Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Last Week of Crazy! !

 Sorry, today is another day of nuts. It's the last day for 2 of my kids and report day AND Hubs back is still out (meaning I walk the dog 24/7). SO.. here I am saying SORRY AGAIN!! 

I see Greg told Chase that he's his REAL REAL DAD. Okay.. Now Chase can get better, plan is dream wedding and then Millow will be all mopey. 

I also saw a spoiler for July 6th where Phyllis tries to get MikeSon to go visit Nina in Port Charles. JULY 6th. MORE DAYS OF THIS? Seriously? Maurice must love having his own show "Nixon Falls". That's all I have to say about that. 

Like I said this is the last week of crazy for work for me. Summer is off except for office paperwork which is nothing. Not taking a big vacation (again) this year. I'll be gone for a few days here and there. Maybe David will step in if he's not burnt to a crisp!

Have a good one! 


  1. Becky is so beautiful. That's all.

    1. I agree. a natural beauty besides.

    2. Yes. She hasn't let industry or peer pressure talk her into descecrating her God given features just to appeal to someone else's idea of beauty. Just looking at the difference in the aging of some of the senior actors on the show should be enough to show the younger newbies what the outcome will be. ( Obviously it hasn't in a couple of cases and that's so sad.)

    3. You will notice she is free of any sun damage. Smart cookie.
      I like the sun too so I am so jelly of her flawless skin

  2. Becky never ages. I wish I had her genes. Now can we have Chase find out about Millow so we can end this deadend storyline. I am falling asleep here.

    1. Yes, keeping the truth from him now has no point. He's may be briefly annoyed but he'll understand that she was trying to make his last moments perfect for him and he'll get over it. Then the woman who really loves him will be there to comfort him.

  3. Practically every time I see Liz doing such a good job on her storylines, I think about the fact that TPTB actually let her go at one time. They should be very grateful that the fans insisted she be brought back. She is a fantastic actress as well as beautiful.

    1. they went through a stage there where they wanted all the women looking "sexy" and talent be damned. Just look at a few of the aged actresses and new actresses from that time.

    2. I agree. Even young Haley Pullus had something done to her face. It's a shame that women and men too have to do this to themselves to stay employed as actors. They are so beautiful and shouldn't do this. IMO

    3. Kenny Rogers ring a cell? Or Courtney Cox. Scary!

    4. "lindie says, Even young Haley Pullus had something done to her face"

      Yes! I noticed that too!!!!

    5. Yes, I also noticed that about Haley. She is so young. I can see where the older actors and actresses feel the pressure, misguided or not. But Haley seems like she could have gone another 15 years without succumbing.

    6. I can see people having work done on wrinkles and sags as they get older, but having work done on your lips just so that you have the right duck-billed pucker face when you kiss the camera is ridiculous. We used to be told to say cheese when we had our picture taken. Now even little babies are taught to pucker up when the camera's on them.(Instead of cheese we yell "quack" I guess.)

      Foolish crap that someone took from some character on tv who was in vogue at the time. It's ridiculous. And it not only changes the look of the lips. It deadens the nerves so that people can't even properly enunciate certain words any more.

    7. Haley looks like she had something done to her lips and her teeth to show less gum. Too bad- so young.

  4. I still see no purpose in Greg and Jackie since the paternity is over????
    Anyone??? Ready for Mike to come back to PC - still with no memory - but IF the rumors are true - not only will I SCREAM if Carly and Jason marry - maybe that DOES mean he's coming back soon with no memory?

    1. No, I like Jackie and Greg and hope they stay and are woven into other stories.

  5. Yup Rebecca H is gorgeous. Maurice loves his own boring show.

    1. I agree. I read another article about him today praising the storyline and saying how much he is enjoying the working with CW. For me, a good story would be for him to come back to Port Chuck without is memory and not wanting to have anything to do with Carly and the business. A reverse Jason Q. It wouldn't have to be permanent, be I think it would be better than what we have now.

    2. Yes, the whole Nixon Falls has been a big fail for me. Saves me time when I watch because I ff through it all.

  6. Anyone watch today? I hope to have some good Anna and Valentin scenes with them in Pautuck. Stupid name for a town BTW

    1. I did. No Anna and Valentin. Liz having to make apology to Carly. UGH. And Millow/Chase continues.

    2. Noone should apologize to Queen Carly. Queen Wanabee anyway

    3. I am cringing for Liz to apologize to Snarly. I will FF through that

    4. "Allyson says, Liz having to make apology to Carly. UGH."

      Of course she did. She accused her best friend of murder. If someone accused my best friend of murder that wasn't true, I would want an apology too! :)

    5. Well he is a murderer. He just didn't murder Franco. ☺

    6. Haha Linda. You are correct.

    7. "Linda says, Well he is a murderer. He just didn't murder Franco. ☺"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah, but we aren't talking about who Jason murdered. :) We are talking about who he didn't. :)

    8. As far as the Webber's apology tour is going, Snarly was may more gracious than her spawn. Which I appreciated. And the Aidan baking story broke my heart. Just wish we could have seen it instead of hearing about it. Elizabeth is all that and a bag of chips in my book! :)

    9. I could see if Carly was his wife, but to go to her and apologize just shows these writers bow to Carly's character 100%

  7. it was disgusting liz apologizing to snarly. snarly is so self righteous and arrogant. do not remember her ever apologizing to anyone.

    1. I agree, too, especially with how badly she has treated Liz over the years.

  8. I am so confused.. I thought Alexis would figure out the judge had been bribed by Nicholas ------but now it's because of the color of Shawn's skin? We HEARD and saw Nicholas thanking the judge and promising a gift.....SO disappointed if Alexis doesn't figure out the bribe/favor came from I the ONLY one confused? Help me...…….

    1. I hope they don’t change the story just to make a social point.

    2. I think they already have.

    3. I don't know how they can change Shawn's imprisonment when Nik interfered with his parole hearing.

  9. The cemetery:

    Sonny's grave: He has been gone for 6 months. So the spinoff has been around for 6 months! :) I wonder how the ratings are! ROFL!

    Carly and Liz: Oh this is a great scene! They bonded over their grief. It's nice seeing them get along. Liz talking about Aidan's baking awwwww. :)

    BobTodd's grave: BobTodd has been dead for 3 months. :( Great scene with Liz!!! So heartbreaking! :(

    The gym:

    Britson: This was so light and fun! :) All flirty.. Jason even smiled!! :) She made him laugh! :) Britch says she is trading her car for a Porch. Jason wins the line of the day.

    Jason: That is a terrible terrible idea. You're an awful driver.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They were going to kiss too, when Carly had to interrupt!! DAMMIT CARLY!

    Jail library:

    Shaun and Alexis: Shaun's jail outfit, IS from Gray's anatomy!!! I was right!!! :) It says on the tag! Hahahahaha. That is so funny! :) Anybody see that?!!? :)


    Tolly: Oh it's TJ and Molly's anniversary!

    Tolly and Brasha: Uh can you say awkward in many different languages?

    Tolly: Damn! TJ wants to punch Brando! Really?!!?! It's been what a year, since Molly and Brando slept together? And Brando didn't know about you TJ!!! So GET OVER IT!

    Brasha: Sasha looks good in yellow. Awwww Brasha are on a date. :) Sasha isn't happy that Brando's mother is staying in Port Chuckles! Hahahahahaaha. Yeah I don't blame you Sasha!

    Q home:

    Brooky, Michael, and Willow: Oh just listen to Brooky!!!! Tell Chase the damn truth! I'm tired of this!!!

    The hospital:

    Chase's room: Oh no! Chase is paralyzed!!! MY POOR CHASE. :( Oh crap now that means Willow will keep her mouth shut about her and Michael! UGH!

    1. I guess we should have guessed that. Soap cliche number 1. Paralysis to try to keep the guy or girl. Chase is probably not faking but still. The writers are being lazy.

    2. I just cringed when Willow walked into his room and he said his legs were paralyzed. This is going to go on FOREVER!!!

      I was yelling at Brando when he stopped to talk to TJ and Molly, but he is over the moon about the baby. I guess I should cut him some slack, lol!

      Carly really ruined a great scene with Stone Cold and the Britch. Typical.

    3. I just can't stand Carly. And now that it seems she and Jason will get married to put up a strong front, just dread that.

    4. And drag this on forever. Britt won't like that either.

    5. "lindie says, I guess we should have guessed that. Soap cliche number 1. Paralysis to try to keep the guy or girl. Chase is probably not faking but still. The writers are being lazy."

      Nah he isn't faking it, although he didn't look very upset or devastated. That was an odd scene when he told Willow.

      "Julie H says, I was yelling at Brando when he stopped to talk to TJ and Molly,"

      Why were you yelling at Brando? :)

      "lindie says, And drag this on forever."

      UGH! I hate when things drag on and on!

      "Britt won't like that either."

      No I'm sure she won't!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Listening to morning news. Sentencing for Derek Chauvin today. Is it scheduled for early in the day?
    I guess if it goes into the afternoon GH will Be preempted?
    I work criminal justice world. I’m not predicting what the judge will
    do or inviting comment. I watch GH for my hour away from all that.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...