Monday, June 28, 2021

Metro Madness


So, it's Friday's show!! 

Nik at the gym. Lucy is there too. Damn she's gorgeous. 

Ava and Nina catch up at the Metro. Nina says she got to see Wiley. 

Laura hugs Maxie at the Metro. They talk about Peter. 

Maxie and Nina move to a table together.  Nina tells her about the Crimson/Deceptive meeting. She thinks that Maxie should join the meeting. They go to the meeting. Lucy tells Maxie she needs to leave. 

Then Scotty comes in and lets it drop that she and Nikolas are divorcing. Laura is like WHAT?? Ava tells Laura she has to keep Avery safe. 

Britt runs into Brando at the hospital. She's in for a routine check up. She's huge LOL. Good Lord they are as boring as Michael and Willow. Gladys is there too. 

Brick comes into the Corinthos' kitchen. Jason walks in too. The warehouse was a total loss. Some guy named "Novak" did it? What ..okay whatever. OMG Joe Novak was played by the guy that played Mitch Lawerance from OLTL? Oooooo, huh, interesting. Anyway, Jason isn't supposed to get his 'hands dirty' if he's head of the mob so they are getting someone else to do the dirty work. Jason says that they have to come out swinging and keep hitting the five families hard. "no peace" 

Val and Anna are walking the area where the nurse was found. And Austin is there. Anna gets a dejavu vibe from Austin. 

Austin meets Scotty!! YEAHHHHHHHHH Austin won't say his last name. Scotty wants to know why he wants to see him. Austin says "you know a lot about the family histories in this town"... he wants to know about Jason Morgan. He tells him why--OFF CAMERA AND Scotty says he'll help him as long as it takes. 

Ava goes to see Carly. Tells her she's divorcing Nikolas. Tells Carly and Jason about the threats. Jason says he's sorry and he'll help if he can. :eyeroll:  She basically gives them the idea to get married to present a united front. 


  1. hmmmm I actually liked the scene with Ava at the end. You could see the lightbulb going off in Carly and Jason's heads. Great acting there. Not a word was needed and yet we understood everything. (got that Shriek Face?)

    I agree with you about Brando and Sasha. Why are they turning Brando into such a mama's boy? Sure his mom was shot but she brought it on herself. You think she would have learned to stay out of other people's business. Maybe Brando should have reminded her of that. And Sasha...really...She talked about moving in when the baby's born and you said NOTHING. If you're stuck, the words "when hell freezes over" come to mind. Those two need to sit down and discuss Gladys' interference and Sasha needs to lay down some ground rules.

    Sorry it's 39 with the humidex here and that's 102 F. Waaay higher than is normal up here. Fighting a heat headache and gnawing on Gladys for relief. lol

    1. "Di says, Sorry it's 39 with the humidex here and that's 102 F. Waaay higher than is normal up here. Fighting a heat headache and gnawing on Gladys for relief. lol"

      ROFL! Yeah it's so humid here too!! Stay safe Di!!! :)

    2. Gnawing on Gladys....hahahahah! She was quite the pill yesterday, Sasha should have given her more of a smack down. And Shriek Face? Hahahahah again! You were on quite the roll yesterday. :) Stay cool, McFly!

    3. lol Thanks. I was on a roll. I don't tolerate the heat well. 😜

  2. Gladys will be the person to make Brando and Sasha interesting, I guess - cause she IS crazy and they are boring...
    Also we ALL know that Jason going to see Curtis and offering 'protection' means Curtis will need protection - maybe from Novak? But I laughed out loud when Jason said something like, "you gotta be careful - most businesses' - something about run into trouble with moblike people? Do you remember that? Never ONCE have I ever heard or thought that so I KNOW it's a precursor to Curtis being in trouble.....
    very confused why the writers are wanting us to think Austin is like a weird person - I think he is a Quartermaine...

    1. No problem with us thinking that Austin is a weird person. He's always acting weird. lol

    2. Guessing that is just Roger...

    3. not that he's weird, but he's quirky. Most of his characters are great with that quirkiness. We will see if it pays off here.

    4. my bad - I meant weird as in holding Drew hostage somewhere - I LIKE weird quirky....

    5. "Di says, No problem with us thinking that Austin is a weird person. He's always acting weird. lol"


    6. I think this Austin character is very weird. He belongs with Nina. Lol

  3. Too bad that the actor playing Joe Novak(and Mitch Laurence) passed away last year.

  4. Roscoe of my favorites. Passed last March.
    Sasha says:"How will I tell Nina I'm pregnant?". Is this their idea of humor?
    RoHo's new character is choppy, not even quirky yet. He barely finishes a sentence in each of his scenes.
    Never once has anyone mentioned Spencer as The Stalker. We all know it's him. He's not new at that game.
    "Wedded bliss" between Carly and Jason is rather nauseating.

    1. I would certainly hope the stalker is not Spencer but it looks like they're going in that direction. These are no childish pranks. Sending that bear to Avery is bordering on psychopathy and I'd definitely be getting him some help if I were his parent. Are they setting him up to be the next Ryan?

  5. The gym: A shirtless sweaty Nik. :) *Drool*

    Nik and Lucy: WHOA! I just felt a little spark between them!!! :)

    The woods:

    Austin, Anna, and V.C.: Uh did I miss something? Why is Austin helping Anna and V.C.?

    Anna, and V.C.:

    Anna: Something is familiar about him. I don't know. Are you getting a deja vu vibe?

    THANK YOU WRITERS! That's all I ask. :)

    V.C.: I will always trust your instincts.

    Awwwww. :)

    V.C.: I'm not leaving you alone out in the woods. Only your guilt for company.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Such a gentleman!!! :) They need to kiss right now! :)

    The hospital:

    Gladys and Sasha: Gladys HATES Sasha! Especially with that prank/joke that Sasha did on her! Hahahahahaha.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Nina:

    Nina: I swear she teleported.

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Nina would have won the line of the day, but someone else won it.

    Ava, Scotty, and Laura: Scotty is hysterical here! :) Especially when he looks at his phone that is ringing.



    Laura and Nik: Yes Nik! Fight for your marriage!!! :) Spencer needs to show up and tell the truth and it better not be a recast!

    Scotty and Austin: Austin still won't tell his last name. Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Trust me? No! I'm a lawyer.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Priceless. :) Wait Scotty gets to know Austin's secret, but we don't?!!?! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww come on! :(

    Carson's kitchen:

    Brick and Jarly: Wait where is the Tribbles? They were shown in the beginning, and then when Brick eats a cookie, they are gone!!! They aren't put aside somewhere in the kitchen. They are just gone!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Tribbles where are you? Are you okay?!!?! Are you gone to do some shooting? What's going on!!?!!?!

    Jarly and Ava:

    Jason: If that happens again, let me know.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :) Jason is being so nice to Ava!!! :) Great scene! Oh look Ava gave them an idea..


    Carly: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

    Carly's thoughts: YIPPIE!!

    1. sonya said: "Nik and Lucy: WHOA! I just felt a little spark between them!!! :)"

      *** lol I'm beginning to think that some of the sparks you feel is you having a hot flash at the sight of a handsome naked torso. lol

    2. "Di says, lol I'm beginning to think that some of the sparks you feel is you having a hot flash at the sight of a handsome naked torso. lol"

      BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. You are probably right. :)

    3. Lucy and Nik could be hot together ❤

    4. "lindie says, Lucy and Nik could be hot together ❤"

      Oh you saw the spark too?! :)

    5. I think Lucy was checking him out with his no shirt. Lol

    6. Of course Lucy was checking out Nik, so was I! Lol! He looked just fine! :)

    7. Sonya, I didn't notice the Tribbles were MIA, that is so wrong! I'll keep an eye out.
      I don't think I'm going to be able to stomach Stone Cold and Shriek Face being married. It's going to be a looooong summer. I also don't want a recast of Spencer either, but if he is the stalker, he needs some serious help. And really? Scottie knows the secret about Austin and we don't? Grrrrrrr. :)

    8. "lindie says, I think Lucy was checking him out with his no shirt. Lol"

      I don't blame her!!! :)

      "Julie H says, Of course Lucy was checking out Nik, so was I! Lol! He looked just fine! :)"

      Yes!!! He was lookin just fine. I agree. ;)

      "Sonya, I didn't notice the Tribbles were MIA, that is so wrong! I'll keep an eye out."

      Julie!!! The Tribbles were kidnapped!!!!

      "I don't think I'm going to be able to stomach Stone Cold and Shriek Face being married. It's going to be a looooong summer."

      But they won't technically be married because Sonny is still alive. :)

      "I also don't want a recast of Spencer either, but if he is the stalker, he needs some serious help."

      Yes!!!! I agree!!!

      "And really? Scottie knows the secret about Austin and we don't? Grrrrrrr. :)"


    9. OMG Sonya, the Moss!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAH! (Thanks for the link)

    10. "Julie H says, OMG Sonya, the Moss!!!!! BWHAHAHAHAH! (Thanks for the link)"

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're welcome. :)

    11. Oh Julie I agree 100%. Hate the thought of Jason And Carly marrying. Ick.
      I am guessing Britt runs to Jax to be consoled. Maybe another who's your daddy story, who knows.

    12. "Linda says, I am guessing Britt runs to Jax to be consoled."

      Oh I hope not!! I don't want Brax!!!

      "Maybe another who's your daddy story, who knows."

      ACK! OH NO!

    13. Actually I heard the tribbles were just on vacation. They needed a break from all the shrieking.

    14. "Di says, Actually I heard the tribbles were just on vacation. They needed a break from all the shrieking."

      BAHAHAHAHAHA! Di you kill me. :) It looks like it's using binoculars to try to find their missing family member the Tribbles to save them! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    15. That's his sun glasses. And as you can see Carly has driven them to drink. lol

  6. In honor of PNW's heat wave, it's time to "celebrate" the early 15TH anniversary of 'The Summer of Sleaze'. And by "celebrate", I mean remember how of a disgusting trainwreck it was.

    In the Summer of 2006, something was in the waters of PC (Or in Guza's Brain) and Multiple affairs/ONS took place. And it all coincided with an ELQ scandal over faulty condoms(No Joke). The disgusting couples were LuluXDillon, who were intially stepsiblings(pre-retcon of LukeXTracy); SamXRic, who were stepdaughter and stepfather; LuckyXMaxie, whose dynamic was nearly as toxic as Sid & Nancy; And JasonXLiz, the only couple that some fans actually enjoyed.

    Alexis(WHO WAS DEALING WITH CANCER!) was blamed for SamXRic. Instead of admitting to her wrongdoing, Sam gave a BS excuse by blaming Ric.
    Alexis & Ric got an ugly divorced later (continued)

    1. PART 2
      Lulu was jealous of DillonXGeorgie(who had a too-quick-marriage from the outbreak), Lulu lied to Dillon and claimed that Georgie had affair with Diego. Dillon got upset and the two (disgustingly) slept with each other. Dillon got mad when he learned the truth, but the damage was done. Dillon & Georgie got a divorce. BUT, it got worse, when the show revealed that Lulu got pregnant! The show took a surprising route, by Lulu deciding to get an abortion.

      Lucky's and Liz' marriage was in decline. Lucky got addicted to pain killers and Maxie was mourning her Boyfriend's (Jessie) death. They hooked up, and it led to Maxie faking a pregnancy AND miscarriage to keep Lucky from leaving her...ugh

      And finally, we had Jason & Liz, who rebound from Sam and Lucky respectively, and conceived Jake. This darn storyline had Liz lie over the paternity for the span of over a year. Liz kept it a secret from Jason til about 6 MONTHS LATER. Ironically, Lucky was one of the last characters to learn about Jake's paternity, as he though Jake was his son. It was withheld from him for over a year, and was finally revealed to Lucky in November 2007(!), where Jason admitted it, after Sam (POOR ME!)kept pestering that she was going to tell Lucky.

      So was icky.

    2. "Matthew says, In honor of PNW's heat wave,"

      What is PNW?

      "The show took a surprising route, by Lulu deciding to get an abortion."

      Yeah that really changed her.

    3. I think Pacific North West

    4. "lindie says, I think Pacific North West"

      Oh thanks! :)

    5. Matthew I remember all of that. And not in a good way, lol! Calling Lucky/Maxie Sid and Nancy is genius. They were awful!!

    6. I was a huge Liason fan but their love story started years before 2007 (1998 I believe when she thought Lucky was dead).

  7. Lucy looks GREAT. Love Ava's blouse. She looks great today. Would love to see Valentin dress down like in tight jeans and maybe a tshirt. They are in the woods after all. Anna is a little dressed casual but not so much. They have to spend the night in a cabin?? Hmmmmm

  8. Also I have to know and I mean now what is in Willow’s purse that she has it every single day and is the ONLY woman in Port Charles to carry a stupid purse? I truly think the actress may have asked for it -like a comfort blanket. Does it bother anyone else?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Does Austin = AJ? Another character brought back from the dead? Again?

    1. I have been saying from the start roger is AJ

    2. So if he is AJ is he just pretending to be a doctor? AJ wasn't a doctor. And where does he get money for all that property? I don't think he's AJ. I think he's Jimmy Lee Holts son. That would be about right for age range I think

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The writing style these days seems to give us big plot arcs with a ton of foreshadowing and IF & THEN storylines that incorporate and intertwine tons of characters.
    If Nina had told about Mike then Carly and Jason would not marry.
    If Liz had not urged Finn to keep quiet about Peter then Maxie & Brooklyn would not be quiet about baby Louise/Bailey.
    If (new) Austin had not engaged lawyer Scott then....?????

    Willow and a purse. I have thought for quite a awhile that Willow is the new Lila. Motivated by the purest of motives, beloved, prim, proper, etc., etc.

  12. The moss WAS there - just moved!!!!!!
    Anna recognizing Austin makes me think he IS Jimmy Lee Holt's son------

    1. "mufasa says, The moss WAS there - just moved!!!!!!"

      Yeah in the beginning they were, but they were moved where? Usually it's moved to the side. This time they weren't in the kitchen at all. Probably in the other room? Where they were kidnapped!!!

    2. Di sips cool green smoothie. Says nothing....

    3. "Di says, Di sips cool green smoothie. Says nothing...."

      ROFL! Saying nothing about the Tribbles or Anna recognizing Austin? :)

    4. Di's green smoothie IS THE TRIBBLES!!!! Lol!

    5. "Julie H says, Di's green smoothie IS THE TRIBBLES!!!! Lol!"


  13. I wonder how old Anna and Valentin are supposed to be on the show. I think JPS is 53 and Finola is 60. They are supposed to be like same age I think no?

  14. i just noticed peter is still in the opening credits...ugh

  15. Our Alan Quartermaine (Stuart Damon) has passed. Was such a great part of GH history.

    1. Yes, he was. And "Joe Martin"(Ray MacDonell) from AMC passed yesterday. Sigh.


Sunday Surgery: Crypt Keeper

  So, okay---that is a pretty lazy title but what the heck!! I enjoyed the crypt scenes and I even wrote to GH to tell them how great the se...