Tuesday, February 22, 2011

General Hospital Soap Star Tweets! Congrats to Bradford !!

People were tweetin' up a STORM tonight! 

** BRADFORD ANDERSON  (Spinelli) shared this:
I am the luckiest guy alive. Not only do I have the most bestest wife, she is carrying our little girl...due to arrive this July. AMAZING.
 CONGRATS to he and his wife Kiera!! 

Michael Sausedo, Becky's hubby tweeted: 
I think there are a whole of people that need to be THANKED for not failing to ex-press .... thank you!

Andrea Bogart (Abby) tweeted this: 
@MauriceBenardMB -what a tremendous pleasure to be on a show with such talents! Was there a dry eye during Sonny's speech to Brenda 2day? Not4me

Kelly Monaco: At the most amazing Italian restaurant in NYC, Il Mulino with @heathfreeman. Cheers!

Kirsten Storms was dishing about Jennifer Aniston's haircut. I told her I thought it was going to be shorter. She wrote back to me:
@Wubsnet: anymore would've been too much...trust me I know that feeling :)

Carolyn Hennesy: When you're sick and don't feel like cooking...what's better than the hubs getting a couple of pizzas? THAT will cure me!!!!

Steve Burton: Rehearsing with Scott. Can't get through it. Too much laughing, our show might be a rehearsal. Please help me!!

@Stuart_Damon Just posted! Actor Stuart Damon Joins Coldwell @ http://content.uniquehomes.com/2010/07/actor-stuart-damon-joins-coldwell/
Stuart also has a new TV Show with his son starting soon!

Laura Wright (@lldubs) Great day with the family in Myrtle Beach!


  1. Karen,

    This S&B fan is in S&B heaven. After a loooong, drawn-out wedding, with crazy cutting back and forth to other stories, in the end, of course S&B did not disappoint! I had read MB's interview about how they tried to give this their all, and then some, which they certainly did. I cried my eyes out during Sonny's final speech to Brenda about how/why she has a history of messing up relationships (due to her father's leaving), and how he loves her despite her failings AND WILL NEVER LEAVE HER!! It was so healing to hear that, at least for me, and I'm sure for others, too, who can relate to Brenda's insecurities.

    I waited 12 years for this, and am walking on air. I told my husband, and he was very happy for me!

  2. I think it was a wonderful wedding. I personally would have done the reveal differently-- and made it tie together more. Knowing what's coming makes me mad too. I think "repeating history" is just lazy and mean. (Not to mention the BAT CAVE!!)
    I am happy for the SnBers you know that!!! I tried to promote the wedding a lot and do photos and such. :) xxoo

  3. The "big secret" reveal was kinda lame, but MB kicked it. I even enjoyed watching Brenda shake, she was so overcome. I would have been the same way upon that kind of relief and hearing those things from him. JMB was awesome with her quiet tears and icy stares. I would have left the room, but Lulu swallowed her pride and stayed for the whole thing. Molly was so overcome, it was cute, and she usually annoys me.

  4. Karen, yes, you did a great job promoting the wedding, we all don't thank you enough!! And thanks for sharing in my joy!!

  5. Ya know, with the luck of petitioning to Liz have back, and with the "Bring Kate Back", we should start a petition to have Karen as a writer for GH! :D


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...