Thursday, June 10, 2021

Let's all go to the lobby.... (Thursday)


Another simple blog. You don't have to participate if you don't want to, but some simple questions:

1. Do you have a drive-in theater in your town? Did you growing up?

2. Have you been back to a movie theater yet? Will you eventually go to one?

As many of you know, I live in Vegas. We do have a drive-in theatre here. It is a really nice one. Every night has single features and also double features and the price is reasonable. We bring our own food and beverages in, although you aren't supposed to. But seriously, doesn't everyone? And the weather... 106 during the day and about 86 at night. Brutal. The one thing I don't like is that they no longer have those clunky silver speakers to hook on your window. Everything is done by FM radio now and it really does a number on your car battery. Hopefully this blog will stir up some happy memories of the drive-ins of your youth.

There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Friday.
Please feel free to use this space for Thursday's comments.


  1. Not in my town but a friend owns one of if not the last remaining drive-in theatres in CT. It doubles as a flea market on weekend days. Never had one in my town but close.
    No to going to movie theatre in any near future.

  2. No but yes when I was little. Amazing memories watching movies at the drive in.

  3. Yes, I had a drive-in theater in town when I grew up (Ohio). Yes, there is a drive-in theater in town now (FL). Yes, I saw Cruella in the theater (great sound track btw.)

  4. I grew up going to the drive in. When I was younger we went with the family - and in high school we went with friends. This was back in the day when you piled everyone in the back of the truck (El Camino in our case) and you all drove in together and sat in the bed of the EC, on the roof or gathered on lawn chairs in your "spot". We've had some pop-up drive-ins set up around where I live (Orange County, CA) but no close actual drive in. I haven't been - and I doubt I would now. If if we want an outside set up - we projector it from our driveway onto a sheet on the garage, complete with fire bowl going....MUCH more fun than sitting in the car (no more truck beds for me)!!! **I doubt I will be back to an actual theater either. I'm so much more comfortable watching from home. Everything is available so quickly now, it doesn't make a difference. Also it's like $20 bucks a ticket to go to a theater here and not much lower for a matinee! Buy two tickets, add in food (and wine) - and it's A LOT....I can make popcorn, add junior mints and/or M n M's, and have wine at home and not go into debt to do it! But - that's me!!

  5. SOD just stated that Wes Ramsey is out at GH - the news we have been looking forward to forever. Guess Peter must really be dead.

    1. Can you post a link for that, please. I don't see it anywhere online.

    2. He's out for now. Not dead I am sure.

    3. I saw it on Twitter and it said it came from Soap Opera Digest but I can't find it now - maybe a fake?

    4. You have to have a direct source. Many sites use click bait and when you read the article itself it says it might happen, or could happen or maybe it will happen.

    5. This was straightforward, not a tease like CDL. Oh well, we will see what happens.

    6. It was I copied this from Twitter.

      According to Soap Opera Digest, Wes Ramsey (Peter), who has been with the series since November 2017, is saying goodbye to Port Charles. His character was last seen when he fell down a flight of steps during an argument with Finn (Michael Easton) during last week's episodes. Liz (Rebecca Herbst) declared that the villain had no pulse. Fans were left to wonder if the character was truly deceased or would be making a surprise return. Now, it seems like this is the end for Peter August... at least for now!

    7. don't tease me with hope - the key words are FOR NOW - cause he's out there...

    8. "at least for now" Typical add on designed to add hope and keep fans arguing for months.

    9. Yeah I saw that on twitter! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :)

    10. so happy he is dead. now he can take LW with him.

    11. Still not convinced until Anna and Dr. O see his cold, dead, decaying body, lol!

  6. I am not a Carly fan anymore but I would LOVE to see her destroy Cyrus.

    1. on the other hand Carly being a victim with anything makes me sick

  7. SO Chase and Willow will marry cause he is 'dying' and then Finn will find out Chase is NOT his son and redo the Trojan thing - and then Willow will be stuck married to Chase.......why can't they just hire a fake minister?

    NOW I think Nina will want Lenny back in PC to see a specialist, cause SURELY Lenny isn't gonna die?

    1. Ok...go with me on this, Finn did this Trojan thing by mixing his DNA and Jackie's something like that for the anecdote. So...what if it didn't work because he isn't the father, as in, someone changed the results. No who would have done that???

    2. LOL! Mufasa I just read yours after watching the show! 😂🤣 I posted mine while what a damn way to end it. 😥 I may want Millow together but I LOVE Chase and he can't die!
      So...SOD said PLP is dead! Aces! We finally got our wish!!

  8. Michael and Willow scenes are so LOOOOONNNNGGGGG and Boring!

    1. Not any longer than the others, they just seem that way cause you hate them.

    2. So true Linda, and so true Michelle!

      I don't even want to think about a death bed wedding. Kill me now and get it over with.

    3. I don't hate them separately. I just see no chemistry

  9. Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Phyllis, Lenny, and Mike: Lenny tells Mike to go follow Nina!!! :) OH NO! Lenny has heart problems?! Is he going to die?!?!?!!?!! :( OH NO I HOPE NOT!!! :(

    Port Chuckles:

    The hospital:


    Marty and Laura: MARTY! YAY! Where have you been? Poor Marty wants Laura to talk to Cyrus about their mother cus he don't know where she is. :(

    Marty and Carly: Ohhhh Carly is going to help Marty see his mama! :) Love that!

    Cyrus's room:

    Cyrus and Carly: Mob queen boss Carly is so great haha. I love it! :) Cyrus wins the line of the day.

    Cyrus: Mrs. Corinthos you went to law school when I wasn't looking?

    Hahahahahahaha. Carly as a lawyer can you picture it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She would be screeching, I OBJECT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Cyrus and Laura: OH! CARLY DID IT! MARTY GOT TO SEE HIS MAMA! Marty had mama talk to Cyrus! :)


    Michael and Willow: Yeah yeah Jax is bad. Michael tell your mother what Jax did!!!

    Michael, Willow, and Carly: Crap he doesn't!!! MICHAEL!!!

    Brasha and Gladys: Wow! Sasha has got a very serious baby bump. I really wonder if the actress is preggers in real life. Gladys does not like Sasha at all. The way she was looking at Sasha in her room!!! YIKES! If looks could kill!

    Chase's room:

    Chase, Michael, Willow, Finchy and Liz: The pee in the bag is not working it's making Chase have a bloody nose and seizing!!! I wonder if the tribbles can give pee! And if their pee is green.

    Chase, Gregory and Jackie: Chase is out!!! Poor Gregory and Jackie! :( I wonder if the Tribbles have visited Chase.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1979* Is Laura pregnant?!

    1. Sure was good to see Marty. I could listen to him and Laura talk all day.
      I hate to say it, but I sure was glad that Cyrus can't hold the Dev situation over their heads anymore. That was getting tiresome!

      Loved Gladys's evil looks. She's something else, that one!

      And I forgot to mention yesterday that my favorite part of the Smash Room was Dr O.'s slapshot with the hockey stick/computer disc. I was grinning like a fool, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Sure was good to see Marty."

      Yes it was! :)

      "I could listen to him and Laura talk all day."

      Me too! :)

      "I hate to say it, but I sure was glad that Cyrus can't hold the Dev situation over their heads anymore. That was getting tiresome!"

      Yeah I'm glad too. I'm so glad Carly was one step ahead of him!

      "Loved Gladys's evil looks. She's something else, that one!"

      Yeah I think she hates Sasha!

      "And I forgot to mention yesterday that my favorite part of the Smash Room was Dr O.'s slapshot with the hockey stick/computer disc. I was grinning like a fool, lol!"

      Hahahhaha I loved that too! The whole thing was great! I need more of the smash room!!! :)

    3. My favorite part was Anna's little backwards dance. lol But that slapshot was great too.

  10. Tamara Braun is the only actress to make carly human. she had emotions LW is cold and ruthless. and self-centered. if GH needs a carly bring back Tamara Braun

  11. I used to go to the drive in as a wee lass in a small Indiana town back in the sixties. Watched the cartoons, stuffed myself with popcorn and slept in the back of the station wagon in my jammies, with my teddy bear. :)

    There are none in my area now, and I have no intention of going to a movie theater. I quit doing that way before Covid, for the same reasons Ladderr mentioned above.

  12. HI!! YES.. I had one growing up and it was a HUGE part of my life. HUGE. All through HS. It's gone now. We do have one about 45 minutes from here that has 3 screens. Not the same as the old days though.
    I can't wait to get back to the theater and want to see both A Quiet PLace 2 and Cruella. I'll probably go in a week or 2

  13. I saw A Quiet Place 2. You must see it in a theater. It was really good.

    First movie I saw in a theater in well over a year.

  14. I think we're in the phase right now where we are transitioning into some new storylines. We are at the place where the writers and producers are reacting to popular demand -- Petey gettin' gone, Nixon Falls wrapping up, and Maxie and Anna getting their mojo back.

    1. I certainly hope so. And I hope they stick with the storylines that have kept us riveted the last 2 weeks.

    2. I am so ready for everyone getting their MOJO back. ESPECIALLY Anna because I love her and Finola is terrific

  15. Ok so it HAS been confirmed! Wes is gone! So ding dong Petey is gone!! 🙏😁🖐👏👏

    1. Who knows. Someone posted a pic of a cover dated June 21 2021. There's no sign of that being out yet and it was one with a postmark. Maybe a fake. I'll wait for a formal notice from Wes.

    2. No where did it say for now. In comings and goings. It said he's gone.

    3. It didn't. I think that's what Mufasa is hoping.

      In the deadline article they say he's dead...not "dead" I think they're saying he's really dead. They use " " on the second one because that's how fans write it when they don't want to believe he's dead. They say sure...He's "dead" right....


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...