Wednesday, February 15, 2023

People Magazine and General Hospital


People magazine did a cast photo shoot with everyone who's anyone on the show. Hit that link to view. While the photo itself is a marvel, the placement of people is very strange to say the least. I'm just wondering how William Lipton ended up wayyyy down on one end and not next to Becky? Weirdness. There's a huge gap on the right side as well--PUSH together people!! The video is fun to watch with everyone talking about the show and such. I like the toast they do. 

Note that Leslie Charleson (Monica)  is missing from the photo which tells me that she is indeed not able to tape shows. 

Information within the article includes the news that the "Epiphany" memorial episode will be March 29th and that kicks off "anniversary" week. April 1st is the official anniversary of the show first airing. There will be a Nurses Ball this year, not seen since 2020. 

If you go to Parry Shen's (Brad Cooper) Facebook Page, he has the best behind the scenes video about the entire day. 

People's Special Anniversary Issue is on sale on newstands now. 


  1. SO angry the vets are on the END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do see Jane Elliott though...

  2. Got the mag. It is good but very little real content and a lot of the individuals are just recaps.

  3. As someone who works in news and PR, I can tell you firsthand that photo shoot was probably the 100,000 lb gorilla to pull off. First of all, getting that many people together in one room is an epid in and of itself. Other than Leslie Charleson, I could think of only four other cast members who weren't in the photo - Bonnie Burroughs, Jeff Kober, Michael Knight and Ally Mills and they are all non-contract, I think. You don't just tell people to scrunch together. There is usually an orchestrated shot list and placement of people is usually done carefully, sometimes it may not make sense, but it is done with a purpose. They probably try to pay attention to the stuff we're screaming about and for the most part they got it right...but yes, there will always be head scratchers why so and so is off to the side and not more front and center. Keep in mind, getting that many people in one shot and having everyone visible is a Herculean feat. And I'm sure everyone is nice...but let's face it...that many actors in one room, I'm sure there were a few egos in there as well. It takes a true professional photographer to pull that off.

    1. Nice explanation Diana Taylor, thanks! I noticed Michael Knight missing, but not the others. I think it's a beautiful photo. :)

    2. Yes, Brad's video shows when the cast walked in and saw their picture and where they stand......I am not angry with them - I am angry at Frank and the powers that be----they should have stated the vets are front and center/however placed and then go from there...they had months to plan the photo shoot-----just makes me sad the vets are on the end where lots of the pictures are in fact cut off..

    3. Frank doesn't have that kind of control. The magazine is in charge. Of course, they probably try to accommodate the show, but the magazine and the photographer decides editorial content, not the show. As I said, I've done these photo shoots before. I can't imagine trying to stage one with that many people in it. Even with a dozen people, it's tricky. Getting everyone's attention and people to listen to the photographer is challenging. And staging everyone so everyone can be seen by the photographer's lens takes skill. More shots are leaking out with smaller groupings in front the blue 60 symbol. That's usually what a photographer will do in addition to getting the group shot - come up with a shot list so that when everyone's there, all he or she has to do is yell out their names to get various pairings etc. In defense of how the group shot was done, it is balanced. There are strong vet players in every scan of that photo vs all bunched up in the center with the minor players at the side. That reinforces that this is a cast and an ensemble, not a star system.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...