Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Jazzy Jazz


WEDNESDAY is here. Hey, anyone watching that show? I LOVE it. VERY Tim Burton. 

Portia and Curtis wonder where Trina might be. Elizabeth gives a toast (off camera)..people talk. Yada yada. Molly wants them to cut the cake. People talk. Marshall takes out his clarinet reed and looks at it.  He ends up playing a nice song. Curtis get teary eyed. Zeke and Sterling leave. 

Trina is at Stella's with Spencer. She wonders why she doesn't look sick. Stella says that Portia knows why. Trina says that Portia is worried about her.  Stella says she couldn't go in good conscience. Trina is like "are you upset that my mom had an affair with Curtis 20 years ago"? Stella says no but she kept the secret about Curtis' father from him and she's done with secrets. Stella tells Trina to go ask her mother. Then tells Spencer to look out for her. They leave. 

Ryan says if they are busting out of Shadybrook, he has to make a stop. Heather says "oh you want to see Avaaa". She calls him lazy and says she's done all the heavy work. Heather says Ryan isn't what he used to be. He rushes her and shows her he can overpower someone. She's happy and says they are ready to get going. She puts gum in his door lock so he can leave if he wants to. 

Heather goes to find Esme. She tells her baby books are for morons. She says she could get them out of SpaJail. It's time to go back to their rooms and Heather has a 'short cut" . A guard stops them. 

ENGLAND:  Sante go back to the B&B. Barlady stuffs Esme's letters into her purse and wants to catch the train to London. Steals money. Sam tries to tell Dante to go back and talk to the lady. Dante wants nookie. They talk and talk. He finally goes over. Then a knock comes at the door. It's the owner of the BandB. Sam wants to ask her some questions. 


The barmaid goes to leave, Dante is there

Trina walks in and says she wants some answers

Ryan stabs a guard that's trying to stop Heather and Esme. "Road Trip" ?? says Ryan


  1. ---funny that the lady told Sam the village closes down - I thought she was in on Maggie's leaving town --but nope
    ----Stella was on my last nerve - especially saying 'did I destroy my family' yep----and Portia lied for years, like YOU Stella................I DID notice in the flashbacks yesterday that Portia told Curtis, "Taggart is Trina's father' - never said BIOLOGICAL father......cause after 17 years Taggart WAS her father...
    ----no way a kid would leave her mom's wedding for Curtis' aunt......although now Stella IS her aunt LOL
    -----Marshall playing was so sweet - missing Sonya Eddy singing - but I still think he was misdiagnosed......
    -----SO Ryan killed someone and the 3 escape - won't someone wonder WHY they take Esme? I think this is gonna wrap up faster than we think since Esme is having a baby and Ryan is an escaped murderer......
    -----Love Maura's dress and Sonny and Ava being friendly.....

    1. "Stella was on my last nerve - especially saying 'did I destroy my family' yep"

      Hahaha. Nah nah nah. It's not Stella who destroyed the family, that's Portia! For keeping the secret for all these years.

    2. Not defending Portia - BUT the events were
      she and Curtis = affair he found out she was married - he left her--
      Taggart forgave her - she didn't see Curtis until Trina was like 17 -
      and then she did the lie of omission for sure and said 'Taggart is her father'
      ----Stella who kept a secret now suddenly is all santimonius - I think she still doesn't like Portia - LOL - but she wasn't thinking of Trina and Taggart
      ----I do like Spence calm and nice and supportive....

    3. "Mufasa says, Stella who kept a secret now suddenly is all santimonius"

      Awwww no she isn't. She has learned from her mistakes and feels horrible about the whole Trina is Curtis's bio daddy and wants to make it right, but doesn't know how, so she is keeping her distance. And also so she doesn't tell the truth, but the truth has to come out! :)

      "I think she still doesn't like Portia - LOL"

      ROFL! Probably not. :)

  2. and Portia's dad and brother leave------------------NOOOOOO!

  3. Karen, how is Marshall TJ grandpa? Isn't Sean his father and Jordan his mom?

    1. biological! but he thought Tommy was his dad......

    2. So he is not his grandfather then

    3. correct and at some point I think he told Marshall that but he would still call him Grandpa???

  4. Also this is the most airtime for a GH wedding that I can remember

  5. A lot of funny one liners today!!!

    London BnB:

    Sante: Oh come on Sam!!!! Dante wants zex, so stop talking and let's get it on!!! :) I mean this IS a soap opera after all. :)

    Sam and lady who owns BnB: Oh that lady knows Maggie!!!! :) Does the lady also know the Tribbles, Badger Bob, and the green beans too?

    The pub:

    Maggie and person on the phone: Damn Maggie is so shaky! I think you need to stop drinking coffee!

    Maggie and the person wanting a bus: Man Maggie wants that guy to go away! ROFL! She needs to leave now!

    Maggie and Dante: Hmmmm is it bad that I really wanted Maggie to escape? :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Stella's hotel room:

    Stella and Sprina: Oh boy! Too bad Stella can't tell Trina the truth! Spencer has wonderful manners. :)

    Spa jail:


    Ryan: Oh sorry I was just looking for my violin.


    Heather: Did you just call me an idiot?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. OH MY! YES!!!! THE REAL RYAN SHOWED UP! WOOT WOOT! :) Heather was happy too! :) I love that Heather put gum between the door so that Ryan could escape.. Nice touch Heather! :)

    Heather and Vampira: Oh time to escape!!! But you really should have told Vampira the truth Heather. That you two are escaping and that you are her mother. :)

    Heather, Vampira, and the guard: Oh oh busted!!

    Vampira: What have you gotten me into?

    ROFL! I was wondering where is Ryan? :)

    Heather, Vampira, the guard, and Ryan: OH THERE IS RYAN! And he stabbed the guard, which made me laugh. Great scene!!! :) The look on Vampira's face! Hahahaha! Awwww #Family.. :) Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: Road trip?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is gonna be fun!!!! :D So I wonder how Ryan is going to get Ava! :)

    The wedding reception: Where oh where is Trina? Maybe she is under the table. Awww wasn't Liz's speech beautiful? :) It made me all choked up! Drew and Mr. Hat man's scene made me all emotional! And then when Mr. Hat man played, it made me emotional too!! I cheered for him! :) I also cheered for Mr. Hat man when Drew announced him! Man Molly really really wanted that cake! Hahahaha. She had balls. :) Sterling and Zeke are leaving?! Oh no!! Don't leave Port Chuckles!!! :( When people at wedding's clink their glasses for the bride and groom to kiss, I hate that. So annoying. They can kiss on their own when they want to people!! UGH! Oh Joss is in charge of video taping people talking about Purtis.

    Ava: Get everything in writing.

    ROFL! Oh Sonny that's sweet that you like that Ava and Nina are besties. :) Nina has a beautiful dress by the way. Time to throw the bouquet!!

    Portia: I don't want her to catch it.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Oh throwing the bouquet!!!! Oh there is Trina!! Oh oh! HERE WE GO!!!! *Grabs popcorn*

    1. Sonya, have you given Maggie a nickname yet? If you haven't may I suggest Maggie May?

      I'm glad I have popcorn for tomorrow, the poo is about to hit the fan. Hope it doesn't get on Portia's dress. It is a beautiful dress.

    2. I'm with Gary, no poo on the beautiful dress! I also support Maggie May. :)
      For me Ava wins line of the day for "get everything writing". HAHAHAHAH! I love her!
      Seriously, Spencer was all that and a bag of chips. He would have made his Grandma proud.
      I enjoyed yesterday, but I had one pet peeve. Why wasn't Joss videoing Hat Man's clarinet song? Sheesh! That was huge and needed to be taped for prosperity! She's fired!

    3. "Gary says, Sonya, have you given Maggie a nickname yet?"

      No not yet! :)

      "If you haven't may I suggest Maggie May?"

      Hahaha! I love it! Why Maggie May? :) Where did you get that name from?

      "I'm glad I have popcorn for tomorrow, the poo is about to hit the fan."


      "Julie H says, I also support Maggie May. :)"

      Me too! :D

      "For me Ava wins line of the day for "get everything writing". HAHAHAHAH! I love her!"

      Hahaha. There were so many funny one liners yesterday! I love her too!

      "Seriously, Spencer was all that and a bag of chips. He would have made his Grandma proud."

      Yes and yes!!! :)

      "I enjoyed yesterday, but I had one pet peeve. Why wasn't Joss videoing Hat Man's clarinet song? Sheesh! That was huge and needed to be taped for prosperity! She's fired!"

      Hahahaha. Yes!!! SO FIRED! :)

    4. "Gary says, If you haven't may I suggest Maggie May?"

      Oh wait a minute! I googled Maggie May! Did you get that from Rod Stuart's song Maggie May? :)

    5. Sonya, I forgot you are younger than me. I remember dancing to Rod Stewart's Maggie May in high school at the dances after the football games. Man, Rod was so sexy and he's still got it.

    6. "Gary says, Sonya, I forgot you are younger than me."

      No no no! I remember Rod's song! :) Love his songs!! :) Like do you think I'm sexy! Have you ever seen the rain! Have I told you lately that I love you! :) Rod is awesome! :) Oh damn now I will have to go on youtube to watch videos of him singing his songs!!! :)

      "I remember dancing to Rod Stewart's Maggie May in high school at the dances after the football games. Man, Rod was so sexy and he's still got it."

      My mom used to love him! Yeah he is so great!!!

  6. Portia's SQUEEEEEEing is on my last nerve.

    1. It might not be on my last nerve, but yeah, the SQUEEEEEEEing has been going on way to much!

  7. Sounds like they will have a sad tribute for Sonya Eddy. Milo will be there according to the internet article I just read

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anyone else think it was cruel to basically FORCE Marshall to perform when he was clearly uncomfortable and so stressed doing so? I know he pulled it off - and did a great job - but I thought it was terrible to make him do it.

    1. "Ladderr says, Anyone else think it was cruel to basically FORCE Marshall to perform when he was clearly uncomfortable and so stressed doing so?"

      Nobody forced him to do it. Drew was encouraging him. :) Mr. Hat man didn't have to do it if he didn't want to. :) He changed his mind and didn't want to leave a video message so Joss stopped the recording.

    2. I agree, sonya. That's exactly what I saw, and it was a pivotal step for Marshall.

    3. "Di says, I agree, sonya. That's exactly what I saw, and it was a pivotal step for Marshall."

      Yeah! I think it was very theraputic for him to play. And he was fine afterwards. :)

  10. Glad to see they grew Esme's bump yesterday ☺



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...