Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sunday Surgery: Ice Pop


Alternative Title:  Peterscicle 

OH We finally saw where they stashed Petie!! Although most of know that putting a body on ice can also let it rest to be regenerated later but I digress. I shall stare at this and hopefully know it's a done deal! 

Grab a popsicle and join me! 

Oh GH you confound me so!! I want to love you (and you know I do) ...and things go so well for so long lose me. Right now I'm lost like that nurse down in a mine shaft. If this blog is all over the place it's because I feel all over the place!!

CLOSURE OF THE WEEK: Cyrus is wheeled away. Not until he tells sis' Laura he's awakened her "dark side" and made Finn realize he tampered with the DNA tests. Supposedly he's going away-away. BUT! Jeff is too good of an actor and Cyrus is too great of a baddie to be gone forever, imo. All he has to do is turn states evidence and he can get out. NOTE: Having Martin be absent for that last scene? Giant mistake. 

WEDDING OF THE WEEK: So, we've shifted stories to concentrate on Chase who seems to have been dying for about a year now. Yes, the dying scenes were poignant. Josh did a good job. I didn't react because I know what's going to happen..You know what's going to happen, hell a 3rd grader knows what's going to happen. Most of it DID happen. He marries the girl of his dreams who yes, "loves him" but is "in love" with his best friend. Just as he's about to die, the cure is found by his brother-father-brother.  Misery all around.

HIGH OF THE WEEK: Anna figures out that Ol' Peter might have either taken off in a helicopter OR gone into the sub-basement that was used by the naughties Helena and Olivia Jerome. Liz freaks out.. runs up, tries to be all casual about it but in reality looks guilty AF. Anna gives up for now but I bet not for long!! 

HOLE OF THE WEEK: Welp. Dante and Fran--I mean Austin find the hole that the nurse fell into. Is she dead? I say yes. Although they would have smelled her big time when they approached. Anyway. Austin is Franco is Todd. We all know he'll come to GH and give up his Pintrest Cottage. PS. Dante and he have more chem than Sam. For Sure. 

WARDROBE OF THE WEEK: Speaking of  SAM. Now, KeMo has said that she wears her friend Shanna Moakler line on the show. You can look that up. If that is NOT from her line, I apologize.   THIS is what her character wore to go talk to Maxie. THIS IS WHAT SHE WORE. Um.. when something is THAT distracting it doesn't work. Plus the fact someone needs a damn Vitamin B12 shot. That's all I'm saying on that front. 

How is our totally separate show going you ask? MikeSon is mooning over Nina and... Lenny seems to be forever in bed "resting". Maybe he'll die and Phyllis will move to PC and MikeSon will finally have his destiny; to run Kelly's. 

MONBULAR MESS OF THE WEEK: So, I'm in the middle of re-watching Peaky Blinders and although I realize GH can't begin to match that level of crime/intrigue --they could try a little. Carly taking over; check. Carly reverting back to being a screetching Grandmother about Wiley? Sad horn. Good to have the whole Jason should be the head of the mob because Carly 'is a woman' conversation. Carly being all jelly about Britt? Meh. Unless we actually get Jarly, don't care. 

MOST SOAPY MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Chase is too shaky to put on Willow's wedding ring and has to have MICHAEL do it.  I mean. AHAHHAHA. Anyway, you can see the gif if you 

FAVE CHARACTER OF THE WEEK: Brook Lynn is just shaping up to be a great one. Depth and a storyline where she's not only falling for a guy, she's falling for a baby too. AND when she was with Chase? First time I felt a tug on my heartstrings. PLUS she's a Quartermaine !! If only she can marry Val and we can have a Cassa-Q pair. 

RAY OF SUNSHINE OF THE WEEK:  Is there anything she can't fix? 

BELLY OF THE WEEK: Um, Sasha's more pregnant in 2 months than Maxie was in 12. She's pregnant IRL so.. 

photo thx to @antigonea 

JELLY OF THE WEEK:  Carly!! Oh Carly... you are way out matched by Britt. She's Faison and Dr. O's kid. Run, honey! 

WUBS PREDICTIONS OF THE WEEK:   Carly will have to be "killed" by Jason to show he has strength. She goes to hide out. Where else but... Nixon Falls. Bonus points if Nina and MikeSon are getting married when she walks in.   Second prediction: Willow will be pregnant with Michael's baby. Chase will get better. Chaos ensues.  

WUBS SUGGESTIONS OF THE WEEK:  The only way to save Brando's dull character is to make him be a traitor and have had been betraying the Corinthos' organization all along. Or let him move with Sasha to Oregon. Bye.  Dr. O and Scotty buy Carly's old house. Britta moves in because of her illness.  Lulu needs to come back; Martin needs to expand his role... and Val and Brook need to fall for each other. Dante has to have some direction and I wish Jordan would just leave. Let Mac take over. Get Spencer here SOON because the dance of the Ava threats is getting tired. It's not on enough to make an impact and the threats are pretty dull. 


Jordan almost resigns but Laura talks her out of it. 

Cyrus is taken to a federal pen--"never to return"

Liz flashes back to sticking Peter in a freezer in the sub-basement of GH with Finn

Anna's on the trail of finding Peter 

Finn discovers that Gregory really is Chases' father; now the cure can come 

Willow and Chase marry; Michael pouts

Jason and Carly have to figure out how to look tough enough

Sonny misses Nina; Nina Misses Mike-Son 

Trina, Joss and Cam are all going to PCU 

Austin and Dante find the hole that the mean nurse fell in 

Carly's Jealous of Britta 

Sasha and Brando get an ultrasound

Dr O tells Jason not to toy with Britt's heart 

Dante is in the hole with a body 

NEWS AND NOTES: BIG Gossip and almost confirmed is that Cam Mathison is paying DREW CAINE --- and.... people are having mixed feelings. 

SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK:  Trina's grad party, the race to save Chase, Maxie sees Louise and  Jason makes a big mobular move.  See all the scoops on Diagnosis Daytime. 

WELP! That's a wrap!! We lost 2 villains in a short period of time. That leaves a big hole. Also looks like Nixon Falls is still going to take it's time. Can Jason start wearing a suit now? Why is Jax still around? This week is my last week with kids. Then: SUMMER begins! 

Have a great Sunday and as always, thanks for reading. 


  1. Thanks for SS Karen

    Not much is working right now, except little Violet saves the day again.

    I do like Brooklyn, but I don't want her with Val. I still want Valentin and Anna together because I know they will never put her back with Robert for whatever weird reason. Maybe because he's so rarely on the show even though he's one of the best actors and has chemistry with everyone.

    Most of the stuff right now I could care less about. Did Billy Miller get fired because of fight with someone? Why, oh why wouldn't you just have him come back as Drew Cain if that is who Cameron M. is playing?

    Wonder if Anna will find an empty freezer? I bet she does. Who saved Petesicle will be the next thing?

    How long was Nina in Nixon Falls? She didn't even seem interested for a long time, and now all of a sudden she is so in love with MikeSon. No chemistry. IMO.

    Who is Austin? My guess is that he's a Quartermaine. Probably Austin Holt as some suggested. Why claim that now makes no sense, but neither does anything.

    Thanks again Karen. Happy Sunday. Happy Father's Day to the fathers out there. Got my husband the classic grill for Father's day. Our other one was worn out. We will be making pizzas on the grill today. Yum.

    1. I believe Mr. Miller left on not so good terms with Frank. Just a hunch

    2. lindie... Liz and Finn already said they have to move the body soon. Now that Anna's been sniffing around I'm sure they'll get right on to that. They know how to get in and Liz has access to body bags. But, of course, the writers want us to forget all that because having fans fighting over whether or not he's really dead is their idea of good publicity.

      I wouldn't mind having Cameron M playing Drew. I think that's a good choice.

    3. Another site has a spoiler that Valentine and Anna get trapped together. Me likey.

  2. To push back against the 'mob' Jason and Carly should marry.
    Then when the betrayal by Nina is discovered there will be a counter balance.
    Sonny will eventually be back. The Jarly marriage will crush his relationships and push him to stay with Nina.
    Jax will then be floating out in outer space from his loves' rejections.
    Even though Jason & Britt barely have anything more than a budding friendship and a ONS, Dr. O and Britt will
    have a ton of good scene material when they hear the news of the Jason Carly marriage.

    Yay KS recovering!!!! Is there a temp Maxie replacement?
    Sofia Mattsson's due date? Her posture in the wedding scene made it look like she was dying to get out of those heals.

    1. Hmmmmmm. Maybe Carly and Jason will get married. Maybe that's the whole lead up to that. IDK Carly will want to and Jason won't but Carly wins????????

    2. Maybe Carly really is "in Wub" with Jason.

    3. I can't believe I didn't think of them marrying! DUH! yes, very very soapy!

    4. Great idea LizWebberfan. Would be very soapy if Carly and Jason had to marry. And Carly is really still married to Sonny.

    5. Thats a great idea which would cause all kinds of mess!

    6. Great idea having Carly and Jason marry! Good thinking! When Sonny comes back there will be chaos all around.

  3. I laughed out loud at screeching grandmother and sad horn. Just perfect, lol!

    I Do. Not. want Drew back played by Cam. Really? Ugh!

    1. It's the word on Twitter. It makes sense I guess? Meaning not a new character

    2. I would love to have Drew back as long as he has an actual storyline. It would be great if he came back with all of his memories.

    3. Yes. I'd definitely like him to have all of his memories back.

    4. I am ok with Drew coming back just not Cam in the role. Liz's brother would be a good choice (even though he would magically grown a foot taller)

  4. Thanks for another great SS, kd.

  5. I don't think Jason 'Kills' Carly at all.....she isn't going to do that to her kids.....I don't even think they marry - UNLESS Britt will be pregnant down the road - or it's setting up when Sonny comes back - neither of those scenarios seem real--
    Peter's body - gone ----
    and I also read that Cameron is the new Drew - hope he is with someone but not Sam - she needs to go------she isn't even trying anymore...…
    did I miss the 2nd doctor's appointment of Lenny?

    1. I MISSED the whole thing!!! LOL I didn't even know he went once

    2. She hasn't been trying for years.

    3. Really odd recast for Drew, and if he is back with Sam that will be odd, too. She will probably come up to his waist even in her super duper high heels.

    4. He had gone off-camera and was told his heart wasn't right or something - they were vague ---- he wasn't going back.......until Mike told him to tell Phyllis....THUS they will end up in Port Charles I think.

  6. Another great SS! Thank you.
    Funny you said you feel "all over the place". That's how I see GH right now. From 3 villains, if Elijah counts, down to none. What will they do?
    Hopefully JK will be back someday. Hopefully WR will not. But we all probably know that won't be the case.
    The Willow/Chase/Michael fiasco will continue on. It is reason to tape and FF.
    GH has such a mostly amazing cast of actors but this week even they had not such an easy job of making it work.
    Have a fantastic Sunday!

  7. I love Brooklyn. and Valentine has chemistry with most of the women on GH.

    1. That is true. James Patrick Stuart has tons of charm. Like Carey Grant. Oozing the charm all around. Lol

    2. 100% agreed. He makes me swoon

    3. Linda, I think he makes us all swoon.

    4. You're right -- James Patrick Stuart seems to "click" with every actress.

  8. Love him! Not only is he charming but he shows vulnerability-great actor. I hate when he will find out about the baby.

    1. Yes. He's one of those great actors that uses facial expressions. He will be so destroyed when he finds out what Brooklyn and Maxie did about the baby

  9. "Dante and he have more chem than Sam. For Sure." ROFL This is absolutely true! They would make a great couple.

    A Cassa-Q pairing is a good idea. Way back when the Cassadines were first introduced, I think Alexandra Q was involved with a Cassadine. Then she got frozen.

    Oooo, I do hope Snarly goes to Nixon Falls. That will add some spice to Dullsville.

  10. Now would be a great time for Johnny Zacharra to be released from prison and take over the Zacharra organization.

    1. Is Brandon Barash still on Days of Our Lives?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yes he is-too bad for us.

  12. Confused....Sofia said she wasn't pregnant IRL so....was she lying???

    1. No, Maybe she wanted to wait to say she was pregnant.

  13. All the B-12 in the world isn't going to wake KeMo up.
    She needs to go

    1. She must have a lifetime contract because they don't even seem to know where to put her these days.

    2. Ha! And wherever they put her she doesn't do the job.

  14. That is the million dollar question. Why is Jax still around? This is not the Jax I remember. I agree that Michael/Willow/Chase is not doing it but I could see Brook Lyn and Chase. Let Anna have Val. We can only hope this week is better.

    1. Michael was like a son to Jax. The old Jax would NEVER have blackmailed Michael.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...