Monday, February 27, 2023

Emmy Reel Day


Spencer can't understand why his father isn't at GH but thinks he drove him away. HOLY crap!! watch his scenes with Laura today--HE YELLS SO LOUD 'OF COURSE IT'S MY FAULT"!!!!!!!! I jumped. Genie jumped! LOL Then he gets really emotional about how he was manipulated . WATCH THIS because his upset/crying is amazing.  Laura tells him to learn and grow from this and to start thinking about his baby brother. They both have to help him. 

Esme wants to talk to Heather.  Heather asks if it's a girl or boy. Then she says "oh a boy, just like my Steven Lars". She just wants everyone happy and healthy. She gives Esme advice. Awww.. Heather. She says that Esme will be back in Springridge and she can take the baby for up to 18 months in NYS.  They can bond there because she knows how to work the system and she'll be with them! Esme says NOPE, this is the last time you'll ever see me or the baby. Heather cries. Esme says her father is dead and as far as she's concerned, so is her mother. 

Ava finally gets in to see Austin. She goes though exactly what Ryan did to her. She says she must be like Ryan because he could manipulate her from so far away. Austin says she has to move the body. 

Liz is waiting for the ADA ... she says she's afraid they'll revoke immunity once they find out just what she did. Molly is the ADA. Liz signs the papers-- then she tells Dante and Molly that Nikolas imprisoned Esme. They are like WHAAAAAAT. Liz tells them about what happened on the pier and how she found Esme in Wyndemere and she and Nik thought Esme was the hooker. He was afraid for his child. She also tells them Victor cleaned up the Wyndemere scene. They tell her she can go. 

Joss and Trina in the dorm room. Joss runs in to tell Trina about Esme's parents but Trina already knows and doesn't care. She's upset about her Father (s). She tells Joss what happened at the wedding. Joss is sad she wasn't there when she found out from Stella. Trina says Spencer was there and she's so grateful. Then she says they kissed. SQUEE ...both Joss and Trina are all giddy. 

Curtis goes in to see Jordan. He tells her the honeymoon was cancelled. He says that Trina saw Aunt Stella and came back to the wedding. Jordan says she stayed out of it. Curtis is like: Um, you talked to Portia and Stella but NOT ME! Jordan says she's busy now, SO much police work LOL She says she knew since the gas leak 2 years ago and then overheard Portia talk about the DNA testing. Stella figured it out on her own. No one set out to hurt Curtis. Curtis talks about Trina.Jordan says Um, get a DNA Test. 

Molly and Dante talk to Jordan about Liz' statement. They say that Nikolas committed really bad crimes and they need to find him. "he could be anywhere" 


Heather screams at Laura that they could have been "Grammies' together and SHE RUINED IT! She yells that she'll be back and Laura had better watch out

Spencer lets Esme know that he and Laura are going to take care of Ace while she's in Jail. She said she thought she could take him with her (Heather just told her). He says it's all set up. No expense spared.

Ava runs into Austin's room and tells him to unhook himself because the police are going to search Spoon Island and they have to get Nikolas out of there! 

Molly recuses herself from the case since Nikolas committed severe crimes. (they are cousins) She'll tell Robert. 

Curtis shows up at Trina's doom room. 

ALLEY MILLS and Nicholas Chavez BOTH DESERVE EMMYS from Today's show! WOW 


  1. 100 percent - Nicholas Chavez was brilliant - give him the Emmy! Lotsa emotions but at the end didn't he seem sinister? He and Laura never discussed taking the baby ----but he sounded sinister and creepy/
    -----Jordan - shut up - you got what you wanted.....and I'm sorry but watching Jordan acting on the same day with brillance of Laura and Heather makes Jordan's acting pale in comparison...
    ----really like Joss and Trina today -
    -----Wow Liz - you confessed - move on - I am not sure though why Ava didn't want her to confess??? someone explain?
    -----WHERE is Nicholas' phone????????????? They keep saying it goes straight to voice mail ---------------track it --------- or did Ava destroy it?
    -----Ava and Todd/Franco are great!!!
    ------yep Liesel gonna slap Liz in the previews and I bet she dumps Scotty.......for being on Liz's side...
    ------Where is Vic-tah? Wouldn't he want to see the baby
    PEOPLE TAKE A FREAKIN DNA TEST - CurtisTrina---------and the BABY although I guess without Nik????? I just never thought it was Nik's??????

    1. I have no time for Jordan. And you're right, she needs to shut her passive aggressive mouth, because she got exactly what she wanted. And she was hitting Auntie over the head with anvils. To tell Curtis Stella "figured it out?" Her pants were on fire I tell ya!

    2. Agreed... although I think we need an Aunt Stella scene with Curtis, Portia and Trina. Separately or all together.

  2. That was an interesting anvil at the end with Heather raging at Laura. Even way, way back when Mary O'Brien played Laura, there was subtle hints of resentment from Heather at Laura and how everyone bowed down to her every whim, cut her break, while Heather had a harder time. Heather managed the bookmobile/library at the hospital and Laura worked for Heather for a brief time. Yeah, I'd be shocked if Avery Pohl, Alley Mills and Nicholas Chavez don't win Emmys. The catch will be if the younger acting category is both men and women or separate categories. If it's one, it'll be tough to pick.

    1. Yep - you know what it made me think? That Vic-tah is gonna do something and Heather will be blamed cause she threatened Laura??? OR Heather starts working with Vic-tah.

    2. I've always wanted the back story as to what made Heather the way she is today. They've never discussed her father and I assume it has something to with an abusive father or abandonment. Heather made that fateful mistake to sell her son on the black market when she thought Jeff didn't love her any more and then she was going to use the money to pursue a modeling career in New York. In the early days, she kind of had that Erica Kane vibe in terms of wanting fame and fortune and going about it the wrong ways. As she desperately tried to get her son back, she never recovered from that one decision that sent her spiraling downward into what we see today.

    3. oops i meant when Mary O'Brien played Heather

  3. The hospital:

    Heather and Vampira: Awwww Mama bear Vampira is protecting her cub! She wuvs her wittle Ace! :)

    Spencer and Laura: WHOA WHOA! He gave me chills!!! He scared me a little! He made me emotional!!!! FANTASTIC SCENE! Nicholas Chavez BRAVO!!!!!!!! *Standing O*

    Laura and Heather: Heather wins the line of the day!

    Heather: We could have been grammies together!


    Spencer and Vampira: Oooooo I don't think Vampira is going to let you raise baby Ace Spencer!

    Ava and Pawtucket Holtster: Hahahaha. Ava! He just got hooked! He can't check himself out! And he really can't help you get rid of Nik's body! ROFL! I'm sure he isn't there anyway!

    Police station/Jordan's office:

    Curtis and Jordan: OY! Curtis stop yelling at Jordan and just get a damn freakin DNA test! UGH! Waste of scene!

    Liz, Scotty, Dante, and Jordan: Great scene. That's the way to do it! When your lawyer is with you, then talk! Immunity! YES! :D

    Police station:

    Molly, Dante, and Jordan: Recuse yourself?!!?! Molly?!!?! WOW! People rarely do that.. Good job Molly. :)

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Joss and Trina: WHOA! A scene with them at their dorm room! :) Joss tell Trina you have been sleeping with Dexy! *Snicker*

  4. Jordan was right about one thing...Curtis is making this all about him. Glad he goes to see Trina.
    Ava was only freaked out that Elizabeth's 'confession' would send the PCPD to Spoon Island to look for Nikolas. We all know they won't find him anyway. This is too much like the first "death" of Hiney.

    1. "Zazu says We all know they won't find him anyway."

      Yeah they sure won't!

      "This is too much like the first "death" of Hiney. "

      I love that his nickname stuck! ROFL

  5. Spencer was fantastic yesterday. From yelling to tears in 5 seconds! And the sympathy tears from Laura? Another fantastic display. It must be so much fun to have an acting partner that is so into the moment. Kudos to both of them!
    As everyone said Heather and Esme....again fantastic. So many great scenes so few Emmys, lol!
    Above, Mufasa said Dr. O slaps Liz today. Why? Really? Just because Scottie represented her? I don't understand.

  6. Liz gets slapped probably because her actions kept the police focused on Esme instead of finding the real killer, who eventually killed Britt. Such great performances yesterday!

  7. the show just started and already Nina's whiny crying is making me groan aloud......
    and I think that Michael is gonna miss the wedding day-----since it's the same day as the shipment-----------that Joss will screw up............some things are predictable...



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...