Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Franco Fan Gone Wild

I just found this...NO LIE...get to this tattoo site and take a peek. DIDN'T we all talk about this?? And, who else thinks this is  GUZA?? ahahahhaaa. There are some boobie pics on the top of the page so click at your own risk.
This just slays me!!! Brooklyn Ink did this work...fitting, eh?


  1. Franco is hot. If they are going to have a Summer caper with Lucky and Siobhan,is it going to take place in dark warehouses, and dark alley ways?

  2. And the same garage Johnny had , they used in Ireland yesterday?

  3. Anything more about the GH change that was mentioned recently?

  4. Ok Karen, time to confess... we all know YOU got that tattoo :P lmao

  5. That can't be the Guz, Karen. That tattoo is on the arm. the Guz's is on his ass.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...