Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Broadway Musicals (Tuesday)


I had no idea what to write for today's blog. Karen often tells me "just throw a photo up there and the wubbers will do the rest". This is why you received a picture of Ziggy a few weeks ago. But hey, who doesnt love a little Ziggy, right?

So today's question for the comments is simple. What is your favorite Broadway Musical? Now, don't limit it to Broadway. Perhaps some of you have never seen one at the theatre. That's ok. Movie musicals count as well. Dreamgirls, Chicago, Hairspray, etc.

I'm kinda looking forward to Into the Heights out next month as a movie. When I lived in NJ, I went to NYC several times a year and saw a lot of theatre. 

My all-time favorite is Wicked, hands down. I saw it in 2007 on opening night in LA and I went in not knowing any of the spoilers and plot twists and was just blown away. The script (or, book) is just amazing the way they interweave the plot with the 1939 movie. A few years later, I watched the movie on tv and it was such an eye opener and I saw it in such a different light.

So what is your favorite musical, broadway or otherwise?

Wubsy here!! Just popped in to say: I AM NOT A THEATER person!! LOL..I do go but the big "broadway' shows..meh. BUT--if you can ever catch it, I went to a fantastic show 3 years ago called "Here Lies Love" about Imelda Marcos. Why was it cool? You didn't sit down. You moved with the stage and felt like you were in a disco!!  I had the best time. Thanks Dave! xxoo 

There will be no live blog today.
The next live blog will be on Wednesday.
Please feel free to use this space for Tuesday's comments.


  1. I've been to Broadway twice. Saw Phantom, which was fun to watch as a spectacle but not my kind of music, and Hairspray, which was a blast. I've seen many touring companies pass through my area and my favorites from those were The Producers and A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum. Guess I like musical comedies the best.

    Also loved seeing Hamilton on Disney+ with the original cast last year. And as cheesy as it is, I still love the film version of Grease!

    1. Me too! I had a slumber party and we acted out some of the parts dancing on our beds. We thought we were so cool!

    2. Hahaha. I bet you all were so adorable and cool! :)

  2. West Side Story and The King and I...both seen live but not on Broadway. Chicago on film.

  3. Hamilton!!! But also love Hairspray, Once, Wicked, and the Lion King. On a GH note, does anyone think that we will ever find out if Cyrus murdered Dr. Neil Byrne? And who is running Crimson? The only magazine that is published by itself.

    1. They sure dropped the Neil Byrne OD thing didn't they?

  4. I've only seen clips of it, but I'm really into Six, the Musical. Henry VIII's 6 wives tell the story of their marriage with Henry through song to see whose life was the worst. Each queen's style and song is based on a current popular singer. I'm hoping to catch it sometime after it opens on Broadway again in September.

  5. Always wanted to see a Broadway show.

    James Patrick Stuart is coming out with second album.

    1. i worked in local theatre for 4 years as a stage manager and then an asst director. I urge you... if you like theatre, plays or musicals, go LOCAL. They are very talented individuals and more than not put on a very professional show. And it is very affordable. A fun night out for the girls, esp if there is a bar nearby (ha ha. I threw that last part in myself)

  6. My current fave is Six the Musical, but I also LOVE Hamilton, Hadestown, The Color Purple, and I agree with @skeebob - Grease forever!

    1. I'm another Grease fan. Ukulelegirl, I have to do daily physical therapy. It is a whole lot better to do with the Queens "getting down" in the background.

  7. Jesus Christ Superstar!!! Hamilton. My Fair Lady. West Side Story. Hair. The King & I. The Music Man.....So. Many. Great. Musicals.

  8. Pretty woman was fun to take my 16 year old in NYC, as a Kid I loved Annie.

  9. Today's ep.....I've always been a Stella fan but today I think she really crossed the line.

    aha....I can see where Alexis is going with this. Hope she's successful.

    Jax and Nicholas both disappointed me today.

  10. We get them in ATl and loved Wicked. Seen that and Phantom.

  11. ugh...…...Nicholas is bad - he'll never change....I hope Alexis figures out WHY Shawn was denied parole....
    let's move on - Nina come home and get caught with your lies...
    and I never have liked Stella -

    1. Loved Stella with the Mike story, she was very gentle with the family and wonderful with Mike. Anything with which she can butt in, she's like an older Carly.

    2. I loved her in the Mike story too.

  12. it's also time for JOSS to see Trina!

  13. Favorite musical? Greece! :)

    Nixon falls spinoff:

    Pennsylvania side of the river LanTANO mountain bar:

    Mike and Nina: Mike wants MORE than just a friendship!!! :) What a great scene!

    Nina: I'm sorry Mike. We could never be together.

    Very good Nina!!! :) Now it's time to tell him the truth, and then take him back to Port Chuckles, and then maybe his memories will come back and then maybe he will still have feelings for you and want to be in a relationship with you. :) Oh they are about to kiss, when Michael calls!

    Port Chuckles:

    Jail library:

    Alexis, Shaun and Nik: Oh so Nik isn't going to buy the jail. Oh so Shaun isn't getting paroled he has been denied! CRAP!!!

    The hospital:

    Finchy's office:

    Finchy and Liz: Finchy has a bad dream about Hiney when he threw the antidote away and when he forcibly threw Hiney down the stairs. It was a thing of beauty! :) Oh Liz comes and and Finchy wakes up. Finchy is trying to figure out how to help Chase, when Liz inadvertently helped Finchy! THE TROJAN HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) YIPPIE!!!! :) HI HO SILVER AWAY! :)

    Chase's room:

    Chillow: The time when Chillow missed going to Nantucket, Chase has the room filled with Nantucket things. He was going to kiss her too, but she stopped it and made excuses!! Stop it Willow and just tell him the damn truth!!!! Finchy comes in!

    Finchy: I know how to cure you.

    TROJAN HORSE!!!! :)

    Curtis's room: Everyone is so happy to see Curtis is awake! YAY! :)

    Curtis and Portia: Oh crap oh crap oh crap! They both think the other isn't interested in the other!!! SOAPY GOODNESS, but oh crap!


    Portia and Stella: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Stella gets right down to the nitty gritty. She is right though!

    Jordan and Stella: Jordan hasn't signed the divorce papers yet, and Stella doesn't want the marriage to end! Wow that is shocking. Since Stella didn't want them to get married and she hated Jordan! :)

    Laura and Ava: The two Charles Angels are talking about Cyrus! They should get with the 3rd Charles angel Carly and talk to her about Cyrus! :)

    Nik on the phone: WAIT WHAT?! So he is the one who stopped Shaun from getting his parole?!!?! Oh sure! Because he doesn't want him out, because he was the one who had RayRay (Hayden) shot and he doesn't want the truth to come out!
    The gatehouse:

    Michael and Jax: Oh what is this Jax? Blackmail? No it's not? Okay good.

    Michael: What are you going to do? Go to Chase's hospital room and tell him that Willow and I are together?

    Jax: I hope it doesn't come to that.

    WHAT?!?!!?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING JAX?! What does that mean?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING JAX?! Oh look! Michael is calling Nina to tell her that she can see Wiley. Jax's non blackmail worked.


    Nava: Nik is in the mood for some hot bedroom fun.

    Ava: Oh there is not enough time for that.

    Nik: Oh we'll see.

    OH MY! :) Oh oh! There is a picture of them on the door with a knife in it.. I hope it's Shaun. :) Well, I bet Nik isn't in the mood anymore! Hahahahaha.

    1. Double crap to Jax. Michael should have called his bluff, and Jax would have been looking like the mean selfish toad that he is. Shame on him!

      Ava was great in that too brief scene with Trina. And seriously, Aunt Stella was quite the pill, sheesh!

    2. "Julie H says, Double crap to Jax."


      "Michael should have called his bluff, and Jax would have been looking like the mean selfish toad that he is. Shame on him!"

      Yeah Michael SHOULD have called his bluff!!! Then see what Jax would have done next!!

      "Ava was great in that too brief scene with Trina."

      Yeah I love the hug!!!

      "And seriously, Aunt Stella was quite the pill, sheesh!"

      ROFL! She wants to keep Jurtis together! :) Which is shocking! :)

    3. I only liked Stella with Mike and Sonny storyline

  14. The only Broadway show I have ever seen is Chicago (starring Tom Wopat!). But, I saw Mama Mia in Vegas and it was phenomenal!

  15. Les Mis, Phantom, Chicago, West Side Story, The Sound of Music

  16. Oh my, so many! The Boy From Oz, with Hugh Jackman. Gypsy, a few times, with Tyne Daly and several years later in a revival with Bernadette Peters. The recent West Side Story and back in 2009 (can't every go wrong with that show!). And of course, The Producers, with Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane. One of the hardest things from this devastating pandemic has been the absence of Broadway. So excited it's coming back!

  17. Michael SHOULD have said "i'll call your bluff and tell my SISTER that her FATHER is blackmailing me"

    1. Exactly. That is OOC for Jax. He and Michael were close once

  18. by the way - Is CHARLIE'S open anymore????????????

    1. Good question. No Charlie's since Julian is gone


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...