect lives, but I, for one, would enjoy seeing S & B perfectly happy!!

  9. That last one was me, AntJoan.

  10. Elilzabeth I saw OLTL back then and still do. :) I love Patrick! Just hated his hair back then and still do. :) Since your mother didn't have enough tape to tape all three soaps, which soap did she tape? Did she tape AMC AND GH or only one soap? Which one?


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...