Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bates Motel


It's Valentine's DAY !! Will there be a marriage!!??? I think I saw Curtis in some promo with a wedding ring on so I think so...

WEDDING: No Objections so... it's happening people! They say their vows.  Portia almost doesn't get through hers and then she finishes. They get married. Reception: First dance. Then Father/Daughter dance. Poritia and Sterling...Trina and Taggert (Portia looks a little sad) then Curtis steps in as her step-father. Yuri and Terry go to dance. Spencer and Trina dance. Trina is sad Stella isn't there. 

Stella is in her hotel room and Jordan comes over . Stella is second guessing herself about not going to the wedding. They talk about telling and not telling. Then they talk about Jordan's love life. This is all weird. 

Dante and Sam go to a PUB in England to find Maggie. They talk to the bartender. They mention that Maggie took care of a girl named Esme and she's in trouble. Bartender is like: Esme? Dante says that Maggie could really help her out. The bartender acts cagey. They leave. Sam thinks the bartender is lying through her teeth. 

Heather is with Ryan. She made him a valentine. She says they are all going to break out soon. He asks if Esme knows she's her mother. Heather says not yet. Then she says they are going to get an RV and ride out like a happy family. LOL Heather gives Ryan that shank knife. Tells him to just look "As vacant as the Bates Motel" when it's time LOL. 


OMG ... Bartender lady has a whole box of letters from ESME BEHIND THE BAR she gets out when Sam and Dante leave. AHAHHAHAA. 

Trina's missing  and she goes to Stella's hotel room with Spencer 


  1. Boring February sweeps continue. Oh well I still watched all of it hoping it would get a little more interesting. Sam/Dante very predictable.

  2. SO if the GH spoilers are correct and Sonny is arrested the day of the Millow wedding, cause of the shipment, will Michael or Dex or Valentin be the reason Sonny is arrested because of this shipment that Valentin made him be involved in????? That is why the 'wedding' is in 2 weeks----and Dex mentioned the day of the shipment is in 2 weeks.....
    --------I never thought the wedding would take place so now I am going to the theory that Trina and Spencer figure out the paternity...

    1. Wait I didn't hear Mildew say the wedding is in 2 weeks!!! That is so dumb!

  3. Portia's facial expressions during their vows looked like she was trying to pass gas. Who didn't want her to blurt out " Trina is your daughter". That would have been supreme soapy.
    Jordan is now a certified ass.
    Trina would never leave her mother's wedding. Even for Stella.
    A wedding in PC without Maxie?

    1. LMAO Zazu. I could not contain my laughter

    2. HAHAHAHAHAH! To everything. HAHAHAHAH! Spewed my coffee!

  4. There were some funny one liners today.


    Bartender and Sante: Uh is this really London? Or is this Ireland? :) That Bartender has got an Irish accent! Hahahahahaha! Anyway, OH COME ON! That IS Maggie!!! :) The spice girls? ROFL!

    Sante: Yeah Sam! She IS lying through her teeth! I hope she brushes well.

    Bartender with the letters: HA! I KNEW IT!!! MAGGIE!!!! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    The wedding: Someone walking in. OH IT'S YURI! :) Awwww Turi together. :) Nobody is going to interrupt the wedding?! Portia was having issues talking, but oh she is fine now. UGH! This is supposed to be February sweeps!!! This wedding is boring and not soapy!

    The reception: Liz and Finchy having eye sex! UGH! Trina dancing with Taggert! Awwwww! My heart!!!!! :) So sweet! Trina dancing with Curtis, awwwww! :) Sprina dancing awwwww! Nison talking about the Tan-O and dancing awwww. :) Portia dancing with her daddy! Awwwww! :) Where are the Tribbles and Badger Bob? They should be there dancing with each other. Sonny's green beans on his table at home should be there too dancing. :) I'm waiting for Mr. Hat man to start playing his instrument.

    Stella's hotel room:

    Stella and Jordan: Stella!!! You feel better from that sickness of yours? ;) ROFL!

    Stella: Warning. What I have may be contagious.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. What was this scene all about? It didn't add anything to the Purtis scene. So what really was the point?

    Sprina and Stella: Awwww Trina wanted to go visit her. Sweet. :)

    Spa Jail:

    Heathan: YAY!!!! A scene with them! :) Heather wins the line of the day.

    Heather: All you have to do is stay in that chair, look as vacant as the bates motel.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh wait Ryan wants to make a stop? What stop Ryan? To pick up Ava? :)

    Preview for tomorrow:

    Ryan: YOU WHAT?!

    ACK! That was scary! Who is Ryan yelling at?!?!!

    1. The only thing exciting yesterday was the one liners. And Bates Motel wins by a nose, lol!
      The good book should have jumped up and whacked Jordan in the head. I am so very tired of her and her passive aggressive busy bodyness. Wish she would take a long walk off a short pier.
      I was wondering who snuck into the wedding late and it was Yuri! YAY!
      The men in Portia's family need to move to Port Chuck. They are very easy on the eyes and can act. :)

    2. "Julie H says, The only thing exciting yesterday was the one liners. And Bates Motel wins by a nose, lol!"

      Hahahaha yes it does!!

      "The good book should have jumped up and whacked Jordan in the head."

      Hahaha. No! It should have whacked Portia in the head!! Spit it out girl!

      "I am so very tired of her and her passive aggressive busy bodyness. Wish she would take a long walk off a short pier."

      She just needs a love interest! :) I don't think she is getting any! ROFL!

      "I was wondering who snuck into the wedding late and it was Yuri! YAY!"

      Yeah I wondered too at first!!! So glad to see Yuri! :) Did you figure it out that it was Yuri or did you come on here and see it! :)

      "The men in Portia's family need to move to Port Chuck. They are very easy on the eyes and can act. :)"

      Oh yes! I agree! :D

    3. When he was standing next to Terry and they went off to dance, I said "it was YURI who snuck in", lol!
      And OMG, so true Jordan needs to get some! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    4. "Julie H says, When he was standing next to Terry and they went off to dance, I said "it was YURI who snuck in", lol!"

      Hahahaha. I noticed when they showed Terry and Yuri again in the chapel. I'm like OH THAT WAS YURI WHO SNUCK IN! Hahahaha!

      "And OMG, so true Jordan needs to get some! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


  5. Ryan must be yelling at Heather, he doesn't talk to anyone else. lol

  6. okay I will give up the idea that Maggie is the hook------LOL-------so now I am going back to the assistant DA

  7. Really dumb story...Portia doesn't think that the secret will get out? She knows that several people already know the truth! This isn't drama it's lame.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...