Friday, June 4, 2021

Friday and GH is on FIRE!

 Carly IS BACK ON. DAMN IT. Visiting Jason in jail. Trying to get him out. She wants to know if he's talked to Britt. 

YEAH!! DR O GOES to the cabin to help Britta!! whoo hooo!! Oh they are so cute. Dr. O wants to know allll the details about Jason. She says finally Britt has made a good match. 

Jax and Olivia. Why? I guess they ran out of anything for Jax to do LOL ...I mean they talk about Wiley and..Nina? 

Maxie, Baby and Brook and Val. awww. Valentin then goes to hold her. Says she's perfect. Seems ok with the name "Bailey Lois".  Then "Austin" Franco comesaround the corner. Brook is startled and hopes he doesn't recognize the baby. Then Austin looks for Maxie's room and sees a plaque that says "Michael Corinthos Pediatric Wing' and stops. Looks. 

Maxie faints and Finn takes her back to her room. Willow comes in (??) anyway Maxie is just drained. Liz tries to tell her Peter will never be back. Dr. Austin walks in. Says he's sorry about the baby. He and Liz look at each other for a bit. 

Cyrus and Laura. Jeff just keeps knocking it out of the park. Cyrus wants a car and safe passage. Jordan is going to get it for him. Curtis has other plans. You HAVE TO WATCH!! Really good scene and dialog. Yes, Curtis sneaks in the back window with a gun. Ugh he's going to ruin it. 

OMG WATCH IT! I don't want to spoil it but I JUMPED!! REALLY GASPED!!  WATCH IT!! 

Everyone is recovering

Mildew has sex and someone sees them through the window

Brook tells Valentin she's glad he's Bailey's Daddy


  1. Love when the action is fast paced. Last few days have been just that. But there's always something. No ambulance at the ready in a hostage situation? Still no Hiney. He'll be back someday. As will nurse 'Chloe'.
    Adorable baby.

    1. Why would you expect to see Hiney?

    2. Honestly I would prefer not to see him but I really don't think GH would let him go. Finn and Elizabeth were quick to call him dead and so far out of their characters. Anything can and will happen.
      So glad Cyrus' wound is minor. Jeff Kober is so good.

    3. I think that maybe Anna probably moved Peter somewhere. Probably really hurt, but not dead and Anna took him away. Maybe Robert too behind the scenes. IDK. NOT DEAD. We couldn't be so lucky.

      Also, I did like Genie and Jeff Kober's acting in that scene, but Laura was kind of wimpy IMO. Laura is not wimpy. Stupid writers on that part IMO. Sure others might not agree.

    4. I bet Jax was the one spying Michael and Willow and will tell Nina and Nina will use that to her advantage????? IDK. Who knows? Maybe Chase???? OR, could be that new Doc Austin. He did look hard at Michael's name on the wall at GH. He probably is Jimmy Lee Holt son and looking for his inheritance or something.

  2. As much as I'm not a Carly fan, I loved that look through the window at Cyrus. Hopefully the writers have realized that words aren't always necessary and screeching never works except if it's directed at a scared child. that look, however, spoke volumes.

  3. I think Jackie is the one who spots Mildew.

  4. great show, except for carly

  5. I think Jax and he blackmails Michael to let Nina see Wiley. Maybe NOW Nina comes home.

  6. The whole show was great today, except for Mildew (I love that coupling name, so perfect). There were two stand-outs (for me):

    1. Britt and Obrecht. So raw. So human. So touching. I cried.

    2. Laura and Cyrus. So raw. So human. So emotional. Genie was (once again) so fantastic in these scenes. I cannot stand Cyrus, but Genie's performances around him make me want him to stay.

    1. Oh yes. I am really really liking Britt and Leisl relationship. Made me cry so much when she told Britta she was all she ever hoped for in a daughter. Broke my heart. So sweet. Those 2 actresses work so well as mother and daughter.

    2. I don't want Cyrus to stay. Did like their scenes though. That was the best Jeff Kober did the entire time he was on the show. Don't care for him at all though. Bye. Stay gone with Peter

    3. Good acting and great casting.

    4. I'm not a Leisl fan, but I loved her today.

  7. Canadian Lighthouse:

    Britch and Dr. O: Jason told Dr. O to be there? Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) Dr. O likes Jason hahahaha awwwww. :) What a great mudder and daughter scene! Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: Did you have sex with him?


    ROFL! Oh! Jason calls YAY!

    Port Chuckles:

    Portia's home: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT A GREAT SCENE!!!!! :) I feel so bad for Cyrus! I don't want him to die!!! Since Karen didn't spoil anything, I won't either. Yes you gotta watch it!!!

    Jason's jail cell:

    Carly and Jason: Jason is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAY!!!! :) Carly feels all the guilt feels. Now that Jason is with Britch, I don't want Jarly to have sex now. CarJax can have sex.

    The hospital:

    Brooky and Maxie: I forgot to mention yesterday, that when Brooky turned the baby around to show Maxie, it made me cry!!! Great scene yesterday and today.

    Brooky and V.C.: Brooky tells V.C. to protect his head while he holds her. Uh Brooky? V.C. has done this before!!!! He IS a father!

    Brooky, V.C. and ToddAustin: Whoa ToddAustin just popped up hahahaha.

    ToddAustin vs Michael Corinthos Pediatric Wing: Hmmm that was strange. Maybe he is a Q! :)

    ToddAustin, Maxie, Finchy and Liz: Man why did Liz keep looking at ToddAustin that way?!!?! Even when Liz was leaving she kept turning her head to give him a strange look!

    Finchy: Nice to meet you,

    ToddAustin: Oh Austin I'm off duty. So just Austin.

    UMMM HUH?!!?!?!?! *Scratches my head* HUH?!!?!?!

    ToddAustin and Maxie: Oh! She did tell him that her baby is kidnapped okay. Awww he wants to help. :)

    Liz and Finchy: Great scene! Yes Finchy just keep quiet for now about Hiney!

    Q home:

    Brooky and Olivia: Wow she told Olivia to watch the baby's head!!! WOW! Brooky what is with you? This is the 2nd time you told someone that. Olivia is a mother!!!!

    Olivia and Jax: Um okay. Do you miss Nina Jax? Do you still love her? How are you feeling with your shoulder?


    Oh no thanks. I rather not watch Millow's porn session. I rather not watch you hiding her boobies in front of you. I rather not watch you have sex. Someone is a voyer. Must be Chase?!!?!?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to New years eve 1980* Luke, Laura, and others.

    1. Sonya, for me the line of the day was Britt's reply to Liesl's question of if Britt had sex with Jason - "of course, I did.". LOL

      I feel so bad for Valentin. He is going to be crushed when he finds out that BLQ scammed him and that is actually Maxie's baby.

    2. Yup. I think he'll turn into bad Valentin again and try to sue for cuatody

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, for me the line of the day was Britt's reply to Liesl's question of if Britt had sex with Jason - "of course, I did.". LOL"

      ROFL! Yeah that was good, but I couldn't believe Dr. O would actually ask her daughter if she had sex with Jason! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I died!

      "I feel so bad for Valentin. He is going to be crushed when he finds out that BLQ scammed him and that is actually Maxie's baby."

      Yeah.. :( He should have been told!!!!

      "lindie says, Yup. I think he'll turn into bad Valentin again"

      Oh no I hope not!

      "and try to sue for cuatody"

      Hmmm I doubt he will win.

    4. Sonya said "ToddAustin: Oh Austin I'm off duty. So just Austin." They seem to be deliberately not telling us Austin's last name. Makes me think it will be a name we recognize... like Holt or Quartermaine, for example. Also, I read some speculation that since Peter is dead, the actor may come back as another charater like Michale Easton and Roger Howarth have.

    5. "Pat..... Sun..... says, They seem to be deliberately not telling us Austin's last name. Makes me think it will be a name we recognize... like Holt or Quartermaine, for example."

      Yup! I agree with you. Sneaky writers! Hahahaha.

      "Also, I read some speculation that since Peter is dead, the actor may come back as another charater like Michale Easton and Roger Howarth have."

      Well, I don't have a problem with him coming as a different character. They completely ruined Hiney! I was hoping that the actor who played King Mufasa aka Hank Archer, you know who had that cult dawn of day would come back as a different character. Last time I saw Coby McLaughlin he was on Gray's anatomy playing a guy who didn't believe in the virus, but he had it.. He was so good on it! :)

  8. I just don’t understand why Finn and Liz just say they ran across Heiny at the bottom of the stairs, he must have tripped trying to escape. Let the police find the fake passports to make the story more plausible. When did Finn and Liz tell Anna so she could arrange the body’s disappearance? I must have missed it. Otherwise, it has been very entertaining. Love Britt and Jason!

    1. I don't understand either but I think their reasoning was that Liz didn't want Finn wasting his time explaining things to the police whenhe had to find a cure for Chase.

    2. "Di says, I don't understand either but I think their reasoning was that Liz didn't want Finn wasting his time explaining things to the police whenhe had to find a cure for Chase."

      Yup that's exactly it!!! I agree with Liz's reasoning! I want Finchy to focus on a cure for Chase!!! Forget about stupid Hiney!

  9. WHO is running ELQ? Not Valentin......Anna doesn't know what Finn and Elizabeth did - she'd never be able to pull off the lie LOL......
    Wonder what Elizabeth did with the fake passports?
    the ONLY place for Cyrus now is jail, right? Pentonville???? Nik owns it?????
    Chloe isn't dead either pretty sure....

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Good show except for Carly-nice to have her gone for a few days. Mike, too. Just read that Kirsten had brain surgery and will be out for a few weeks. The baby is beautiful -poor Valentin.

    1. Thanks for the heads up. Here's a link that doesn't have too many ads.

    2. "LSV422 says, Just read that Kirsten had brain surgery and will be out for a few weeks."

      BRAIN SURGERY?!?!! WHAT?!?!?!!

      "Di says, Thanks for the heads up. Here's a link that doesn't have too many ads."

      :0 :0 :0

    3. Who had brain surgery? Kirsten Storms? What for? Holy cow

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...