Thursday, June 17, 2021


 OUR POOR DAVID is MELTING IN THE HEAT!! He lives somewhere where it's 115!!! Send cooling vibes. We here in WNY are in the 70s and no humidity. It's one of our 10 good days a year!! yeah!! 

Jarly still in the kitchen. Carly asks Jason if he has a connection with Britt --he says yes. She's jellly. OMG A stupid mob shipment didn't make it to PC. Jason goes to Sonny's old office/restaurant and Dr. O stops by to make sure he's going to kill Peter and wants to know what his intentions are towards Britta. 

Britt and her mama. Britt flashes back to her almost capture. Dr. O ribs her about Jason. Britt says she doesn't know what's going to happen. 

Liz "Sees" Peter walking on the roof. Liz finds Anna on the roof. Anna thinks the old elevator might be a key to where Peter is. Anna asks about it. Liz says it's broken. Anna asks her if she knows of another way. Liz says NO!! It's sealed off. She convinces Anna he probably left by chopper. Liz looks super guilty in this LOL ..Anna called the FAA and the helicopter never landed. She's going to try to find the pilot. 

Jordan gives Laura her resignation. Laura tries to talk her out of it (UGH). I think she is going to stay YEP Laura talked her into not resigning. Damn. 

Finn tells Greg he think he's NOT Chases' Dad and that Cyrus switched the results. Greg isn't so sure and thinks Finn should use this time to sit with Chase. Finn tells him about Cyrus and everything and Greg says just to make the new serum and give it to Chase. Finn says it could kill him. Greg is like: SO WHAT! he's dying anyway. 

Trina and Joss. Trina looks so much older. They talk about how much Cam has changed. He is going to PCPU though. Joss has a prescription to go to PT. They then go get their grad gowns and talk about the future. 

Carly sees Britt at GH when she drops off Joss' permission slip. She asks about her and Jason. "It might be a problem" --FOR YOU she says. Oh Carly you so jelly girl. Carly tells her that it was basically being on the run that made Jason and she get together. Britt is like: Um, nope. I try to push him away but he won't go. 


Waiting for DNA tests to come back. 

TOMORROW: looks like Chase/Willows wedding---VIOLET is there. And Austin pushes...I think Dante? In the woods? 


  1. Maybe Austin is a bad guy? Hmmmm

    1. Hope he didn't push Dante into the well.

    2. "lindie says, Maybe Austin is a bad guy? Hmmmm"

      I really hope not! :(

  2. Anna will find out about Finn killing Peter and Liz covering. She has her brain back (we think). Will she turn them in? Or won't she?

    1. I don't think Anna will turn them in. I think she will find some way to cover for them.

    2. Yes. It would be a major disappointment if she does.She should feel relieved that she didn't have to do it...."Nope. I found nothing in the basement except trash and a little pp in the freezer." lol

    3. Ya. I don't think she'd turn them in either. Which makes me wonder why Finn didn't tell her. Guess he's afraid she would turn him in

    4. lindie, I don't think Finn is thinking clearly right now. If he was he would know that Anna would have his back.

    5. I'm sure you're right Gary

  3. Carly's chat with Britt was beyond ridiculous. She's a 50 year old woman, for heavens sakes and she's acting like a jealous teenager. Britt should have said she'll be sure to tell Jason that his "mama" was worried about him. lol

    1. Ugh, “special report” in the last segment of GH today. I really wanted to see Britt’s response to Carly. Just ugh!

    2. Lol Di! Carly sure was acting like a teenager. So transparent!

    3. Why in the world would Carly have any objection to Jason seeing Britt? It is ridiculous. Also, I enjoyed the scenes between Jason and Obrecht.

    4. I am a fan of any scene with Obrecht.

  4. Finding out Chase is NOT Finn's son is good, etc but I can't figure out WHERE it goes from here......Do Jackie and Greg now leave the show? I kinda thought Jackie would get with Robert...………...and we completely forgot Holly is out there.....MORE Robert and Mac and less Chase/Willow/Michael...……...

    1. Jackie and Greg can go and Mac and Robert can come back.

    2. Yes, more Robert and Mac. Bye to Chase/Willow/Michael/Jackie and Greg

    3. I like Jackie and Gregory.

  5. No, I like Jackie and Greg (and Chase). I like Willow and Michael, but wouldn’t be broken-hearted if they left.

  6. Austin is definitely after Michael. He probably is Jimmy Lee Holt's son. Why is he back now after all these years though would be the question? Definitely has money if he owns properties in Pautuck.

    1. I still think he is aj quartermaine. he went to medical school

  7. The hospital roof:

    Anna and Liz: Stay cool Liz!!! Come on Anna can't you see Liz is nervous?!!? Is Anna faking leaving and is really going to come back to open the elevator!?!! I hope!!

    In the hospital:

    Dr. O and Britch: Dr. O is so worried about her daughter awwwww. :) Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: And as I taught you, go for the legs first.


    Carly and Britch: Oh Carly! You are jelly!!! Just be honest! Tell her that you want Jason all to yourself because you are in wuv with him, and for Britch to stay away!!

    Finchy and Gregory: Great scene!!! I want more Gregory! :) He needs to stay!!!

    Joss and Trina: Joss you trickster!!! :) Where did you learn your trickery Joss? From the Tribbles? Where was Cam today?

    Carly's kitchen:

    Carly and Jason: You can tell Carly is very jelly!!! Sorry Carly, but it's too late for you two. Jason and Britch are going to be together now. :)

    Trina and Joss: Oh a graduation cap and gown!!! :) Where are the Tribbles cap? They should get one too. They would look really pretty with a cap. :) Awww Trina gave the Tribbles her purse. How sweet. :)

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Jason and Dr. O: Dr. O crying! OH NO!!! :( She made me cry! Someone has to give her a hug!!!! :( Jason she is worried about her daughter! Give her a hug!

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Laura: UGH! NO LAURA NO! Don't encourage her to stay! UGH UGH UGH!

    Preview for tomorrow: Austin pushes Dante!!!!! WHY?!!?!?! Is it someone's nightmare? Did he push him into a hole? Is Austin bad?!?!!? Is he just protecting Dante?!!?! I NEED TO KNOW THE ANSWERS!!! Whew glad it's not Friday!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1999* Liz vs Carly. Liz handled her very well. :)

    1. Dang, did you see the size of the Tribbles! You could ski down those green mountains!

      I thought Joss was channeling her obnoxious inner Carly when she was discussing Cam with Trina. Lordy she was so sanctimonious! Just shut up already!

      Dr. O broke my heart, too. Even Stone Cold showed a flicker of emotion. Dr. O has really turned into a must see interesting character. I love her!

      Could Liz have been any more obvious. I was hollering at her to play it cool and hush! Lol!

    2. I missed it. Did Liz have a good explanation for Anna as to why she was on the roof. Nurses don't just go on the roof of the hospital to get some fresh air.

    3. "Nurses don't just go on the roof of the hospital to get some fresh air." ROFL

    4. "Julie H says, Dang, did you see the size of the Tribbles! You could ski down those green mountains!"

      Hahahahahaha. Yes they are growing!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "I thought Joss was channeling her obnoxious inner Carly when she was discussing Cam with Trina. Lordy she was so sanctimonious! Just shut up already!"

      I thought they already talked and she and Cam were okay. I'm confused.

      "Dr. O broke my heart, too."

      :( Dr. O is so worried about her daughter awwwww. :(

      "Dr. O has really turned into a must see interesting character. I love her!"

      YES! I agree with her and I love her too!

      "Could Liz have been any more obvious. I was hollering at her to play it cool and hush! Lol!"


      "lindie says, I missed it. Did Liz have a good explanation for Anna as to why she was on the roof. Nurses don't just go on the roof of the hospital to get some fresh air."

      ROFL! She told Anna that Britt said Anna was up on the roof looking for Peter.

  8. Does anybody know if there will be a Nurses Ball this year. It's usually in May of June and I haven't heard anything about it on or off the show.

  9. The time has come that Jason needs to step up and tell Carly to step back...I get that Carly and Jason are each other's "person", but her constant interfering with his personal life has gotten tiresome.


    Thought some of you might want to read this. He'll be in the new issue of Soap Opera Digest, on sale Friday.

    1. Wow! Has it been a year and a half already!? Time flies! I hope he comes back. :(

    2. Agree! He should come back! Excellent actor! Laura’s brother!

    3. Thanks for the link! I want him to come back, too.

  11. I think the preview is misleading. I think there is a snake or animal in the woods and Austin is protecting him

    1. Or he's about to step in the hole and he pushes him over it. However, they do have him with a nasty look on his face and he's not grabbing him...he's shoving him...(maybe into the hole. lol)

    2. "Di says, Or he's about to step in the hole and he pushes him over it. However, they do have him with a nasty look on his face and he's not grabbing him...he's shoving him...(maybe into the hole. lol)"

      That damn stupid hole! ROFL!

    3. OR pushing him AWAY from the shaft/hole...…….

    4. LMAO Does the last answer win?

  12. So agree Karen about Laura and Jordan. Just ugh! Jordan needs to go as PC. She is so awful! And David...sending you some AC. Keep cool!

  13. Just watched some old scenes from the show Scandal. Yowza!!!!! That was my favorite show. GH could take some lessons. HAWT scenes, mystery, murder etc. It was so great.

  14. Poor David. :( I hope you have an AC!!! I don't remember if you said you do or not.

  15. I wonder if that broken elevator shaft led to the underground lab that Helena built to have Stavros de-thawed. Remember when Tony Jones was blackmailed into trying to de-thaw him?


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...