Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Honey, I'm HOME!


WELP! This week certainly ended with a FRIDAY Cliffhanger!! WOOSH!! I'm still thinking about it. Pretty darn good.  I found this photo to be so funny. Ava's like: Oh, you're here. Felicia is losing her mind. LOL!!! So true to characters. 

Wedding cake anyone? 

Let's go go!!

We  need to take stock of everything that happened this week and I hope I'm up to the task. Very complex dialog and things started moving very fast. Looks like we are getting to the heart of a few stories this month. Many moving parts, so try to keep up. 

WEDDING WOES PART ONE OF THE WEEK:  I'm doing this in parts because it was a hella long week and there is much to unpack. After Jordan came to 'talk" to Portia exactly 2 minutes she was due to walk the aisle, Portia decided to go ahead with the affair. Mayor Laura did a fine job of officiating and we had the usual "does anyone object" pauses and Portia stood stunned for a second while doing her vows. In the end, rings were exchanged and everyone was ready for the big reception. 

WEDDING WOES PART TWO OF THE WEEK:  The reception actually started off strong! Plenty of mingling and people looking glam all over the place. GH hired some extras so it did look like a well thought out affair. We got the first dances and of course, the shots of Taggert and Trina with Portia looking on dismayed. 

STELLA WEDDING WOES OF THE WEEK:  Stella shows up when we need her! Trina and Spencer take off from the reception because she was worried about Stella. Touch of genius to have Spencer go with her because it's continuing to build their bond. Stella has already been visited Jordan (that Jordan sure got around!!) and is busy reading the bible and praying. In the end, she convinces Trina to ask her mother what is going on. Then, she goes back to talking to the Lord. 

WEDDING WOES PART THREE OF THE WEEK:  Here it is!! The blowout we've been waiting for!! Was it worth it? Oh yes. Both Tabyana and Brook delivered : great, powerful scenes. Really liked the dialog and it flowed and built to a dramatic point, just as Curtis and Taggert were at the door. Trina embraces Taggert and Curtis looks at Portia like: WTF? It all comes tumbling out after Trina and Taggert leave. Portia and Curtis discuss the fact she kept the pregnancy from him and let Taggert raise Trina as his own. Curtis is stunned and hurt; Portia is forever trying to justify what she did as "best for her family". 

DADDY DAUGHTER MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Awww... Marcus and Trina. I love these scenes. He was reassuring her of his love and the fact she IS his daughter. I think him going after Trina instead of confronting Portia was genius. He's the one that has been there for her and will be her touchstone. :clapping: 

BLIMEY OF THE WEEK: Well, after all that build up Maggie was found in a pub in Devon by Sam and Dante who went on a little England trip. Very little. Anyway, we were magically whisked to Nixon Falls Tan-O and there Maggie was. Then, between  Sante almost sex-scenes they figure out the barmaid is indeed Esme's old nanny. She even pulled out an entire box of letters from behind the bar to make sure we got that point. She tells them the name of Esme's Daddy: Ryan Chamberlain. 

ESCAPE  OF THE WEEK: Heather gives Ryan a little Valentine and a plan for a break out. They decide they are taking Esme and ambush Mac on Rt 31. He gets hit in the head and Ryan takes off for Wyndemere. Ava and Felicia are there discussing the hook when he arrives, scaring the bazeejus out of both of them. Ah, it was so good to see Ryan in action again!! 

HOOK ME OF THE WEEK:  At the very end of Friday's show, we got a little shocker. Just when I thought that Austin was going to call the cops, THIS HAPPENS!!  THE HOOK! I jumped a bit for sure!! Now looking at the clothes, it sure has Esme's build. BUT, I have to think it's Heather who somehow changed her shirt in the car.  Note: previews do show Heather in his shirt

WILLOW WOES OF THE WEEK: This was on Monday and I almost forgot all about it! Liesl was going to lay into Carly in the elevator but it all just fizzled out. Carly got off lightly and then she agreed to let Dr. O see Willow. Willow and Dr O talk and bond a bit. Liesl says: "you're one of us now". I guess when this picks up again, maybe we will finally get a marrow-match? 

BAD EDIT OF THE WEEK:  You know there was at least one!! We are in the wedding for a moment, watching Trina start to confront her mother and the next day/scene, everyone is leaving and Trina has the bouquet in her hands. Very very poor transition. I honestly thought I'd missed a bit! 

CUT OF THE WEEK: Speaking of editing, it was absolutely hysterical how everyone (and I mean everyone) congratulated Elizabeth on her "Fabulous, wonderful, heartfelt" Speech and we didn't even HEAR IT!! It was like the time Liesl sang at her daughter's birthday party and it was cut.  On a side note, Liz and Finn sure talked to each other WAY TOO MUCH at that reception. UGH. 

MISSING IN ACTION THIS WEEK: As much as I appreciate Anna and Valentin telling us where Marty and Lucy are (shagging in the bedroom), no one mentions Robert. He's an integral part of all this and it's just wacky. He wasn't in the Mac at GH scenes either. 


Marshall overcame his anxiety to play a little ditty at the wedding

After being confronted by Trina, Portia is forced to tell the truth; She doesn't know WHO her Daddy really is. Could be Curtis; could be Marcus. 

Curtis lays into Portia for lying; Taggert comforts his daughter

Sante realize that Ryan might be Esme's father; tell Jordan

Ryan, Esme and Heather all escape from Spring Ridge by killing a guard and stealing Mac's car. 

Ryan goes to Wyndemere to find Ava. He finds Ava AND Felicia instead.

Austin tries to call the police but the hook enters the room 

Anna manages to scare Deputy Mayor Eileen who really wants out of Victor's employ

Laura thinks she knows where Ryan may have gone

Liesl confronts Carly in the elevator and Carly takes her  to see Willow. Liesl tells her she's "one of us now

That's a wrap! Can't wait to see the fall-out of the whole Hooker situation and aftermath of Ryan's escape. Maybe NOW Portia will run a DNA test on Trina? Although with the whole DNA match on that ancestry site, it's kind of a foregone conclusion. Is Nikolas still in that shed? LOL.. he has to be stinking up the joint by now. Then again, it's only been about 1 day since he was killed. Great week to watch so if you haven't, dive right in on Hulu. 

Next week is Winter Break so I may be off a few days. If so, I'll publish something to let you know you can post and dish without me! Have a good one and as always, thanks for reading. 


  1. Thank you Karen !!!!!!!!!!!

    Friday was finally a good episode. At least we now know for sure that Esme isn't faking her amnesia.

    Has Heather been the hook for ALL the "hookings"? AND, where does she get a hook every time? lol. People don't just keep hooks around and she doesn't carry them with her. I don't have a hook at my house. Shovels and ice chopper but no hook.

    And, where is Tristan Rogers? He is MIA and one of the best characters on this show. We need him. Get rid of many of the others and bring Tristan on contract.

    1. PS I guess they are dragging out the Victor story line to keep Charles S. around and accommodate JPS, but PLEASE get something going with this story. AND, show all the vets more and some of the lame characters can leave town. Sasha, Willow, Michael, Nina, Cody, Gladys etc can just go already. Carly needs to take a LONG, LONG vacation. Show Selena Wu more and Brad more; and as Karen said, bring back the Asian quarter.

    2. Am I remembering correctly, but weren't there hook killings before Heather knew Esme was in town? Or is my timing/memory incorrect?

    3. I think the hookings started even before Heather came back on the scene. These are the details that the writers seem to not care about.

    4. So much so that we were under the impression there were 2 different killers (like a copykat)

  2. I can't remember who gave selena the poison so she could drug victor?

    1. I think it was Holly. Guess it was not really a poison since nothing happened to Victor

  3. Thanks for another great SS!
    PC does have a fine collection of hooks for one's killing pleasure.
    Trina may be upset but now she has two fine looking fathers. Could be worse.

  4. --on Zoom Tristan Rogers said, "we are finishing the Cassadine story now'' ---whatever that means.
    ----I stand behind my theory - Nik's body is gonna be GONE - if he were dead, Austin would have examined him plus it's been 2 days and Ava hasn't cared to go back????even the smell as was mentioned???? --- Mason has him I think - not Victor---
    -----if Esme DOES have the baby this week, who will deliver? Felicia? Ava? Heather maybe drops the gun???
    -----already prepared myself that the writers are SOOO gonna change the first hook-----still don't think it's Heather....cause Ryan would have threatened Heather for hurting Ava...
    ----great great week (besides a few things)-----Taggart was SO good and so realistic in 'you're always gonna be my daughter baby girl'....
    -----the only way Ryan can get out of this is dying........escaping (NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!) or going back to jail.......please don't recycle Ryan over and over....
    ---Felicia + Ava = solid gold.

    1. Felicia and Ava are solid gold for sure.

    2. Felicia and Ava should kick Ryan's arse.

    3. I would love to see this. But please not over the parapet again. Lock him up. He's too good of a character to be assumed dead.

  5. "Portia is forever trying to justify what she did as "best for her family".

    And it still bothers her that Curtis left her because she was married. She is still whiny about it. Geez Portia what did you want Curtis to do back then? Say I don't care if you are married. We can still have sex behind your husband's back. It's okay. *Roll eyes*

    "K: Speaking of editing, it was absolutely hysterical how everyone (and I mean everyone) congratulated Elizabeth on her "Fabulous, wonderful, heartfelt" Speech and we didn't even HEAR IT!!"

    We have to read her mind. Oh I know what she said in her speech!!! She said congratulations on the beautiful couple! It inspired me to want to tell Lucky the truth about how I feel about him. I am still in love with him and want him back! :) I will call him and tell him! :D

    "Marshall overcame his anxiety to play a little ditty at the wedding"

    Little ditty! Hahaha. The Jack and Diane song popped into my head!

    A little ditty 'bout Jack & Diane
    Two American kids growing up in the heart land
    Jack, he's gonna be a football star




  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...