Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sunday Surgery: The Mother Load


HELLO!! HOLY MOLY!! GH brought the old school everything this week!! I was loving it and dying to get home to watch.  Such good acting--dialog and everything. AND A REAL OUTSIDE SHOOT! Yes, I'm still giddy about that one lol.  Photo credit: @antigonea 

Note to self: WHY didn't we call Paxie --PeMax when we had the chance??! 

Hunker down, it might be a long one-- 

"The Mother Load" ..why?  Maxie...the mama who gave up her baby to save her...Brook...the adoptive mother taking Bailey in. The mother that haunts Cyrus to this day. The mother that shows up to a cabin to hold her daughter when she tells her the diagnosis. Portia who gives Cyrus medical care to protect Trina.  Laura the ultimate PC Mama Bear standing up to the wolf in the room even though he put her girl into a coma. Don't forget Gladys who took a bullet and gave up Peter August.  Ah...moms. 

NON-ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM OF THE WEEK: Why am I starting out with this? Because it was GLARING not to have Sonny, Carly and or Jason in the middle of either the Cyrus OR the Peter story. Carly shows up Friday to talk to Jason and I could literally hear a sad-horn playing. Just goes to show, it can be done without them!!  And PS. Nixon Falls WHO

COLLECTIVE CHEER OF THE WEEK: Peter is pushed by Finn. Lord knows it was all of us at the top of the stairs shoving him down! BOOM!! I swear I saw McBain up there too! LOL -- Liked that Liz wanted to cover it up. She's been too damn nice. 

COLLECTIVE SKEPTICISM OF THE WEEK: Ok, WHERE Is PETER'S BODY? Because.. um, I don't see it. YOU Don't see it. We all saw it in the stairwell but where did Finn and Liz stash it? HOW Did they stash it? Will it be there when they go back? Because unless they set that SOB on FIRE in front of us, I'm not believing he's gone. Nope.  Photo thx to Soap Central 

SACRIFICE OF THE WEEK: Mama Maxie who gave up Louise aka Bailey Lois to Brook in order to save her from Peter. Brook Lynn who accepted her and seems to be warming about having a baby (trouble ahead!!). They both are united now in common deceit. I really like how this switch has been playing out. Quite different than the others I've seen over the years. 

SECRETS OF THE WEEK:  SO, we know Brook and Maxie carry a big one. When Britt comes back to town she'll know too. BUT..the bigger secret that could totally mess everything up is Finn and Liz--who (supposedly) stashed a dead Peter and won't tell a soul. This means Maxie can't trust that Peter isn't out there somewhere and ergo, can't claim her daughter. Eeeeeee!! Drama!

MOTHER OF THE WEEK:  Ok, yeah, Brook Lynn and Maxie went through it but come on. THIS is the mudder we all wanted to see!! And JASON CALLED HER. That's huge. HUGE in so many ways. Why? He's thinking about Britt's mental health. He trusts Lesil not to say a word (she's a baddie so she's got "The Code") and he did it all without consulting Carly. Hats off my man!  Lesil and Britta were so adorable talking about Jason. Giddy or what? 

AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL OF THE WEEK: Ok, I'm going there. Michael and Willow. Sorry if you're a fan (you might want to look away) but Um.. they are like watching two teens that have no chem try to 'emote'. OOFFF it was bad. I just don't get them and I don't get their chaste WUB. All they talk about is Wiley. And I swear to everything on soaps that their "looks" to each other are as sexy as a Keebler Elf commercial. 

DOUBLE-TAKE OF THE WEEK: Liz looked twice at ol' Franco on the gurney and later when he came into Maxie's room. Love how the last time she saw him he wouldn't open his eyes on the stretcher and this time he did. 

SCENES OF THE WEEK : There were two astounding scenes this week. First up was Maxie telling Peter off. I mean-- wowza. Kirsten knocked it OUT!! Perfect words. Perfect pitch. Just...perfect.  I just... I have no words. Jeff Kober is just amazing. THERE'S a villain for you. The emotion and narcisistic "what about me" was radiating off of him. To have Genie there as well? Icing on the cake. 

TREND OF THE WEEK: Maxie trended on Twitter after the scenes where she tells Peter off. :Clapping: it was brilliant. 

FACES OF THE WEEK: Jason and Britt on the phone together. GAH! 

"EMOTE" OF THE WEEK: Oh boy oh boy but Peter really put it on thick. He was so upset with Maxie. Punched a wall...wailed.  um..okay. 

GOOF OF THE WEEK: Sharp viewer Frank noticed you could see palm trees from the roof of GH along with the LA observatory. Giggle. I will give them a pass though.  Photo thx to @twynk 

WUBS FAVES OF THE WEEK: Anything Cyrus, the way Britt and Jason looked when they were talking on the phone,  The stunt man that took the header down the stairs. Finn looking all dapper and zexy on that roof. Valentin looking at "his daughter".  Franco's fresh faced Austin vibe. Lesil loving Jason and Britt together. 


Maxie gives her baby to Book Lynn for protection

Dr. Austin __________? Sees a sign about Michael Corinthos Wing at GH and stops dead in his tracks. Hmmmm.. 

Chase still is on death's door

Finn pushes Peter down the stairs, Liz says he's dead. They'll keep the secret 

Maxie still thinks Peter is fleeing and a danger

Cyrus makes Portia get the bullet out

Laura gives herself as a hostage

Curtis breaks in, gets shot by Cyrus and Cyrus is shot by Jordan 

Willow and Michael make love 

Britt tells her mother that she has Huntington's Disease

Jason is released from jail 

NEWS OF THE WEEK: I hope you've seen my other post about Kirsten Storms having brain surgery for a cyst in her brain. Poor girl. She says she's on the mend and going home so here's hoping she's up and doing well soon. 

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:  Dante questions Maxie, Jax saw the Millow sex, and Auntie Stella returns to PC! 

AND... that's a wrap! SO much happened and I hope you decide to watch. Great acting, writing  and dialog.  This is a another crazy week for me--last week of kids at preschool. I'll be in when I can. BIG thanks to Dave for always filling in when needed. 


  1. Replies
    1. Happy Sunday. Hot and sunny here

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love reading when Karen is excited. Great SS. And a great 2 weeks except when they're shoving the "turd in the punch bowl" that is Millow down our throats. I'm still kind of sad that they dudn't do a murder mystery with Peter, but at least he's gone (for now).

  3. austin looking at the michael corinthos sign, could he really be AJ Quartmaine back from the dead. that is why he looked somewhat familiar to liz.

    1. Ooohhh! I didn't think of that!! My thinking was he was a guy from Willows past, (deads baby's dad) come back. But I like your idea better!

    2. shiloh was the baby daddy of willow's baby

    3. Oh yeh!! I forgot about that asshat. Seizure brain...sorry LOL! 🤣😂

  4. I don't think Peter is dead. this reminds me of YnR when the women all thought they killed JT. then buried him. but he really was alive.

  5. anyone who believes Peter is really dead-----well, I will sell you swamp land in Florida LOL - Frank is NOT gonna let go to him just yet...
    I think Chloe is still alive, but KB DID post how she enjoyed working with KS....The vials are still somewhere, but I think Sean's notes will help Finn discover a cure....
    this is the first week in forever that I didn't fast-forward-------BRILLIANT work of Jeff Kober and Genie F-----and Kristen S -
    cause no Nixon Falls!!!!! When Jax blackmails Michael, Nina can come home and Sonny can follow her----whatever - don't care - just want Nixon Falls gone...
    WHO is running ELQ? and I DO think Cameron M IS gonna be the new owner of the invader....
    and I am sorry - but I still don't think Jordan can act very, Portia? YES!

    1. I saw the post KB did about playing nurse Chloe that you talked about. I told her that Chloe could always claw her way out of the mine shaft and drop in on Maxie to say Hi. LOL

  6. Fantastic SS Karen. So many great lines, but this one had me laughing out loud. " their "looks" to each other are as sexy as a Keebler Elf commercial. " That's so true.

    And I'm tired of her perpetual scared or confused face too. The blocks have more personality.

  7. Peter doing the "constipated" acting in the stairwell was funny to me. Portia standing their staring when Curtis was injured on the ground was weird. Soaps do that sometimes though.

  8. I don't like Jeff Kober's acting. Sorry, I might be in the minority, but he did a good job with Genie. Of course, my fave Genie Francis could make anyone look good. Well, almost anyone. lol

    1. you mean in general? Cause I agree with that - this week though he was amazing....but normally - ahh whatever...

    2. Not to be disrespectful but I don't care for Jeff Kober's acting. I think he has done a wonderful job this week with Genie though. Otherwise, not so much. Flat and monotone usually.

    3. I agree - not a fan of his on GH or on The Walking Dead. He did good this week with a superior pro Genie Francis to play with. He has been rather monotonous to me.

    4. Same. I know we need a villain. But I'm over it. Send him packing. Loved him in SOA but not for GH.

  9. Another great SS! Thank you.
    Best line of this SS (for me): "I swear I saw McBain up there too!" LOVE that. Hiney is not dead. We know that.
    I love Jeff Kober and hope they come up with something interesting for him. Seeing him play a good guy would be new, he never is, but Cyrus seems unredeemable. In soap land anything is possible.

  10. Like everyone, I’m happy Peter is dead. Hopefully, he’ll stay dead. Was it worth killing Franco? No. Was it worth destroying Friz and their family? No. Was it worth Rebecca Herbst getting back burned and absent in what should have been her story? Unfortunately no. GH really needs new writers and a new EP. we all know Peter is coming back.

    1. Chris and Dan are fine writers, in fact the better writers we've had in a LONG time. It's just this actor and how his gif is a part of the show. So they kiss her ass. Peter really dead? I surely hope so, but until I actually see said dead bod I won't believe it. Also, I honestly think Finn and Liz should tell Maxie. So she can get her daughter back!

    2. They will surely blame Liz for all of this, mark my words

  11. If Peter comes back after this I'm going to start a Go Fund me page to see if we can raise enough to get the writers an ounce of originality!

  12. Fantastic acting from Kirsten Storms and Jeff Kober this week!!

    Let's hope Parking Lot Peter is really dead....but I doubt it. He's a Frank pet now. Unfortunately, I think we're stuck with "Julliard" and his overacting every scene as if he's in a middle school production.

    Wishing a healthy, gentle recovery for Kirsten Storms after having learned of her brain surgery.

  13. Julliard is a very prestigious, private performing arts college in NYC that is very difficult to get into.

    1. Yes. I know about Julliard the school. I thought they were calling an actor Julliard.

  14. Here's some news posted on General Hospital Daily. (Great pics too.)

    1. Very weird - everyone seemed to be naked. I guess they don't like hospitals.

    2. I'm sure they aren't naked. They are men. Men don't always wear shirts. They had a home birth. To each their own. Their sons were born at home too. Everyone is different. Not sure what's so weird.
      She's a beautiful baby. Love the name. ❤

    3. It is a special bonding time that begins when your baby is placed skin-to-skin on your chest right after he is born.Both mothers and fathers can practice skin-to-skin contact, which can start soon after your baby is born and continue during infancy.

    4. Never saw this before - thanks for explaining.

  15. There are some articles online describing Kirsten Storms condition and brain surgery.

  16. Speedy and complete recovery wishes to Kirsten Storms!!!!! You are one of my favs!!!!!!

    Do you think this will change
    the story arc? Will they write Maxie 'out' while she hides from Peter and mourns the loss of her baby. Or replacement actor?

    1. I hope no replacement. Maybe they should just not show her for a bit


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...