Thursday, January 31, 2013

Do It WUBBER..:)

 or, do it yourselfer today!! It's the end of the month...and I have paperwork to catch up on. Let me know how the show goes!!

Do you like this Port Charles invasion? 

Do you think Lucy is cray or is Kevin lying? 

Will McBain turn  around and bite Anna or Sam on ze neck? 

Is Faison the UnDead King waiting with Queen Helena to rise again? 


garlic my friends.

Scoops will be updated later tonight...  if I'm not in the cough clinic by then!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dina Manzo Joins Online Soap "Tainted Dreams"

Dina Manzo is joining the cast of "Tainted Dreams" up and coming online soap created by  Sonia Blangiardo who has directed many soaps, including GH. In an exclusive to Celebuzz, Blangiardo explains the casting of Manzo:

Her character is described as a “smart and successful New York City corporate CEO whose younger gay brother [played by My Big Gay Italian Wedding's Anthony Wilkinson] will face unexpected circumstances due to his sexuality.”
“Coming from a large Italian family, I was immediately drawn to the character of Alessandra’s family dynamic,” Manzo says in a statement.
Regarding the casting, Blangiardo says, “I created the role of Alessandra with Dina Manzo in mind, and we are thrilled to have her join our cast. Her constant support of the gay community and her talent makes her the perfect choice for this series.”

Read the full report at Celebuzz! 
"Tainted Dreams" is one of the most anticipated web series in development. It will be a 'behind the scenes' look at the making of a soap-opera.  

'How Are Things in the Nut Hatch"??

 Monica's on..looking spiffy. Tracy has on her gorgeous mink-- (you know it's faux cause GH wouldn't pop for a real one). She told Sonny where to go.  Loved it. Lois MENTION!! And Mr. Ned had to fly out to see BrookLyn who had a "Stage Diving Accident".  Ned writes Tracy a note about Heather and the will.  BUT Tracy already had the story printed up in The Sun about the mob money. Whoops.

Olivia and Sonny. They should have been together over he and CAWNIE, imo. Sonny tries to seduce Connie. When AJ and Michael walk in, she says it was Sonny that planted the story in The  Sun.

KEVIN!!!!!! Walks into the PCPD He says he doesn't know Livvy-- and says Lucy was in therapy for years for the whole Vampire thing. Did you see the movie The Others?  This might be twisty-turvy!! 
Soon the whole Alison/Rafe thing is going to start. Hope you know your Port Charles. I watched it on and off so although I know who they are, don't know a lot. Not sure I'll care about them much. That's Alison, who married gorgeous RAFE..but was probably PG with Caleb's son. Now she's going to be murdered. 
NOTE: she said she was "on the run" but had time to spray tan? LOL
ALISON recognized Caleb...Kevin was lying!! EEK!

Todd's face bruises have changed day to day..LOL. Lucy finds him cozy on the floor talking on the cell. He busted on her about the vampire things! :) They want to break outta Ferncliff!!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

:Our Daughter is going to end up in Prison..

Because you're dating a nut case!! Says Alexis. I hope Anna throws Xtina in the pokey. At least my Sexis was on. Alexis has on a groovy leather jacket. 
Star's blouse..1984. They looked weird then, look weird now. I don't "get" the one shoulder look. ESPECIALLY when there's a bra peeking out.
ME....rippin' through tissues!!

Connie and Tracy-- hmmm. Interesting. I guess they are all integrating. And how many times did Connie say "Dresser Drawer"?? Connie's accent is missing today, notice?

Duke with AJ, looking for a job. LOL. "I owned a club and I spent time in a Turkish Prison" ... heh. Yeah, great resume. 

Anna was a good crier: Hysterical grandmother!! And good for Betty outing Britt.  

SORRY SO SHORT. I'm trying to get better. Today's show was too slow and all I want to do is sleep!!

I'm still sick. I tried to work some today but actually, I should have just stayed home. I haven't felt good in about 15 days. UGH. Now the cough is starting!
Oh and I know The Burton started on YR today but I'm done talking about him. Sorry. Other sites will have stuff because they cover that show.  I do hope he has to speak in a Nashville accent the entire time. 
I do hear he had on something other than black.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Kleenex and Afrin

Yep...still sick. And I'm SICK of it. Last week it was a sinus headache and stuffiness all week-- and NOW it's a full blown stupid head cold. Which, as a speech therapist makes my life miserable. I can't fake talking non-stop all day!! 

"Single Nurses' Night Out" go Felix, we need some stuff to wake us up. MILO and FELIX!! ahaha, fun talk and NAUGHTY at their table. All the convos at the Star were fun. REALLY FUN. Wait until Felix offers Milo some.... ;) 

Soleto mention.  Michael finds evidence that Tracy used mob money.  Come on now, Michael can't  find his SHOES let alone evidence.  They are totally blackmailing her.  She signs over to AJ.
THEN she goes to Connie to print the mob money story in the SUN so NO ONE  gets ELQ!!

Krissy with a bat. Fancy that!! noooooooooooooooooooooooo she WACKS THE ORBS OF DOOM in Todd's office.  That's one UP THERE!  she killed it!! 
She tackles Connie and Connie calls the cops. Xtina looked like some zombie stalker with a breathing problem.

Stupid Britt..and thank Goodness Anna walks by..hope she slugs her.  Emma's missing. 

ACCESS HOLLYWOOD photos!! Frisco's back!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Expectancy

It's another week to bear with the Wubqueen. GH isn't rocking my excitement boat. It's not bad by any means, but I find myself  yawning at some points and confused in others. I'm thrilled the show is staying on..Love to watch but-you know me, gotta be honest!! 

So... Color me sitting on the fence at the moment. Waiting for the vets to come back, waiting for Robin to return..waiting to hear that Robert's out of his coma. Waiting for the Nurses' Ball..waiting to see if the OLTLers are going back to NY--WAITING to hear who else is returning for the reunion.
In other words. Waiting. :tappingfoot: 

Waiting; Expectancy 
  1. The action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or until something else happens.

Yep, that's me...DELAYING ACTION--  until something else happens.  Anyone else feel like these last few weeks were like treading water? Or am I just over it? 
Ah...I just don't know. 

Soooooo, let's have some BLTs and get into our we go: 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Deadline: General Hospital Looks Safe!

Ah, Deadline...!! Look at this report they have up! The new production team at GH really have to be given such a great credit for this turnaround. And of course, so do we the fans who have stuck in there forever!! 

Now I hear that CBS is poised to renew The Bold And The Beautiful, and ABC has no plans to cancel General Hospital (the series is on a perpetual production track and doesn’t need formal renewals if the network wants to keep it on the air)


woot! I guess he had it on yesterday..but since I haven't watched Yesterday's show yet... I didn't know!! 

Ned!! Hello Gatekeeper #1
Carly with short hair.!
DAMN IT, GH should get back on 3pm because I can't make it home by 2 to live tweet and I HATE IT!!

EMMA with her P-U face to Britt.  LMAO..that was so fun. Emma ran away...

And Krissy was having BATTING PRACTICE in Cawnie's office!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some Prospect Park Information!

Soap Bubble, magnified. 

As most of you know, PP is going ahead with online soaps, and it looks like AMC may hit the cyberville in about April!!

Here's a great interview on all about the process. Take a gander, there is a lot of information for you to soak in! 

One of the biggest questions fans have been asking is if there will be fees for the online viewing of their Pine Valley and Llanview soaps. "There will be multiple ways for them to watch," Kwatinetz explained. "Numerous ways to watch, one being free with commercials."

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



So I find out TODAY my progress reports are due TOMORROW!! I thought it was FEB!! Good lawd. 

Anyway, I had today's show on in the background but it seemed like not much going on. Luke/Duke/Anna,  Sonny and Cawnie (for the 99th time) wah wah... 
Spin/Ellie... Maxie not telling the truth yada yada.

PATRICK AND EMMA were the only thing I really wanted to watch lol

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Well, I see Dr. Oz can make me lose weight by IMAGINING IT. Ok, right.  Be right over. Good Gravy. 

Ellie's leg thing lasted 2.3 seconds...hmm, what's going on.  Spinelli tells her about having sex with Maxie.

Luke looking scruffy and as gross  as Johnny. 

Mac, Duke and Flea...yeah!! 

Sonny and Anna, in a random scene. Weird. BUT! She was drinking Fiji water!!  Luke walks in, about 3 minutes from leaving TURKEY. GOD, can't they even  PRETEND TO do this?? ughhhhhh

OLIVIA looked ravishing!! Loved when the ring was shown. Nice. 

TV GUIDE says: Jack Wagner is already on the GH set shooting some SECRET SCENES!! And Jagger's back. 

Krissy Goes To...

Jail! Read it all in the new Scoops that are up...also hit the RUMORS button for some gossip!! If I'm not back, use this for comments on the show today. It will be on my DVR. 

Question: If Todd has to leave to go back to OLTL, what should be his exit story? 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Wooden Splinters

Well, love it or hate it, GH was a carnival of fun delusion this week!! Chair-leg stabbing, crazy courtroom antics, Heather Webber, wiggling toes, Turkish prisons and miracle pregnancies abounded!! 

Grab your Clozapine and garlic, sit scrub up and sit down!! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Burton Blabbers...

TV Guide has another interview with Steve where they basically ask him why he went to Y&R so soon.  Excerpts: 

TV Guide Magazine: You can't be broke yet. Why jump back into the suds so soon? Burton: I've had an incredible time with my family, taking my daughter to gymnastics, coaching my son's football team, shopping at Target — stuff I never got to do when I was at GH— but I never intended to retire. I'm a worker and CBS stepped up and made a deal. It all happened so fast, just like the telenovela I'm putting together with [Y&R exec producer] Jill Farren Phelps and James Franco for Sony. We're inches away on that project. It's looking very promising. The truth is, if I'd gotten an offer for a primetime show or a movie, I probably wouldn't be on Y&R right now. I just want to work.

TV Guide Magazine: If GH had tried harder to accommodate your personal life would you still be there? Burton: I don't want to point fingers. I know there are a lot of disappointed fans. They don't really understand what goes on behind the doors. They don't understand why I wouldn't go back to play Jason if I'm ready to work again. But what happens at GH should stay at GH.

There ya have it, CBS Stepped up and made a deal... and GH didn't give him the time off or moolah he wanted. Oh and Jill and Franco and he are doing a deal together. 
and oh, 
WE DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND anything.  GIGGLE. Ok, thanks. 

Friday, January 18, 2013

"Well, He always WAS Cold and Remote"...

 Alan Rachins. THAT'S WHO THE JUDGE IS!! of LA Law...ah, I so remember him. NICE.. 
He was also on Dharma and GREG!! I miss that show. 

Heather and LUCY!! EEK!! Even Heather can't believe her. LOL  Heather: "Wait, you mean to tell me  you think John McBain is a vampire? Huh, He always was cold and remote" ahahhaaha
Then Lucy goes "EWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww YOU'RE HEATHER WEBBER"???

Lante, off at a peeling paint Turkish prison looking for Luke.  Whatever. 

Todd is trying to plead insanity. Diane brings up Post Stress Disorder. He tries to explain his sins away and totally gets me every time!! Diane did a good job too. 

TODD says he loves Carly!! Weird trial. 

Stuff about ELQ and votes. Yada yada. 

Maxie wants Britt to 'slip her another egg" LMAO!! OH GEESH she's going to find out she has Spin's baby in there!!

Ellie still can't feel her legs. Every line she said, Patrick and Spin said today can be followed by "That's what SHE said"..try it!! LOL 
at the end of the show, she could wiggle her toes. hmmm. 

awww there's no GH Monday and I have it off!! wahhh.. 

Erika Slezak is Back! Probably?


Erika Slezak has reportedly joined the cast of Prospect Park's "One Life to Live" revival.
According to Showbiz 411, Slezak and co-stars Jerry verDorn (Clint Buchanan) and Robert S. Woods (Bo Buchanan) have signed a deal to return to "One Life to Live" when it's revived on The Online Network.
A rep for Prospect Park said they could not confirm the report and a request for comment from Slezak's rep was not immediately returned.

*** I HAVE it on good authority that two more powerhouses will be signing soon as well! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Felicia! Lucy! Mac!

I missed this yesterday!! EEK! the same scene!! the UNDEAD fun..sorry!!!
Tracy pulls the "Nurses Ball" card with Lucy. OMG You have no idea how I loved McBain's look at Lucy when she turned around in court! and HE HAS A CANE!!! EEEEEEEEEEE! GEESH. Thud. 
Todd totally mocked out McBain with his cross-fingers :) 

AJ using it to his advantage! Nice... Michael is going to help him, you wait!! 

Felix and Carly "you're trying to make a statement"  .."or over a man" about her hair. I like these two. Carly's hair didn't look that bad actually heh. Felix worked at FOXY ROXY's!! Which was a place on OLTL. He got the Metro  Court ballroom donated for the Nurses' Ball. 

EPIPHANY!! Yelling again. Todd wants her to give McBain a sponge bath. hee hee She's pissed Sabrina didn't tell her about it! LOL
"I am FUN"! she yells..and sets out to prove it. 

Britt--Patrick. ewwwwwwww.. She's Veronica and Sabrina is Betty. Got it. 
Steven Lars is jughead hee hee

I am NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!

Read the whole sordid tale of OLTL...Prospect Park.some of my fave characters and junk over at Daytime Confidential. 


New Spoilers are UP !!

Scoopies are up!

Looks like Steven Lars' days are numbered!! McBain has to investigate a homicide and things are not what they seem...
ELQ battles are heating up and Scotty is back in Feb! 

WUBS NET has all the info! Sorry I've been OUT lately, I will try to post after the show today. Work has been crazy busy. 

Kin Tells TV GUIDE: 

 "If my character showed up and was involved with Laura it would really chap Luke's hide. He would want to try and win her back, even if he has moved on with his life. This competition between them goes back 35 years so Ron has so much story to pull from. We thought the '80s at GH were wild, well, this could be even wilder. I start shooting next Tuesday [Jan. 22]. I can't wait to get my grubby hands on that script!"  

Scottie's due on  Tuesday, February 19!! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reminder: Connie on 1600 Penn Tomorrow!!

from Soaps In Depth

When she guest stars on NBC's 1600 PENN on Thursday, January 17, at 9:30 p.m. EST, Constance Towers will be trading in Helena's claws for a gentile accent! However, she might be just as dangerous! "I play Bunny Thoroughgood. She's very Southern (from North Carolina), and her husband is Senator Strom Thoroughgood, played by Stacy Keach)," Towers reveals. "She's someone who without knowing what she's saying, just says some terrible things!"

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If Port Charles Were Storybrook


What IF...

Cartini was going to offer us an alternate universe--ala "Once Upon A Time"--everyone in PC is  really in amnesia of a character from somewhere else in time...
imagine if you will: 

McBain=Caleb (obviously) aka Edward
Sam-Livvy (obviously) aka Belle
Lucy=Slayer (obviously) aka Buffy 

Patrick: Prince  Charming
Robin: Jasmine
Max: The Genie 
Liz: Snow White
Starr  : Grumpy 
Steven Lars: Dopey
Carly:   Wicked Witch of the West
Johnny Z: Big Bad Wolf 
Michael: Teen Wolf
Helena: Maleficent 
Faison: Rumpelstiltskin 
Molly: Belle
TJ:  Young Prince (with a symbol) 
Tracy: Queen of Hearts

Kristina: Sleeping Beauty
AJ: Heathcliff
Olivia: The Long Island Medium
Todd: Just for the ear factor: Dumbo
Connie: Both Ugly Step Sisters
Sonny: Chef guy in Lady in the Tramp
Cameron: Pinocchio 
Alan: Jacob Marley
Coleman: Gaston
Alexis: Natasha of Bullwinkle
Nurse Betty: Ugly Duckling
Dante: The Huntsman
Diane: Ursula
Ellie: Timone
Laura: Bo Peep
Spinelli: Mr. Limpet 
Luke: Silver Surfer 
Lulu: Mulan 
Duke: King Arthur
Anna: Guinevere 
Milo: The Gingerbread Man 

WUBBERS: Let's Sound OFF!

Rafe... oh Rafe!! 

OK, so... the LUCY stuff.

You like? 
Did you watch Port Charles? 

What do you think is going to happen? Will they continue?

Is McBain really Caleb? 

Do you WANT McBain to be Caleb?

If he's Caleb...who could be the werewolf in town? (I'm voting for hairy Johnny Z).

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kin Shriner back to GH

So says someone whom shall not be named!! A birdie tweeted the news on twitter. It was rumored forever, and now here he'll be!! 


Lucy is moving back into the mansion. heh yeah for Tracy and Lucy. 

Carly's still drunk and  AJ needs to stay away from the Connie mess.  UGH... then, Carly comes along to get her claws into him. She was horrible to him with the drinking. 

MONICA was in KELLY'S. I think that's been 20 years since she's been She and Sam are talking about Jason. They hugged. That last surgery was not needed for LC.  'nof said. 

Todd makes Johnny mad so he can go to GH from the beating. 

Trey died...Olivia saw his soul leaving his body. They would have harvested his organs before he "died" -- but oh well. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Auxiliary Services

This week  I'm saying almost the entire show was filler--with some lighter notes here and there. Turkish prisons, Swiss clinics-- people on the phone, plugs almost pulled... zexy shower suds. 
Anna was back on after 15 days of being MIA. 

But real moving forward stuff? Nah...that came from behind the scenes! Genie's coming! Jon Lindstrom!! Prospect Park's really going to move the other soaps online --and soon!! Steve  Burton goes to The Young and the Restless!! We found out the Nurses Ball  will start to ramp during sweeps and go until April 1st, the date of GH's 50th anniversary. Many others will show up for the celebration! woot!  Things are looking up people!!

Hey, today calls for cinnamon donuts and some nice's  going to be a relaxing surgery, we'll let the other guys take over. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Next Hurdle for OLTL and AMC cleared!

Go read Daytime Confidential about the newest deal with the WGA which should open the door for the reboot  of the AMC and OLTL  soaps. 

The WGA and PP came to a mutually beneficial deal today. The production company plans to go into production with All My Children and One Life to Live in Connecticut next month.

Wanna See the REAL Nurse Betty?

She's out with "Liz" and "Ellie"!

Follow them on twitter:

@TeresaLuvz  and @emilywilson @rebeccalherbst 


Coleman sees Kate--er--Connie. I MISS COLEMAN! He won't even do Connie  because she's too much trouble. He and AJ talk about how Coleman used to own The  Oasis where Courtney stripped way back when-- and..well. It's too much to get into.

Steven Larz--dead man walkin'!!

Todd and John. They've hated each other in forever. Todd taunts him with Nat and Liam. McBain takes his photo with his iPhone. LMAO Then Todd tries to bribe him.

OMG The scenes in the hallway outside of Trey's door? POINTLESSSSSSSSSSS. Then stupid Xtina goes  in to literally try to pull the plug on Trey. Good LORD!! 

Oh Connie made out with AJ so Sonny saw them. 

TODAYS' SHOW WAS A BORE. And for all the Disney stuff about not smoking on camera, people sure do knock em' back on this show. geesh!! LOL. BOozeHouNds.


An Open Letter to Dante and Lulu

In the spirit of the Kelly O and Gaga feud,  I am writing an  open letter to Lulu and Dante (aka "Lante") to take them to task for what I see as gross incompetence. 

Hey, guys...I see you're rushing off to help your father and father in law where's he's hold up in some Turkish prison. Huh. Do you KNOW where Turkey is? It's not New Orleans, kids.  You can't just pack up some trollop gear and think you can solve this one.  Besides, don't you have..I don't know ..responsibilities? 

Dante...I don't think the PCPD just gives time off to  go overseas for a wild goose chase. "To Protect and Serve" doesn't extend to Turkey. Sorry. And besides, your commish has been gone for weeks and who's minding the store? The last guy is tending bar somewhere.  McBain is consoling Sam. You need to step it up.

Lulu...Well, girl..don't you own and run  a club now?  Remember that floating boat you call The Haunted Star? Did you notice that your partner is in JAIL for like double homicide? You just going to shut down the place in this economy? With both of you out of work for lord only knows how long, who's going to pay the rent on your beautiful brick covered lofty thing? 

Finally..weren't you the pair that made a pact to NEVER LEAVE MAXIE ALONE?  How did that go? You guys couldn't even be around long enough to  know she's LOST THE BABY.  So, now you decide to both leave the USA for who knows how  long.  Good luck with that.

Here's hoping when/if you ever DO have a bambino, Luke's not in "peril" somewhere for you ya-hoos to go "try to find him". There's lots of germs out there.

Sincerely, A soap watcher  that's not buying it. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

TV Guide's Keck On GH Golden Anniversary!

and 40 short years later.... 

GREAT interview with producer Frank Valenti! TVGUIDE 

TV Guide Magazine: What will be happening in Port Charles during the actual anniversary week?
We're reviving the Nurses' Ball, which is something the show did years ago to raise awareness for HIV/AIDS. I think the feel-good philanthropic aspect of the show was missing. This gives all the people in the hospital — Patrick, Sabrina, Liz, Epiphany and Felix — a real presence as we celebrate the hospital and the people who are the do-gooders. For a long time the moral compass of the show was off a little bit, and I think now we're back to where it needs to be. And the people like Luke and Sonny, who may do the wrong thing, are still good guys in their hearts.Maurice Benard (Sonny) has just signed another long-term deal with the show and there are some exciting things coming up for him and Kate in the next few weeks.

There is a TON MORE over there so hit the link!! Squee!

Sean Kanan in Food & Wine Fest In Palm Springs

The lineup of award-winning celebrity chefs, wine experts, and master vinters has been announced for the Food & Wine Festival Palm Desert 2013, scheduled March 22-24. on Larkspur Lane between El Paseo and Shadow Mountain.
The Food & Wine Festival Palm Desert brings together the brightest and most inspired chefs from throughout the United States for three extraordinary days of culinary events and food and wine tastings under the "Big White Tent". This event is uniquely educational and benefits the Friends of the James Beard Foundation, The Culinary Institute of America's Endowed Scholarship Fund, and Les Dames d'Escoffier.

from the site: 
Kanan is an internationally renowned actor best known for his roles as Deacon Sharpe in the daytime drama "The Bold and the Beautiful" and currently as AJ Quartermaine on "General Hospital". Kanan is also the author of a how-to cookbook for men, “The Modern Gentlemen; Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan”.

READ all about it on Food  & Wine! I didn't know he had a cookbook out! 

"Look At Us...Here We Are Again"....

Mac and Lucy..and Outback mention!! LOL... nice.. Love them. You know Lucy and Flea were BFFs. Tracy walks in!! Yeah!! Lucy tells her she wants to be CEO of ELQ in order to give  her  the votes.heh.

Trey on a tube. It's way louder than that in real life.
Connie whistling sounded so fake. 

They should have had her say some things to him when he was alive because this is hollow. I love how she's yelling at him. He's not DEAF..he's in a COMA.  LOL
Then she goes to the Rib to drink. She might get AJ a drink.

BTW, Xtina's non acting RUINED some of today's scenes. UGHHHHHHH. 

Alexis tears into AJ for taking Kristina so long ago.. at least he's taller than Alexis now. 

Liz sees AJ and fixes her HAIR! funny. They are going in with the AJ/Liz stuff. 


BOY do I hate NURSE BETTY'S CRAP!  Seeing them in the shower is like so grade-school. Patrick is 33. Come on now. It's pointless too because we aren't going to root for anyone knowing that Robin is alive. 

To all who asked about Mac & Robert, Mac was on the phone w/Holly at the top of today's show before Lucy walked in but it got cut for time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Took long enough... ugh. That story was done so badly in the end. OY!! Guess we won't see Holly..or Robert.

Carly and Todd...Laura Wright looked fabulous. They were so good!! LOVED their scenes!!

Now that I know there may be a chance of my Dark Gothic LUST with McBam, I'm so excited!! Plus, with Burton OUT OF THE PICTURE--no one can be mad now! Well, that's not true, I just saw on Twitter  Liason/JaSammers are still pissed off. 

ELLIE will have the Deborah Kerr paralysis!! Well, until she's "cured"and then fakes it to keep Spinelli. That always happens.

Brit tells Betty to stay away from Patick because he thinks she's ridiculous. Then she tells Paddy she can't watch Emma anymore.

John Lindstrom BACK!

Kevin Collins returns to GH!! Details soon!~

My WISH is NOW TRUE: Vampires!!


I THOUGHT THIS WAS A know how much I want the Vampires..look at this:

On Monday, Jan. 14, Lucy will drop by Kelly's Diner for some chow and spot John McBain, the good-guy cop played by Easton. "She completely freaks and screams, "Caleb!" says head writer Ron Carlivati. "Later Kelly's character, Sam, comes out of the ladies room and Lucy think it's Livvie." Lucy goes into full slayer mode and stabs John. He's rushed to the hospital. She ends up in the slammer

 "Our universes are colliding but this is no quick gimmick," Carlivati promises. "This will kick off a nice little mystery story: Is Lucy crazy or is there something very real going on here? And, if she's crazy, why do John and Sam feel like they've met before?"

The plot gets even dizzier when Duke Lavery, played by Ian Buchanan who also played vampire king Joshua Temple on PC, pays a visit to Lucy at the jailhouse. "That really throws her for a loop — in fact, the whole thing's a total mindf--k!" says Carlivati. "We'll also throw Sam's mother Alexis [Nancy Lee Grahn] into the mix as Lucy's attorney."

How far will Carlivati take this thing? "The story does get pretty over-the-top yet it's still rooted in a certain reality," says the scribe. "Lucy may be off-kilter but she's certainly not in Heather Webber territory. Her belief in vampires will be very convincing." Especially for the PC viewers who saw it all happen!

"That show was so ahead of its time and this is a nice nod to the fans who supported all those wild chances we took," Herring says. "I love that we're still taking chances and not sidestepping the past. If Lucy met up with John and didn't recognize him, we'd be flooded with complaints!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

GENIE Francis is BACK on GH!

Executive Producer Frank Valenti announced on Twitter that Genie would be returning to the soap.

Entertainment Weekly:
Francis just closed a deal to reprise her role as Laura Spencer for the drama’s 50th anniversary this season. She’ll report to the sudser’s Studio City, Calif., set sometime later this month for a Feb. 11 debut, which is actually 50 days before the series’ April 1 anniversary.

So, there you have it! Laura's coming back to Port Charles! 

"If There's NO BODY..."

He's not dead. Except on a soap.
Oh wait.

Diane was on.

Sam and Carly. "You're lying to yourself" ...and CARLY you yourself were presumed dead at least 2x...and Jax about three. SO What you talkin' bout Willis??!! 

Will she turn off the machine? WILL SHE??? Hmm, let me think. Sincei XTina isn't married to  him,  Cawnie gets to  choose.

Ellie and Spinelli..Maxie couldn't tell  him about losing the baby so she'll have to lie about the whole thing when she IS PG again.

Spin tells Ellie he was with Maxie tomorrow.

from Burton: 

Thanks for your support and understanding that gave me the best opportunity to keep my family in TN and still work. Much luv

Monday, January 7, 2013

Watch Nancy and Jack on Castle Tonight!

Nancy Lee Grahn and Jack Wagner will be on Castle tonight playing a mean divorcing couple! ABC 10pm!

Post Sex Sandwich

ALEXIS!  Got some! WOOT!!

SONNY'S fantasy!! ahahahhaa... OMG. I was wishing he'd wake up and be holding Milo. 

Ok, so Trey's in a coma....Todd's in Jail  with Johnny. Not a lot happened today.  THE REAL NEWS WAS: 

here you go Sheryl....

Steve was on The Talk  to  announce he's  going to  the Young and the Restless-- January 29th is his first airdate. He's  playing Dylan McAvoy who's a vet and an architect. He's doing something with James Franco and Jill as well (SONY). Which is basically what I wrote down there.
They gave him a good deal to be able to commute easily, probably a pile of Money and perks. PLUS the ability to block tape and commute.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Surgery: Upchuck

Upchuck: What we used to call vomit..throw-up, ralphing when I was a kid. (see scene of the week)

It's been since December 18th that Anna/Robert/Duke have even been MENTIONED  on GH. That's just plain weird. Weird and in my mind a shoddy way to end a fabulous run with that story. Even IF it comes back strong, the entire thing is just cheapened by the way it was dismissed. Can you imagine being a viewer that's not on the net? You have to be wondering if you dreamed the whole damn thing.  Even having a scene or two with Mac on the PHONE with Anna about Robert would have helped. nothin'.  *sigh*

Well, get your Bandages and Neosporin because we had another roadside crash to attend to this week

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Steve Burton Factor

So a long-standing, popular GH Actor jumps ship and leaves some fans scratching their heads and others...well others are just plain pissed off. Some see it as an actor's right to do what he wants.   For me, it's a case of follow the hand that feeds you best. Godspeed, Mr. Burton, God Speed.

Some of the brew-ha-ha started on twitter where Steve said he was leaving "soaps" to spend time with his family in Nashville. He actually eluded to Jill Phelps "collaborations" in one of his interviews. A mini-series or something. It was predictable. I  personally don't care, think it's his choice but he REALLY screwed with his fan base on this. Most people covering soaps knew the score and said as much, but he acted like he wanted OUT and was going to live in Nashville in harmony with his family forever. Totally his choice-- and I understand the way he did it from a business standpoint.

However, a large percentage of soap fans hate this sort of shit with a passion. Not only did he leave the show at the height of the "JaSam and Baby Reunion"..he left when GH was on an UPSWING. Ratings for the show have climbed all  year. Y&, not so much. 

JFP has let so many people  go from the show it's a head spinner. We all know the damage done on GH during  the she Guza/Frons reign. One would wonder what Y&R is going to look like in another year. 

Excepts from his Exit Interview:
 "I’m going to take some time off and do nothing but relax, just enjoy life a little bit with my wife and kids. I’ve bought a home in Tennessee, way out in the country outside Nashville."

Project with Franco and Phelps:    “It’s looking great. Jill went off and did that telenovela Hollywood Heights [at Nickelodeon] and James did a day’s work there. Suddenly he decides he wants to make one of his own novellas through his production company and we’re like, “Huh?” So the three of us collaborated on an idea and came up with a really good one. Jill will EP it, I’ll produce and star in it and so will James. We’ll be able to get a lot of great cameos and guest stars because of James’ connections. It’ll be a fun show to do.”
Would he go to Y&R?   “Listen, Jill is one of my dearest friends. [Laughs] I’m never going to say never because , as soon as I do, I’ll be popping up over there! Here’s the thing: As cool as it was to know I had a nice, cushy place to go every day with GH, I think it’s going to be just as cool to not have a nice, cushy place to go every day. I like not knowing what’s next for a change. I’m jumping off a cliff in a total leap of faith.”

So..there you have it. He was cagey-- and many of us bloggers wrote we were pretty sure he'd make a switch to Y&R.  
He COULD just be announcing the novella collaboration with Franco.  Or maybe he's going to farm goats. But I doubt it.

Burton's  "exciting announcement" will  be on THE TALK,  which ironically airs opposite GH  on CBS. Which is also home  to The Young and the Restless.

I don't watch Y&R, even when Genie and Tristan were there, I couldn't get into it.  So, if he's there, won't change a thing for the Wubs.   Do you watch? If you don't, will you watch because  SBu is there? What do you think about how he handled all this? 

Other HUGE questions:

Will he a have his black tshirt clause in his contract?

WHAT IS THE FATE FOR the band 'PORT CHUCK' ??????? :giggle: 

Will any other GHers follow? Hmmm. that's something to ponder, eh? 


AMC, OLTL One Step Closer to Airing!

 Daytime Confidential has Agnes Nixon's  FB declaration on their page. She basically says it's a "go" and she's thrilled. 

Now, does this mean the soaps will look exactly the same? I don't think so, but it is a start. They will probably be online with a back end TV deal in the future--but no one knows for sure.
I personally am waiting for them to actually start taping before I dance in the aisles. Call me a cynic but there you go. 

So, what say you Wubbers?? Will you watch? What if they are only online?? It will be interesting. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Oh MYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Well. This is on The Talk's Facebook Page:

BIG NEWS: Daytime star Steve Burton appearing on The Talk this Monday with a special announcement! Don't Miss!!

Tune in Monday 1/7 - 2pm ET, 1pm PT/CT

Hilarious that "The Talk" is on the same time as GH...  

Rock Solid Show Today!

  I had the 2 year olds today and I'm SO TIRED so.. buckle up!!  Carly is telling Jason that he can't tell her what to do regarding ...