Wednesday, February 22, 2023


 So Ava's out of bullets when she goes to shoot Ryan! Ryan is like, see, we are destined to be together... and he walks towards her. She pushes him away. He growls and runs back to her and MAC SHOOTS HIM IN THE CHEST!!!!!!!!  Jordan comes out of the forest. She says he's dead. Mac gives Ava his coat. Says not to worry anymore, Ryan can't hurt anyone. Ryan gets zipped in a body bag. 

Esme's screaming in labor. Kevin and Laura are tending her.  She can't make it to GH, she's having the baby now!! OMG It comes out that Heather is her MOTHER! Esme has a fit LOL ...Asks Laura if it's true. Laura's like: Um, seems that way. Heather screams to stay with Esme "You're my baby"!! Cop drags her out. 
Esme starts pushing. Laura is behind her and Kevin is delivering the baby.  Spencer comes in and sees them. Laura says "you have a brother". 

Taggert goes to Portia's hotel room. Taggert is very calm. Upset about the truth but still loves Trina like his daughter. Portia says she couldn't tell them over the years because they were so close. He says no matter what he's Trina's father..period. 

Spencer, Alexis and Trina talk on the dock. Spencer is sure that Esme didn't know who her mother was. They figure out Ryan manipulated Esme. 

Ava arrives on the dock. Trina goes with her to GH . Spencer stays with Alexis. Alexis finally leaves. Heather gets off the launch to go to jail. Screaming "That's my daughter and she's in labor"!!! Spencer is like: UM, Esme's in labor!? Heather looks at him and says "you were next". He tells Jordan he needs to get to the island. 

Finn takes Liz home. Thank GOODNESS Scotty comes to the door. Finn leaves for the hospital to take care of the latest hook patient. Scotty talks to Liz about what she did to Esme. Says she's crazy to admit to all this. 

Felicia is in GH with Austin. They just talk. She says that he and Ava have gotten close.. Austin realizes that cops will be crawling all over Spoon Island and Nik is there LOL (or is he? ) 

Ava and Trina make it to the hospital. Felicia finds out Ryan is dead. She hugs Ava. Trina helps Ava fill out her paperwork. They talk about Ryan's death. Trina says she'll help Ava find Nikolas. LOL BLOOP!! 

Kevin looks at Ryan's dead body. Felicia looks too and cries. "It's the end of the a long nightmare for you" 

Spencer sees his little brother. Esme says she knows he's Nikolas' son. Spencer says he looks like a Cassadine. 

Austin and Ava can't talk yet; the nurse throws her out. They are both worried about Nikolas' body LOL 


  1. SOOOOOOOO good!!! We need to remember this when March/April go back to Millow and Chase and Brook and Drew and Carly (see the previews already???) Sweeps end Saturday.
    -----so glad Ryan is finally dead......enough already...and having Mac do it = perfection
    ------so paternity test? Esme gonna live with Laura but fall for Spencer and he's gonna love the baby so Sprina lasted 1 day....
    -----Real' Andrews was amazing today
    ------the ending was weird - WHY would Austin not say 'she can come in' --- he's not hurt and he was worried about Ava - very weird...
    ------Felicia/Ava/Mac/Kevin all made me cry today...
    -----GREAT week so far...............

  2. The end of an era. They really did squeeze everything they could out of the Ryan character through the years. It had to end sometime.
    Yes, Real Andrews was great today. He must stay around now. Hopefully.
    Looks like Trina will again be broken hearted soon.
    And now back to our other regularly scheduled dull story lines. Still arguing about Willow. And on we go.....

  3. Was I the only one that wished I had Laura in my delivery room? She is just so calming and kind. I know Ryan will come back some day... or Kevin will go crazy and think he's Ryan. One can hope.

    We do need to start some new stories as even the dreaded "Millow" and Mother/NIna Daughter/Willow story has to come to a close soon.

    Where's Maxie? Hoping by Friday a week will somehow have passed

  4. Some funny one liners today!

    The pier:

    Sprina and Alexis: I'm glad the tea has spilled out everywhere! :)

    Heather and Spencer: Heather wins the line of the day!

    Heather: You were next!


    Wyndemere: That baby watermelon is on it's way!!!!! Push push push!!!! BABY WATERMELON IS BORN YAY! See the picture. :)

    Awwww it's a boy!!! Baby Ace is born! Baby Ace and Ohsaka Walnut can be besties and then eventually start dating in 5 years when they become teenagers and then fall inlove and then get married, where they can have baby Watermelons all their own. :)

    Outside Wyndemere:

    Queen Ava and Ryan: Oh oh out of bullets! ROFL!


    Turning into the incredible hulk?

    Queen Ava, Ryan, and Mac: MAC!!!!! WHOA! Great scene!!!

    Ava, Mac, and Jordan:

    Jordan: He's dead.

    I didn't want him to die!!!! Ah well... In a few years he will come back. :) Remember back then everyone thought he was dead before. :)

    Mac and Doc: OH A SCENE WITH THEM! :) Eve and Norma popped into my head while I was watching them. :) You remember Eve and Norma? ;)

    Doc and Ryan: When Doc went to see Ryan's body, I thought either Ryan wasn't going to be there, or it was another body.

    Felicia, Doc, and Ryan: Awwwwwwwwww. :(

    Mac, Ava, and Jordan: Yes it was self defense!!!! Queen Ava should not get in trouble.. I don't think she would anyway.

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Finchy: Finchy you are a good friend as it should be. Nothing more nothing less. Oh yes I agree Finchy Liz's speech was so beautiful. It choked me up! My favorite part of her speech was when she said that Purtis's wedding inspired her to go tell Lucky that she is still in love with him and wants to get back together with him, and that she wants to go find him. :)

    Liz and Scotty: I'm glad Scotty is there for her. I hope Liz don't get into trouble.

    Portia's metrocourt hotel room:

    Portia and Taggy: The back of Portia's sweatshirt is comical. :) *Snicker snicker* Awwww great scene! Yes Taggy! Trina IS your daughter. No ifs ands or buts about it!

    The hospital:

    Ava and Trina: I'm glad Trina is there for her awwwww. :) Trina yes the Hook is caught, and now you can live back in your dorm! YAY! :D

    Felicia and Pawtucket Holtster: Awww great scene. I'm glad Felicia was there for him and keeping him company until Ava was able to get there. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster: Are you always this optimistic?

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day.

    Ava, Trina, and Felicia: Awwww love the Ava and Felicia hug! :) Besties now? :)

    Finchy and Pawtucket Holtster: Oooooo! Michael Easten and Roger Howarth in a scene together! YAY! :D

    Ava, Nurse, and Pawtucket Holtster: WHAT?!?!! Come on Nurse you can't keep Jolt apart!!! Let her say hi to him at least!!!!

    1. Great show! I agreed with everything you said! Taggert was awesome, loved the hug between Felicia and Ava, Laura with Esme was perfection, and of course I remember Eve and Norma. I actually thought about that yesterday, too. :) I was so happy that Mac was the one to end Ryan, and Flea hugging Kevin choked me up. I was giggling to myself when Kevin upzipped the body bag, because I thought wouldn't it be a hoot if it was Prince Nik in there? HAHAHAHAHAH!

    2. "Julie H says, loved the hug between Felicia and Ava"

      YES! :D

      "Laura with Esme was perfection"

      It was!!!!

      "and of course I remember Eve and Norma. I actually thought about that yesterday, too. :)"

      Eve and Norma were great! Now I miss them!

      "I was so happy that Mac was the one to end Ryan, and Flea hugging Kevin choked me up."

      Great scenes!

      "I was giggling to myself when Kevin upzipped the body bag, because I thought wouldn't it be a hoot if it was Prince Nik in there? HAHAHAHAHAH!"

      OH! I didn't even think of that!!! :)

  5. Like I said on Twitter, Ryan is like Michael Meyers from Halloween. He never really dies.

  6. NO TO ESME AND SPENCER REUNITING. Yes, I meant that to be all caps.

    1. I am hoping esme and spencer get back together. Trina is like a little girl. avery pohl and nick chavez their talent is amazing.

    2. "witch says, Trina is like a little girl."

      A little girl? Spencer and Trina are the same age! Trina is just short. ROFL!

      "avery pohl and nick chavez their talent is amazing."

      YES!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  7. Genie/ Laura's hair has gotten so long. Anna's is long too. Guess that's the style again.

  8. This week and last week have been incredible, and I feel fortunate that Sonny and Carly were not a part of it. Laura's kindness was so heartwarming. Glad Mac had the shot. Trina is so short that when she kisses Spencer it looks almost painful.

    1. "LSV422 says, Trina is so short that when she kisses Spencer it looks almost painful."

      Hahaha. Well that's what happens when in a relationship one is short and the other is tall! Hahaha. Trina should stand on a box! ROFL!

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  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...