Thursday, February 16, 2023

Editing Glitches


Boy I have to say Dante and Sam story is SO STALE. I mean, I've seen this a million times. Plus that pub is the Tan-O from before and it makes me giggle. He stops Maggie from leaving the bar and she says she'll talk to him over a pint. He sits and she pulls out a cricket bat. Dante stops her. Sam comes in, knows that the lady is Maggie. 

The reception: OH! It's OVER!! Did we JUST see Trina confront Portia yesterday? It's like.?? What the HELL is happening? People are in the Metro Court--Felicia and Mac having dinner. Terry and Yuri are talking to Drew. 

Back in the reception, Trina apparently has the bouquet and then tells Portia she wants her to tell her the secret. 

Brick calls Sonny

Ava tells Austin it's time to move the body. 

Ryan and Heather try to keep Esme quiet while she screams about the dead guard. 


After the balloon break: 

TRINA and Portia are in Portia's hotel room. Trina wants the truth. Portia goes through the whole thing and finally tells her that after her affair with Curtis, she went back to Taggert. A few weeks later she was pregnant. Trina "Curtis is my father"!!? They talk about it and the affair and that she had gotten back with Taggert and he was so happy. Portia says she doesn't know if Taggert or Curtis is the father. 

Curtis, Marshall and Taggert confront Spencer back in the wedding hall about where he and Trina were. Spencer finally says with Stella. 

Felicia goes to Wyndemere. Ava sends Austin to the shed and lets her in. Felicia wants to talk to Ava about going to Ryan to try to get him to talk about the hook. 

Mac is driving and sees 2 ladies in the road. He gets out of the car. It's Heather and Esme. Ryan smacks Mac on the back of the head. They take Mac's car. 


Ryan shows up on Spoon Island, has Felicia and Ava by gunpoint 

Maggie tells Dante and Sam that Esme's father is Ryan Chamberlain

Trina goes to leave the hotel room and Curtis and Taggert are at the door. 


  1. ----lots happened - surprised that Ryan has Felicia and Ava - and now everyone knows he walks and talks-------------I just CANNOT get past that Wyndemere is an ISLAND and people drop I guess Esme and Heather are in the stable and Austin finds them-----maybe she gives birth??
    ----Dante and Sam boring but at least they know Ryan is the baby daddy.
    ----I really didn't realize Portia didn't know who Trina's bio dad is------we know it's gonna be Curtis cause of the ancestry test, but just didn't know she never took a test.
    ------I KNOW it's a soap but gosh they make everything biological - not the person who raised you-------------------Harmony was horrible but she was the only mom Willow knew and now Taggart who RAISED Trina doesn't negate being his daughter.....
    ----not even commenting on the filler stuff today..

  2. Good ending!
    Balloon break...LOL. How ridiculous was that?



    "After the balloon break:"


    Some funny one liners today!

    London bar:

    Maggie May and Dante: I'm thinking does she have a gun? Oh she doesn't. She has a bat? Oh wait what the hell is that? ROFL!

    Maggie May and Sante: Yes yes!!!! Ryan Chamberlin!!!! BOOM! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Spa jail:

    Vampira and Heathan: Vampira screaming her head off! And screams even more when daddy Ryan tells her she is his daughter! BAHAHAHAHAHA! Great scene! Come on Heather! Your turn. Tell her you are her mother! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nison: Oh come on Nina! Your daughter is on her death bed. You can go visit her. She has just 2 weeks left to live! Ooooo Brick calling Sonny!!!! :D

    Liz and Terri: Terri just because you love someone doesn't mean you get back together. Sometimes love isn't enough!

    Yuri and Finchy: Man I love Yuri's accent! :)

    Turi: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Love! :)

    MacLecia: I love that Mac knows Felicia is on a mission and understands. :) I'm glad he doesn't think she is having an affair.. LOVE THIS COUPLE! :) So sweet that he worries about her and she worries about him! :)

    The road:

    Mac, Vampira, and Heathan: Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: Now THAT felt good! Hello Mac!

    BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Hmmm. Mac's eyeballs are moving. :) The scenes were fun! :) Poor Vampira is so confused hahahaha.


    Curtis, Taggy, Mr. Hat man, and Spencer: I love how they all want to talk to Spencer! ROFL! Great scene!

    Mr. Hat man: There is a time and place to be chivalrous, but this ain't it.


    Curtis, Taggy, and Mr. Hat man: All three confused men. All three bald handsome men. :)

    Portia's private room:

    Portia and Trina: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Trina: Is Curtis my father?

    BOOM! :) Wait Portia don't know?!?!!?! COME ON PORTIA! If Curtis isn't Trina's father, then that is not soapy. But wait! That family tree dna test thing that both Stella did and Trina did! Said they have a family member. It was no glitch! Trina deleted her account cus she got all skeered!!! So Curtis has to be her bio daddy! So Taggy and Curtis both have to do a dna test!

    Portia, Trina, Curtis, and Taggy: BOOM! :D


    Jolt: Pawtucket Holtster is acting so strange about moving Nik's body! Did he already move it? He is making a lot of excuses.

    Felicia and Ava: Ooooo Ava is going to help!!!! :) Great!

    Felicia, Ava, and Ryan: BOOM! :D Well, now Felicia is going to join in on the family road trip!!!!! :) #Family :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Timoria* There are 20 parts to it.. Enjoy! :)

    1. And once again Spencer shows all kinds of sense while dealing with the handsome bald men! (That cracked me up!)
      Poor Portia, she's in for it now.
      I so agree about Mac Daddy and Flea, they have the best relationship. And I'm loving her with Ava. We're going to need popcorn today, hopefully no balloon updates!

    2. "Julie H says, And once again Spencer shows all kinds of sense while dealing with the handsome bald men! (That cracked me up!)"

      What cracked you up? My three handsome bald men comment, or the three of them talking to Spencer? :)

      "Poor Portia, she's in for it now."

      Oh yeah! :)

      "I so agree about Mac Daddy and Flea, they have the best relationship."

      THEY DO!!!! :)

      "And I'm loving her with Ava."

      Yeah!!! Great scene!

      "We're going to need popcorn today,"

      Oh yeah we do!! :D

      "hopefully no balloon updates!"


  4. Finally, a little bit of a brush of a broom for a February sweeps story (Ryan). Gives us a chance to watch some great scenes with Felicia and Ava. Then hopefully Heather, Felicia and Ava. Hopefully Tyler Christipher will be Nik and he'll wake up and save the day.

    1. Yes, I'm really liking Flea and Ava together, today should be good!
      I actually felt sorry for Esme yesterday, I guess they are "cleaning up" her character, lol! And wouldn't it be just awesome if TC comes back as Nik?! :)

    2. I sure hope so... it would be a fun Feb sweeps surprise!

  5. Now Ryan has all three of his lady loves together - Felicia, Ava, and Heather. Is he planning on taking all of them or will Heather hook them instead?

    1. Would be cool if they all ganged up and took down Ryan

    2. Just as they overpower them Esme will come back to herself.. or her water breaks

  6. I love watching Esme now! Avery is really doing such an outstanding job with the change in character.

    1. I agree with you. But Esme is so much more soapy to watch as a bad girl!

    2. Linda, I'm for redeeming Esme but leave her edge. Sorta like Ava.

    3. "Gary says, I'm for redeeming Esme but leave her edge. Sorta like Ava."

      Yeah!!!! Sounds good to me! :)

  7. I would love to see esme back with spencer. the talent from these 2 actors is great. trina is too much the little girl.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...