Thursday, June 24, 2021



"I can't move my legs" says Chase! Meaning Willow won't tell him about not loving him. UGH. He has to relearn to walk 'in the next few' months or it will be permanent. 
Lord help us. He says he'll walk again for Willow.  His goal is to talk FOR THEIR WEDDING AHAHHAA. Willow looks ill

Terry is head of oncology now....they are going to have a board meeting about COS. Finn comes along and he and Liz act all awkward and Terry is like: LIZ! what was THAT about???!! Liz says 'Oh just Chase stuff" lol Terry doesn't believe her.  They all get ready to find out who the board named Chairman of the Board: it's MONICA! Leslie Webber suggested her. Aw...Monica is back. Will Britt still be COS? Monica says Epiphany and Bobbie will be back asap. Britt wants to keep her job; Terry throws her hat into the ring too. 

TJ and Molly are in Kelly's and Judge Lady walks in to congratulate Molly on being in the DA's office. She says if Molly needs help on the bar, she'll be happy to. Molly is suspicious. 

Speaking of the Judge Lady-- Shawn and Alexis are talking about her being a bigot and deciding different things for different clients. He says she has a white savior complex! wow!! They try to not argue. She says she needs to respect his wishes. Then the guards come to kick Shawn out of the library, he's not allowed there anymore! He tussles with the guard and Alexis tries to intervene and she's thrown to the ground. Her wrist snaps. They put her in solitary confinement. 

Britt and Jason almost kiss and stupid ass'd Carly walks in to talk to Jason about "the biz". Carly gets all pissy about Jason and Britt. He says it has nothing to do with you! Carly says it does, everything has everything to do with her.  She wants to know HOW she's important to him and why!! He says it's not her business. She says IT IS!! They are a team....yada yada. God she's a mouth.  Jason says she's loved him, trusted him and been with him since Day one. He's going to stick by her. 

THE DOCKS BLOW UP!! Someone is coming for the Corinthos' organization. OMG Jarly gonna have to get married? 

Michael and Nina in the graveyard... she knows Sonny is dead yet presses Michael about how JAX got her to see Wiley. They talk about Nelle. Boring. Nina realizes that she's been a jerk about not telling about Sonny and if Michael finds out she'll never see Wiley again. Nope, no you won't. 


  1. so if Carly and Jason marry, #stupidestideaever - then Nina won't feel guilty cause "Carly has moved on"......sigh...
    Molly always asked Alexis, "Have you told them about your osteoporosis" and I never understood why - so NOW Alexis has a broken wrist and Molly will either want to sue OR get the judge to get her mom out of solitary and then be blackmailed or have to do 'a favor' down the road...... but I STLL say Nicholas BRIBED the judge to turn down Shawn's parole hearing...and now it's something different?

    1. So Alexis is now in solitary with a broken arm. If Nicholas is behind the warden's decision I hope he drowns in his guilt.

      If Molly ends up being blackmailed that will be the last straw. The law can nbever win on this show. It's beyond ridiculous.

    2. Doesn’t Nik own the prison now, so why is the warden taking these actions?

  2. Replies
    1. How could she keep Sonny away from Donna and Avery?

    2. She is an idiot and really doesn’t deserve to see Sonny’s grandchild.

    3. So true. We all know the truth will come out and then she will lose Wiley and Jax won't be able to blackmail Michael. Also, she is willingly doing the same and Jax and Carly not telling her about Nelle but Donna and Avery are alive.

  3. OMG Why couldn't Carly have been on the dock when it blew up. Honestly cannot stand her

    1. No Character growth whatsoever. I would love for Joss or Michael to hear her say those things and have them rip her apart. No one owns anyone.

    2. I also wish snarly was on the dock

    3. Yes Linda!! OMG it's like she has radar tied to Jason&Britt, when they are about to kiss it goes OFF and BOOM in she walks! 🙄 He doesn't owe her anything (they are friends (like fam) who slept together a couple times. He is trying something new with Britt he's moving on and she's living in the past. Carly needs to stop. Go get a man of her own....

    4. The docks: Nice shot of the docks blowing up!!!! :)


      Carly and Jason: So Carly is all,

      Carly: Me me me me me me me me me me me me me me! She did win the line of the day.

      Carly: You're connected to someone I barely know.

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. You aren't going to date her Carly! So it don't matter if you know her or not! :) And besides I thought you wanted to talk about the Novak family? Unless that was just an excuse. :)


      Tolly and the judge: I wonder after the judge sees TJ and Molly together, that she will do something bad.

      The jail library:

      Alexis, Shaun, and the guards: Uh! Is this the judge's handiwork?!!?!?! Is she doing this, because she saw Tolly together? Poor Alexis! She needs to get her wrist checked on before going to solitary confinement!!!!

      Nelle's grave:

      Michael and Nina: Nina is lookin all the guilt feels. Nina time to tell Michael the truth!!!

      The hospital:

      Chase's room:

      Willow, Finchy, and Chase: Finchy tells Willow that Chase can't move his legs, but then his legs move under the sheets! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead! :)

      Willow: He's all yours.

      *Chase's legs move again under the sheets again*

      I'm dead!!!! SO DEAD! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Why didn't the director say let's try the scene again!!!! :)

      The elevators:

      Michael and Willow: UGH! She is boohooing all over Michael!

      The meeting room:

      Finchy and Liz: Hahaha. Adorable! :) Hey Fanna was worse! Anna acting like a stupid teenager which made Finchy act the same way!

      Liz and Terri: I knew Terri noticed hahahahaha.

      The meeting: HA! I KNEW that lady was going to name Monica!!! While everyone clapped I clapped. :) And Britch fake clapped! ROFL!

      Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1999* Alexis tears Carly up! :) It's a thing of beauty. :)

    5. The Mouth from the South (as Karen calls her) was just the most self absorbed, obnoxious thing in the world. I'm sick to death of her, and yes, why oh why couldn't she have been on the docks when they blew? And then having to listen to Jason go on and on about what she means and did for him? That whole mess ruined my dinner!

      Nina is delusional, and Chase and Willow? Sigh.....I really don't care.

      Terri was great yesterday and it was good to see her. Same with Monica. I honestly could go either way on the Chief of Staff. Britt isn't the most liked of people, lol!

    6. Whatever Nina's mistakes, she's going to eventually not be denied rights to Wiley no matter how pissed Michael is at first. Sonny doesn't even have his memories... as bad as Nina's not saying anything is, she sees Sonny(Mike) as being free from the life he led, able to do things and form relationships with people like Phyllis and Lenny that will last even after he gets his memories back. Selfish and a bit twisted maybe, his family needs him... but a way for him to gain a perspective about life that may help inform how he does things moving on.

    7. "Julie H says, The Mouth from the South (as Karen calls her) was just the most self absorbed, obnoxious thing in the world."

      Hahahaha. All she thinks of is Jason Jason Jason. The REAL love of her life. :)

      "then having to listen to Jason go on and on about what she means and did for him? That whole mess ruined my dinner!"

      ROFL! She loves when Jason wax poetic to her! :) What did you have for dinner?

      "Britt isn't the most liked of people, lol!"

      Yeah you think? ROFL!

      "johnnyc0863 says, Whatever Nina's mistakes, she's going to eventually not be denied rights to Wiley no matter how pissed Michael is at first. Sonny doesn't even have his memories... as bad as Nina's not saying anything is, she sees Sonny(Mike) as being free from the life he led, able to do things and form relationships with people like Phyllis and Lenny that will last even after he gets his memories back. Selfish and a bit twisted maybe, his family needs him... but a way for him to gain a perspective about life that may help inform how he does things moving on."

      Yeah I want that to happen! :) Will it happen? We shall see.

    8. Not only do I despise Carly but I am really starting to hate the way Laura W plays that self-smirking attitude of hers. Jason kissing her butt is pretty sickening, too.

    9. 100% agree with you. While I know Laura can act they need to give her something else to do. Show some character growth as I said above. I have not witnessed the soft side of her and honestly wouldn't recognize it or accept it at this point.

    10. I'm sorry but yeh I couldn't stand Britt before but I really like her now. What Jason and Britt do is none of Carly babes biz. I'd much rather see him with Britt than Sam. He seems happier and stands up to Carly more, just in yesterday's episode alone. So give me more Britt any day. People can change. 😁

  4. No new episode today of GH due to coverage of the Derek Chauvin sentencing; encore performance shown of the Suffragette episode.

    1. I just read that, thanks Shelley D.!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I know Milo broke up with Ephinany but is Max still with Diane? Miss them - and didn't know if the hot bodyguard Trent took their place????

  6. Side note. I could be alone in my thinking, but I feel they are failing with the jail story. Show us some more ala Orange is the new black. Have Alexis bond with ladies you wouldn't think she would bond with. Nancy is a beast and could be so funny.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...