Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Stuart Damon RIP


OMG Guys...Stuart Damon has passed away! I found out during GH... he was 84. Ugh so sad. 

Anna and Val in the cottage; chem test. Val says he will follow Anna anywhere to find the baby. It's his duty. They talk about their past. You remember he was a hunchback? They get very close--Really CLOSE will they kiss? 

Finn and Liz talk about dead Peter. What about the body?!! Anna might figure it out!! Finn wants to confess to the PCPD. He wants to call Scotty.  Then the nanny brings Violet in because she can't sleep. She misses her daddy. Oh, I get it, she won't let him tell the PCPD because of her cuteness. Scotty comes in. Wonders if Finn wants to talk about malpractice LOL 

Maxie, Lucy, Nina... Sasha walks in. Maxie is stunned to see she's PG. Nina is happy for her. Brook Lynn flounces in. Maxie!!? What are you doing here she asks. Maxie is pissed Brook left the baby with Olivia. Wants to talk to her alone. Brook says the plan is they work together and put Bailey in the daycare next door and see her all the time! Maxie is happy. Then Lucy shows the new campaign. "The Face of Conception" is Sasha pregnant. They want to hold candlelight vigils all over the country for baby Louise. Brook says no!

Brook, Michael and Joss at Metro. She overhears Brook say something about Willow and Michael.  Brook leaves. Joss figures out that Michael and Willow want to be together but can't. 

Scotty offers to fly Dr. O to Honolulu because he has a new client with "big pockets" (Austin) and she says her heart is broken. He wonders why. Britt sees them, thinks she's going to tell him about her diagnosis and goes over. Scotts says lets go for steaks. Dr. O says no she and Britta are having a drink together. He leaves. They talk about her Huntington's. She wants to keep her COS job. Britt tells her she can tell Scotty. 

Scotty goes over to Joss and Michael. Asks Michael why he didn't change his name back to Quartermaine--and then mentions the board meeting. Michael is like: Um, OK? Then talks to Joss about forgiving Cam. 

Jason and Carly talk about fake marrying. Then Jason suggests fake killing her. Or exile. She says no way.  They talk about marrying.  Yada yada. They cry. They think about it. 

I'm sorry too upset/distracted about Stuart to pay attention to GH much. 


  1. They BETTER have a week's worth of shows for this legend......show old clips and then -------have the people who worked with him tell stories------ even on video ----HOPE that Frank and the writers make it 'classy' and well-deserved...….

  2. okay show news------WHY Honolulu - why does Austin want Scott there? For sure, Scott asking Michael questions is because of whatever Austin asked him to do...and HOW is he so rich? Quartermaine rich????
    I was SO mad that Maxie said to Laura, 'I had to get out - I couldn't stay alone in that empty apartment." Ah, sweetie, you have TWO other children...….that you never spend time with and where in the hell is FELICIA?

    1. Scotty said he had a new client with deep pockets so he wanted to take her on vacation to Hawaii. It wasn't for his client. (Austin)

    2. that makes more sensed - thanks, Di!!

  3. So sad. He died of renal failure. They need a good show for him.

    1. I forget we're he and Emily Dorothy and Cowardly Lion at nurses ball?

    2. I loved that act at the Nurse's Ball. So sad.

  4. Sad day. I trust the show will do something out of respect. If anything, Leslie and Jane sitting together remembering Stuart and then showing a few minutes of clips.

  5. Stuart D and also the legendary Ray MacDonnell who played Dr Joe Martin on All My Children too (he was like 93!) https://tvline.com/2021/06/28/ray-macdonnell-dead-all-my-children/
    RIP to these 2 great actors - abc daytime all - time greats!

    Old school gh fan

  6. Very sad. They both seemed like such gentle souls as a person too.

    1. Yes, they both seemed to be gentlemen. I always really loved Allen.

  7. The cabin:

    Anna and V.C.: Oh it rained!!! They are wet. :) Oh come on V.C. kiss her already! I want a Vanna kiss!! They are drinking! Drunk sex? :)

    V.C.: Even if it means going to the ends of the earth with you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) V.C. does win the line of the day.

    V.C.: I can barely tolerate you now darling.

    ROFL! Even Anna laughed. Great scene! I love it! :) Oh he is getting closer to her!!!! :) Will they have a covid kiss or a REAL kiss? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Scotty and Dr. O: Oh Scotty is so excited to see Dr. O! :) I LOVE THAT! :) When she talked about how sad she is, I thought it was because that she doesn't know where she and Scotty are in their relationship. The way she is looking at him, she is in wuv! :)

    Britch and Dr. O: I love the way Dr. O was looking at Scotty when he left hehehe. Oh so Dr. O and Scotty ARE a couple now! YAY! :) I'm so glad that Dr. O can tell Scotty about Britch and the Huntington's disease.

    Joss and Michael: Whiny Joss talking about Cam and being nosy. Like mother like daughter. :)

    Joss, Michael, and Scotty: Oh I want to know what Scotty knows! Come on Scotty let us in on what Austin told you!!!

    Carson home:

    Jarly: Oh she is talking about when Michael was a toddler!!! See? I told you! She still wuvs Jason and that he is the wuv of her life. Damn she is just going on and on!

    Carly: Everyone is just going to think I planned this. They are going to think that I have always ran off every woman you have ever loved.

    Uh you have always done that Carly!!!! You are still doing it now with Jason and Britch!!!


    Brooky, Maxie, Nina, Lucy, and Sasha: Wow! Beautiful picture and the wording I love! Poor Maxie had to see Sasha preggers. Come on Sasha tell Nina who the father is. :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Finchy: I wonder when they are going to go down to the sub sub basement to move Hiney's body somewhere else..

    Finchy and little V:

    Little V: I miss you.


    Little V: You work too hard.

    Hahahahaha awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Little V: Night aunt Elizabeth.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I just want to eat her up! She is adorable!!!!! :) We need more of her! :)

    Sidenote: They haven't shown the Tribbles today! I don't know how many people saw me say this, but the Tribbles have been kidnapped!!! Look! See!


    "Karen says I'm sorry too upset/distracted about Stuart to pay attention to GH much."

    Yeah it's very sad. :( He will always be part of the GH legacy!!!

    1. I just loved Anna and Valentin yesterday. I thought for sure we were going to have a smooch! Thanks to you and Karen for the recaps, My cable was out for the first 15 minutes due to raging thunderstorms. Again! We've had quite the weather that past week in Michigan.

      Little V is too much. I heart her. I laughed out loud at Shriek Face saying everyone would think she planned this (marrying Jason). Duh, ya think?!! Hahahahah!

      I'm surprised Di has the nerve to post. She should be overcome with guilt for drinking the Tribbles, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, I just loved Anna and Valentin yesterday."

      Me too!!!! :)

      "I thought for sure we were going to have a smooch!"

      Yeah maybe today! :)

      "Thanks to you and Karen for the recaps,"

      You're welcome! :)

      "My cable was out for the first 15 minutes due to raging thunderstorms. Again! We've had quite the weather that past week in Michigan."

      I'm jealous! :) I'm waiting for the rain!!!! :) We are supposed to get it.

      "Little V is too much. I heart her."

      Hehe yeah. :) We need to see more of her and the lizard. :) Oops blanking out her name. We need to see Little V play with her. :)

      "I laughed out loud at Shriek Face saying everyone would think she planned this (marrying Jason). Duh, ya think?!! Hahahahah!"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Her dream is coming true! :)

      "I'm surprised Di has the nerve to post. She should be overcome with guilt for drinking the Tribbles, lol!"


    3. I LOVE Anna and Valentin. Team Vanna here! Kiss kiss kiss.
      Love little Violet. Do you mean Roxy?

    4. "lindie says,Team Vanna here! Kiss kiss kiss."

      WOOT WOOT! :)

      "Do you mean Roxy?"

      YES! Thank you. :)

    5. Julie and Sonya....BUT they told me to stay hydrated! lol

    6. ROTFLMAO, Di!! I said stay cool, lol!! :)

    7. "Di says, Julie and Sonya....BUT they told me to stay hydrated! lol"


    8. I assure you that the tribbles are fine. They're just on vacation. And they're staying hydrated too.


  8. Yup. Alan is like Steve Hardy. Beloved GH legacy.

  9. I loved Stuart D. and this news is so sad. He really was Prince Charming. I agree with the posters above, we need a classy episode with flashbacks. The day they killed him off on GH was a sad, sad day. If I remember correctly it was during the Guza years. :(

    1. Guza had it out for the Quartermaines. I hated that era.

    2. Agreed Kevin, the decimation of the Q's was awful!

  10. I ain't gonna lie - when Valentin said, "I can barely tolerate you now, darling", I watched it 9 times in a row.....wow and wow...……...is it hot in here or what?

    1. I am going to watch again too. Loved that line.

  11. Love Val and Anna.
    Hate the Jason/Carly idea.
    Yes, a grand tribute to Stuart Damon should definitely happen.

  12. I love Val and Anna, too! Even when his character was questionable, that voice and his expressions were so appealing. I absolutely cannot watch any Carly scenes anymore. Love all Scotty scenes - what a gem he is! He and Liesl are just terrific.

    1. I love Val and Anna. Also love Dr O and Scotty. Wasn't a fan of Dr O or Britt but they have grown on me so much lately


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...