Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Oxygen for Chase

 OMG the ABC news was blabbering on and on about the "talks" and it was like: OK, IT'S NOT EVEN ANYTHING... I mean, really?? UGH I usually don't mind an interruption if it's big news but this? OY!

SO, 15 min interruption. FOR NOTHING!! 

Greg tells Jackie he's glad she lied about Chase because he could be his Dad all those years. 

Finn is puzzled why the antidote didn't work. 

Britt tells Anna the security cameras were tampered with on the night Peter escaped.  Anna goes to the roof to see what she can find out.  She looks around. 

Nina and Curtis catch up on stuff. She flashes back to kissing MikeSon. Curtis checks out of GH. Nina is going to bring him to dinner tomorrow night. 

Willow and Sasha talk about her marrying Chase. Willow wants him to be happy before he dies. 

Chase starts coughing, needs oxygen. Willow is all upset. His organs are failing. 

Jordan tells Cyrus is going to a fed pen in the Midwest. He's not happy about that. FBI Comes to take him to the infirmary in the jail. Cyrus is saying goodbye to Laura. He's being stripped of his position of the hospital. She tells him that they will never be family. He says he got into her head and she'll be facing the dark side. LOL Cyrus leaves. I think he's out-out (for now). 

Carly and Jason catch up over Coffee in the kitchen with the moss. He says she did good with the mobular stuff. He wants to be in charge...her being in Sonny's "Seat' confuses the five families. 

Aunt Stella is moving back to Port Charles after she wraps some things up in London. 


Jordan tells Laura she needs to resign. I can only hope Laura doesn't talk her out of it. 

Finn realizes that Cyrus probably tampered with the DNA tests

Chase wants to get married right here right now. 

Liz thinks back to the stairwell and Finn-- they put him in a freezer and into the sub-basement where Griffin was kept long ago. 

Anna notices a door... to the service elevator...DUN DUN DUN it's locked. 


  1. Of COURSE Jordan should resign - she has not solved ONE single case!!!!!!!!
    Maybe I am wrong - I truly thought Peter's body would be gone - but if in a freezer, maybe not....just don't think Frank would kill him off for good....
    FINALLY Finn buys a vowel and gets a clue about the DNA results!!!
    So I guess Trent hot bodyguard of Carly's ain't coming back anytime soon? LOL

    1. lol Yes. Arrogant Cyrus had to take a dig at Finn and instead he gave him a lightbulb moment. Hope he gets the formula ready before the wedding gets underway.

      And I did a little freezer dance for Pete the Popsicle. You can call him PP for short.

      I hope Laura doesn't talk Jordan out of resigning. And that she leaves PP where he is for now and tells Maxie he's dead.

    2. "Di says And I did a little freezer dance for Pete the Popsicle. You can call him PP for short."

      Hahahahahaha. Oh Di. :)

    3. PP, hahahahahah! Thanks for that! I was doing a little jig, too. It was good to see his cold dead body. :)

      Yes Mufasa! No more Trent? That makes me sad. He was very purty!

  2. Yes - please let Jordan resign. Then Mac Daddy can be commish and with Robert as DA (he IS the DA right??) - they can turn the PCPD around!! **That PD is such a joke it's sad...

    Also - can we just verify Peter is really dead already.....that's all I ever want mentioned of Peter - ever again.

    1. Would LOVE to see the Scorpio brothers back in the saddle.
      Interesting that we have not had either an exit comment or interview from Wes. Makes me nervous that the door is still open for Wes to come back in another role.

    2. Brownylocks:

      I would LOVE to see the Scorpio brothers back too. We don't get enough of them and they are a couple of my faves.

      I am nervous about Wes too. I am sure he is not gone :(

  3. Replies
    1. I didn't like Marty at first but when he became Laura's brother he became more interesting and now I like him

  4. I had to go online to see the beginning of what I missed because of the meeting between Putin and Biden.

    Outside: WOW! Where ever they are, it's a great place! Beautiful outdoor place!

    Gregory and Jackie: Great scene!!!

    The hospital:

    Britch and Anna: Oh yes Anna.. Go look for Hiney! :)

    Liz and Britch: OH! Liz got her job full time back ALRIGHT!!! :) Uh Britch, now what about Bobbie and Monica?

    Curtis's room:

    Nina and Curtis: Awwwwww great scene! I'm glad they had a scene together. :)

    Stella and Curtis: Uh Stella wants to give Curtis her place to live? Why? Stella what are you up to? You scheming to get Jurtis back together?

    Chase's room: Oh this is awful! Now he is coughing up blood?!?!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This is breaking my heart!!!! :(

    The nurses station:

    Finchy and Liz: The awkwardness!!! :) Great scene. Oh and uh while you are whispering under the stairs, make sure nobody is hiding in the stairs. Finchy wins the line of the day in the flashback. Flashback Liz talks about the camera that isn't working. And asks if he has seen it.

    Finchy: No I hadn't, but now that you mentioned it.


    Willow and Sasha:

    Willow: I love Chase.

    Sasha: But you are IN LOVE with Michael.

    Sasha's thoughts: And Michael is in love with Chase.

    Cyrus's room:

    Cyrus and Jordan: Are we losing Cyrus? I hope not!!! Whoa FBI people. Cyrus has to leave. :(

    The elevator:

    Jackie, Cyrus, and Finchy: Cyrus always has partying word gifts. :)

    Jackie and Finchy: OH! Finchy just figured it out! YAY! :)

    The hospital roof: YEAH GO ANNA GO! Bad ass Anna is back!!!! WOOT WOOT! :) Keep searching! :)

    Carly's home: The Tribbles are happy that the Tribbles dog won the dog show. :)

    Carly and Jason: They are happy that the Tribbles dog won the dog show too. Will Carly step down of being Mob boss queen? Hmmmm. I don't think so.

    Carly, Jason, and Brando: Brando is happy that the Tribbles dog won the dog show.

    1. Happy Birthday Sonya. I knew the tribbles dog won, lol and I understand they sent you a birthday card too. lol

    2. Sonya, it's your birthday? Hope you had/have a great day!

      That walking wig that won the dog show IS a Tribble, lol!

      Wasn't it great seeing PP in the freezer? I smiled! (I'm not right, lol!)

      Line of the day was perfect. Such annoyance in Finn's voice that I laughed out loud!

      I'm feeling really bad for Chase, but I am done with Willow. This entire story line is getting on my nerves!

      Thanks as always for your humorous recaps. You do such a great job! :)

    3. Happy belated birthday Sonya! Hope you had a great day!

    4. "Di says, Happy Birthday Sonya."

      Thank you! :)

      "I knew the tribbles dog won, lol"

      Hahahahaha. I never seen a dog like that before.. Adorable!!! :)

      "and I understand they sent you a birthday card too. lol"


      "lindie says, Happy birthday Sonya."

      Thank you! :)

      "Julie H says, Sonya, it's your birthday? Hope you had/have a great day!"

      Thank you!!!! Actually it was yesterday! I'm 47! :) And yes I did!!! :)

      "That walking wig that won the dog show IS a Tribble, lol!"


      "Wasn't it great seeing PP in the freezer? I smiled! (I'm not right, lol!)"

      ROFL! He needs to be dead dead forever! :)

      "Line of the day was perfect. Such annoyance in Finn's voice that I laughed out loud!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah his sarcasm is delicious. :)

      "I'm feeling really bad for Chase, but I am done with Willow. This entire story line is getting on my nerves!"

      Yeah this storyline needs to end NOW!!!!

      "Thanks as always for your humorous recaps. You do such a great job! :)"

      You're welcome and awww thank you. :)

      "LSV422 says, Happy belated birthday Sonya! Hope you had a great day!"

      Awwww thank you Linda! :)

  5. Stunning photo of Finola. She is ageless!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Is PP, love the name Di, going to have freezer burn when they finally get him out of the freezer?

    1. Hahahahaha. Yes Hiney PP could have freezer burn! Hahahahahaha!


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...