Thursday, June 3, 2021

Thursday, June 3


There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Friday.
Please feel free to use this space for Thursday's comments.

NOTE FROM WUBSY: Thank you to Dave for doing these!! I just want to say that YESTERDAY'S SHOW WAS EVERYTHING that Old-School GH Was. KUDOS to Dan and Chris for all of it. LOVED live tweeting and blogging. "Maxie" ended up trending !! My one sadness is Cyrus--I wanted him to be around a bit longer. Not to say he's leaving but, it sure doesn't look good. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am thinking/hoping Cyrus is the new Faison, who rears his head every few years.

    1. The actor did a great job it today's episode!

  3. Not sure what the point is to bringing siblings of main characters if they aren't going to stick around. Hayden, Cyrus, Drew, Franco

  4. No it doesn't look good for Cyrus but I have hope that the writers can continue with their legacy and come up with something totally crazy to keep him around, now and/or down the road. He is so good. Not feeling the same about Hiney. He will be there forever most likely. What a thrill it was to hear Maxie call him Heinrich! His scenes after that were the best he has had yet. Kudos to the director.

    1. I really hope they keep Cyrus somehow. His psyche is really messed up and he would be interesting as he unloads his past with Laura. There is some humanity in him- the way he shows his vulnerable side to her tells me there is ore to the story.

  5. I think he escapes like Faison - for some reason I always got the feeling when he did interviews that he didn't sign on for a long term - so I HOPE he is gone - he is not redeemable - but comes back sometime.
    Peter - sigh - ain't going anywhere/////////////////hello fake amnesia
    still think Chloe will be found alive - and make a deal with the vials that Chase needs.

  6. Replies
    1. Is he really? I don't believe it

    2. if he is really dead, then it shoulda been a who-dun-it....but I don't think he is dead....

    3. I hope he's dead but until they actually declare it I won't believe it 😂

  7. I don't think Heinrich is going anywhere unless Kristen DiMera pops by on her escape from Days and shoots him up with some (whispers) "Resurrection" by Dr. Rolph.

  8. YEAH HE'S DEAD . But I can't believe that they're going to let people believe he just left. Maxie will be without her baby and mourning all year....great opportunity to fall back into the lazy writing. And Gladys, and probably Brando and Sasha will have to go into hiding and Anna will go away supposedly to look for Peter. More screen time for a returning Sonny I guess. I'm not impressed! They could have walked away and let someone find the body. He fell running from police. No one is going to be clamoring for an inquest.

  9. I'll be #**#* - Peter is gonna wake up and walk away - I honestly thought he would have amnesia - WHY did they leave him there????????????

  10. and Cyrus will break down crying and Laura will hold him - he will go to prison and the actor will take a break.....
    PLUS Elizabeth's character is everywhere! Goody two-shoes and then LYING about an ACCIDENT------------thus beginning the love story of Finn and Elizabeth.....
    I think Peter will be gone - maybe find Chloe in the cabin/woods? SO SO STUPID! very anticlimactic.

  11. Walk away after a fall down stairs left bleeding for hours and hours??

    1. Yep - on a soap LOL!!!
      Can't you see it? no body and Finn and Elizabeth wonder where he is? Beginning of the love between Finn and Elizabeth, too......harboring secrets

    2. A doctor and a nurse both checked his pulse. This is just pandering to the people who are Peter fans and don't want him dead, and the "I don't believe anyone ever dies" crew will be going on and on and on about the fact that maybe he's not really dead. STUPID! Just plain stupid.

    3. I want him dead! But WR is LW guy, and Frank is not going to let him go....

    4. He wasn't there for hours and hours.

    5. How long was he there for? Just seemed liked hours and days I guess. lol

    6. I wouldn't mind seeing Finn and Liz together, he needs someone new and so does she.

    7. I think Finn and Liz would make a great couple. Plus, if Hayden eventually returns, you have a triangle involving two sisters. Good story material.

  12. Was reading a bio on Faith Roscoe and all of her evil deeds as a mobster. Carly may be a screecher and do stupid crap to protect her family but she is not really evil. Neither is Ava anymore

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The police were doing a floor-by-floor search for Peter, but no one checked the stairwells? BaHAHAHA.

    1. That is exactly what I was saying. There is NO hospital that has an abandoned stairwell where NO ONE goes in that stairwell for HOURS and HOURS. So laughable. AND, he would be "most surely dead"

    2. Oh, gotcha. I misread your other post.

    3. Or the roof...I'm like, "he's on the roof!!"

  15. I think more likely is that “Chloe” or whatever her name is survived that fall into the well and will come back ala the Shining or Fatal Attraction. There was a scene with her and a safe, presumably where the antidote for Chase is kept. Today’s episode was completely anti climatic. Peter’s fall should’ve been set up as a true whodunnit. Why keep up the pretense of having him fall down the stairs for a weeks worth of episodes,

    The Laura/Cyrus scenes were riveting. That character has energized Laura and allowed her to play the full range of emotions. But then again, Genie Francis could be given a brown paper bag and turn it into an Emmy performance. I hope the writers find a way to keep Jeff Kober. He’s too good to let go,

    1. Jeff and Genie were both great today. Laura is the only reason I kind of want Cyrus to stick around. (Here and there!)

  16. Stairwell - Earlier: Hiney falling down the stairs!

    Portia's home: NO LAURA NO!!! Don't offer yourself up! Wait Doc is the hostage negotiator?!?! Oh boy! Well, Laura is a stubborn person. Always has. :) She IS a Spencer! :) This is hysterical! The hospital roof is so light out, but yet Portia's home scenes are at night! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    Doc: Right now I hate that I love that about you.

    ROFL! Awwww. :) He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. OH TAGGART!!!!! :( Oh no! :(

    Portia, Trina, and Cyrus: Cyrus is bleeding! Portia wants to get him a new bandage. Portia and Trina are leaving so Laura can take their place!!!

    Cyrus and Laura: GAH! Cyrus is making me all emotional! :( Oh no is he going to shoot himself in the head? I don't want Cyrus to die!!!! :(

    The gatehouse:

    Michael and Willow:

    Michael: I'm not going to feel bad for loving you.

    UGH! Oh come on! Is Michael going to sing now? I hate these two with a passion!

    Brooky's hotel room: That baby's nose is so teeny tiny adorable!!!! Brooky is so great with her.

    Brooky, Michael, and Willow: Oh why the hell did Willow have to come with Michael?! UGH! Brooky didn't look to happy to see Willow.. Brooky says the baby's name is Bailey. Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Housekeeping came to change the sheets because obviously the sheets, whatever. You get it.


    The hospital:

    Maxie's room:

    Maxie and Anna: Maxie had to lie to Anna about where baby Louise is.

    Maxie and Mac: MAC!!!! :) Oh the audio Maxie sent came in clear as a bell YAY! :) Where is Felicia?

    The roof:

    Finchy and Hiney: Hiney threw the antidote over the roof!!!! OH CRAP! Hiney says it's all Anna's fault and this is consequences!!!!

    The stairwell:


    Finchy and Liz: Wait Hiney is dead? Wait you don't want Finchy to tell anybody what happened and to let someone find Hiney? Hmmmm LISTEN TO LIZ FINCHY! GO GO GO! Oh wait shoot CHASE!!! :( Maybe there is another antidote in Hiney's pocket? Or maybe the one he threw landed on the soft grass and it's okay?! Well, now they are going to bond over this, and this is the beginning of Fiz's love story. :)

    Nurses station:

    Liz and V.C.: Liz told V.C. off! Well, she does have a point V.C. about Finchy. You could have done something! Anna could have done something!

    Liz, Finchy, and Anna: Liz and Finchy are not saying anything to Anna about what just happened. Liz thinks there will be something else that will save Chase. I hope so!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 24th 2009* Maxie and Franco. She tells him she is 23. So by now she is 35 or really 34 and a half. :) So you can go with THAT timeline, OR Diana Taylor's timeline! ROFL!

    1. Brooke is going to get attached to the baby and not want to give her back to Maxie. You watch

    2. "lindie says, Brooke is going to get attached to the baby and not want to give her back to Maxie. You watch"

      Yeah I'm sure she will!!!! Oh oh!

    3. Finn really put everything he had into throwing dumbass down the stairs. I saw Finn and Liz tell Anna about Peter. It isn't like she doesn't know about getting rid of bodies for one thing and for another she could go looking for dumbass's stash of the antidote.

    4. "Gary says, Finn really put everything he had into throwing dumbass down the stairs."

      Hahahaha he sure did!!!! :)

      "I saw Finn and Liz tell Anna about Peter."

      They did? I didn't see that scene. When? When he and Liz came down the stairs and talked to Anna?

  17. No. The body is gone - and Finn and Elizabeth won’t know where he is. I’m still thinking he’s gonna fake amnesia.

    1. Yes. He's dead. Both Liz and Finn checked for signs of life. He was gone. Finn and Liz called Anna to move the BODY.

    2. I don't believe he's dead, not for a minute.

  18. OK, so if they are really killing Peter off (which I don't believe for one minute), the WHYYYYYYYYYYYY couldn't we get a good story line out of the deal. Because this isn't it. Why not a "Who dun it?". Why this stupid falling down the stairs thing. Lazy writing.

    1. lol Vent away my dear. Vent away. This is a safe space.

      I thought it was a very weak ending after that long build-up with the body on the stairs. Dr. O finding him and eviscerating the corpse would have left no doubt and have been much better for me. But I'm still on lockdown and may need some help. lol

    2. "Di says, But I'm still on lockdown and may need some help. lol"

      ROFL! Canada is still on lockdown? Wow I guess Canada is really bad there.. Stay safe!!!

    3. No. I'm in a bubble which is very safe. But I'm alone here and have too much time on my hands. lol

    4. "Di says, No. I'm in a bubble which is very safe."

      Oh good! :)

      "But I'm alone here and have too much time on my hands. lol"


  19. Honestly, if Peter is dead and gone, I am satisfied no matter how it played out. It will be sweet relief not to have to watch him anymore.

  20. The last two days I have not been able to watch live due to work.
    The script has been written to keep us guessing if and when ‘nurse Chloe’ and Peter have actually died.
    The fact that Maxie is misleading re Chloe and Liz and Finn are misleading re Peter adds to the
    Swirl of conjecture and uncertainty about their fates. Rumors of their demise is probably premature....
    On a much lighter note baby BLQ2 is a BLQ cutie!

    1. "lizwebberfan says, On a much lighter note baby BLQ2 is a BLQ cutie!"

      She is!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :)


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...