Monday, June 21, 2021

It's the day!


BTW, I forgot to note in the Sunday blog that the Daytime Emmys will be shown on CBS Friday night at 8pm! Hey, that's prime time, baby! 

Ava, Nik and Avery go into their Metro room. Avery has a teddy bear that talks now it says "I can't wait to be a family"... I guess that's what the bartender was doing when he took Ava's key. They call Dante and Carly. Dante thinks that voice could be a "deep fake" and NOT Ryan. Carly says they can see which card was used to get inside the room.  Dante tells Nik later that he thinks it's a copycat thing. Then Ava asks Carly to take Avery back HOME WITH HER for the time being to live there! WTF. Seriously? Who wrote that? 

Carly bakes Cookies to celebrate Joss going to college. Joss is less than thrilled. Says she might not want to live in the dorms. Joss says Carly will be alone with Donna and she's worried about the biz. Carly says she's OUT of the biz. :eyeroll: 

Cameron goes to apologize to Jason. Jason accepts. Blink Stare. 

Now Cam wants Joss' forgiveness. She's like:Um, can't 

Chase is flatlining just as they find the cure. WILL HE DIE? hahahaa. Come on.  Nope, they get his heart going again and Finn can give him the antidote. He's alive... and Willow and Michael are now all @@ whoops LOL.  Chase wakes up. Antidote is working.

Maxie is desperate to see Louise. Brook tells her to wait until it looks 'more natural". She's going to the hospital to see Chase and tells Maxie they can get together later. Dante comes in to talk to Maxie and Sam. They found the nurse..dead. Maxie is like "OH NO WHERE's LOUISE"!? Oh wow, they found  clue on the nurses phone. "someone called and dropped a pin"--WOW... Maxie is called BROOK LYN with that phone! Ut Oh...Oh it was a BURNER PHONE THANK GOODNESS. Although I think they can use the reception to find out the number and where it was bought's GH so? Maxie tells Sam to leave. Then Maxie gets out a gift to go to take to Louise at the Q house. DERP. 

Jason goes to tell Liz his people are still looking for Peter. Also that Cam apologized. Liz asks if he can forgive her for doubting him. 

END:  Chase wants a wedding DO-Over in the Rose Garden at the Qs and wants Brook to plan it. hahahaha.

Liz stops Jason and says she has to tell him something about Peter. 


  1. Maxie - call Spinelli ASAP and get that burner phone info WIPED AWAY (I mean - It's Spinelli - he can do it, right??)

    1. They definitely someone else to run interference

  2. Joss is becoming a not nice person

    1. I 100% agree. Seeing things one sided just like her mother

    2. Joss hasn't been a very good friend to either Cam and Trina for a while. She has become very self-centered, just like her mother.

    3. Yes. I agree. I don't like the way they're writing her lately.

  3. We all know Liz won't spill the beans to Jason.

    1. She should. Jason would know how to get rid of the body.

    2. I agree. He'd get rid of it no problem. He might even leave it somewhere where it could be found, like inside a crashed car, so that he can be declared dead.

    3. Di, I like that idea. The crashed car would explain the head injury, getting Liz and Finn off the hook.

    4. Exactly what I was thinking too, Gary. Accidental death.

    5. Totally agree about telling Jason. Mainly because he never gets caught and leaves no evidence. It is GH after all!

    6. This idea would a good way to neatly wrap this storyline up. #NoMorePeter #Ever

    7. I'm surprised she hasn't told Jason already, but then again he has been kinda busy between Carly and Britt and being the new "Don" 🤣🤣 but seriously, he's Stonecold, she knows she can trust him to not say anything as her friend and the father of their son and he doesn't talk LOL!
      So with PLP and Cyrus gone all we need to do is wrap up the stupid "Mike" sl.
      Oh and and lastly I'm so glad Chase is cured. That couldn't happen fast enough! Please I love him, I want to see him with someone who really cares for him, (which Willow does, but she loves Michael), I'd love to see him with Brook.

  4. And if they go through with that wedding again I'll be FF'ing all the whiney scenes again because they'll be plugging Michael and Willow into another perpetual circle of complaints and misery.Do they really think we haven't had enough of that?

    1. I think Brooklynn may speak up or convince them to come clean. Fingers crossed

  5. Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Cam and Jason: Love that Cam asks for forgiveness!!! As he should!! Where has Cam been?

    Carly's kitchen: Where is the Tribbles?! Oh no! Oh whew it was just moved because Carly was baking cookies. :) Wait, CARLY BAKING COOKIES?!?!! HUH?!

    Carly and Joss: Yes Joss listen to your mother. You have a life, you have to live it. Forget her being a mob queen and go to college and learn things. :)

    Cam and Joss: Uh so basically,

    Cam: Do you forgive me?

    Joss: I already forgave you, but not really, because like we don't hang out like we used to, and like I am not avoiding you, but really I am avoiding you, and when we go to college, we will work it all out, but really not really. We are friends, but not really.

    Is Joss high? Cus she made no sense.

    Nava's hotel room:

    Nava, Carly, Avery and Dante: The bear talks!!! Oh look it sounds like Ryan, but it's not!! IT'S SPENCER PEOPLE!!! Great Carly and Ava scene! Wanting Avery to live with Carly. Love that the 2 Charlie's angels are working together. :)

    Q home:

    Brooky, Olivia, and V.C.: Oh man! Olivia and V.C. are going to be so angry with Brooky when they learn the truth about the baby! It won't be pretty. I love how upset Brooky is about Chase dying.

    Maxie and baby Louise: The scene broke my heart! It made me emotional!!! :(

    The hospital:

    Chase's room: FLATLINE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Brooky was so upset! :( OH! He is going to be okay! YAY! Whew. :) Chase wakes up and talks to Finchy. Chase wins the line of the day.

    Chase: Did you just call me stupid?



    Finchy. Gregory, and Jackie: Yeah someone has got to tell Chase that Gregory is really his father.

    Liz and Finchy: Awwww great scene. Love that Finchy is so happy that Chase is going to be okay! Love that they were a team working together. :)

    Jason and Liz: Oh! A Liason scene. :) I've always been a Liason fan. I'm glad she apologized to him.

    1. Absolutely agree about Joss. I've been really turned off by her lately mostly because she is so judgy, and she is ALWAYS right. :(

      I really liked Liz and Finn yesterday too, but I'm not quite ready for them to be a couple. The writers need to slow that train down, lol!

      And Carly baking cookies?? Hahahaha! The frozen pizza queen? Hahahahahah!

      I thought Ava came out looking like the queen she is telling Carly to take Avery. Putting her kid first, something Carly would never do. You could tell by Carly's face she thought the same thing. :)

    2. I could totally be on board for a Finn and Liz pairing. Do I miss Friz and Franco, absolutely but LOL I think I've healed LOL!! I am totally on board for this, I hope the writers do it! #Linn or I was going with the other (F) but that'd be Friz and well...there is only one. ❤ Unless you do Fiz and that's like fizzle....(out) LOL! I think I need sleep 🤣😂

    3. "Julie H says, Absolutely agree about Joss. I've been really turned off by her lately mostly because she is so judgy, and she is ALWAYS right. :("

      Yeah just like her mother!!! She has got her mother's bad habits!

      "I really liked Liz and Finn yesterday too, but I'm not quite ready for them to be a couple. The writers need to slow that train down, lol!"

      ROFL! The writers are slowing them down. That's why she ran out of the room when he touched her. :)

      "And Carly baking cookies?? Hahahaha! The frozen pizza queen? Hahahahahah!"

      HAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I'm glad it wasn't Alexis baking! How strange would THAT be! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

      "Michelle L says, I could totally be on board for a Finn and Liz pairing. Do I miss Friz and Franco, absolutely"

      Yeah me too!!!!

      "but LOL I think I've healed LOL!!"

      ROFL Well, it has been 2 months. :)

      "I am totally on board for this, I hope the writers do it! #Linn or I was going with the other (F) but that'd be Friz and well...there is only one. ❤ Unless you do Fiz and that's like fizzle....(out) LOL! I think I need sleep 🤣😂"

      HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm calling them Fiz! :) Sure fizzle, but also, plop plop fiz fiz of what a relief it is! ROFL!

  6. I'm wondering if Hayden could be Nikolas and Avas stalker. This could be her way of paying Nikolas back.

    1. I want it be both of them - Spencer and Hayden! And then Hayden can get Shawn outta prison.

    2. That would be great I heard that Sean Blakemore signed a 2 to contract. Curtis, Sam, Laura and Elizabeth also know the truth about who tried to kill Hayden.

    3. I've slept since then...they ALL know??? How's he still in Prison?!

    4. I meant to say, I thought it was Spencer acting alone but I guess it could be Hayden too?

    5. Hi Tracy - no, I don't think that whole knows, right?

  7. Those were the sorriest looking unappetizing chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever seen. They looked like hockey pocks - solid as rocks the way Carly lifted them off that baking sheet. Can’t the prop people swing for cookies at Whole Foods or from the del8 at Ralph’s? I swear to God those looked like Chips Ahoy. And no parchment paper or silpat liners in Sonny’s kitchen?

  8. Wow, Ted King (Luis Alcazar) is going to B&B! They usually show new cast members for a few shows and then never again. It will be nice to see him though.

  9. I like the way Elizabeth and Finn interact. They kind of remind me of a modern-day version of Steve and Audrey Hardy.

    1. So do I. I hope they get together! They BOTH deserve happiness, love to see Finn smile and he sure did alot of that yesterday! ❤😊

  10. Yeah, Ava, Avery will be so safe with Carly and her phantom baby. I love Liz and Finn working together, and I think Kim and Gregory are doing an excellent job as Chase's parents - very realistic.

  11. Did anyone else notice the empty bag of Betty Crocker Cookie Mix on Carly's counter while she was baking? I noticed because I use those mixes all the time. Thought it was clever of the prop crew.

  12. "Pat..... Sun..... says, Did anyone else notice the empty bag of Betty Crocker Cookie Mix on Carly's counter while she was baking? I noticed because I use those mixes all the time. Thought it was clever of the prop crew."

    No I didn't notice that!!! Nice continuity prop crew! :)


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...