Thursday, February 9, 2023

Oreo Break

 Just a bunch of hoo-ha going on here!! SO I'm sorry to say I'm taking the day off!! Please put your comments below and let me know if that giant Amelia Grace is driving a car yet! LOL 


  1. more later but I can't remember WHY Liesel and Finn hate each other?

  2. ----the whole Alexis/Gregory convo was so unnecessary----#filler
    ---I wonder if Cynthia W is TIRED of crying and whining----so much more effective if she was not so dramatic......she is unbearable.......
    ------I REALLY need people who have experience to say if a person would immediately love someone previously hated when they find out that person was their biological child...serious question and I know it's a soap but just wondering.....
    ----so NO ONE thinks of Nina's family as a possible bone marrow transplant? Liesel, James, Wiley------ I kinda thought Carly would think of it -------cause it's gonna be Liesel and I bet she 'blackmails' Michael to let Nina be in Willow's life????? I thought it would be Wiley but I bet Liesel now...not even DOCTORS - even TJ ---- didn't think of it?
    ----still don't understand what kind of doctor Austin is....
    ----I liked Carly telling Sonny and not yelling at him
    -----I thought Willow was gonna ask Michael to marry her now.....

    1. The Alexis/Greg conversation was ridiculous. Why would a tenured professor,who would only be a year or so away from a great pension and severance package, give up his job because she needs someone to fill a position at her paper.

      And it is really ridiculous that no one asked about other relatives when they found out Nina was her mother. Otherwise I can see why an older woman like Liesl wouldn't have thought about signing up for the bone marrow drive.

    2. Agreed on both points. And does anyone care about the Alexis/Gregory story? Two good actors but dull together thus far.

    3. I didn't think Nina was crying much today compared to the past 2 weeks. No Carly yelling and not as much Nina crying thumbs up!

  3. I just love Ava. I know she just bashed someone's head in but I still love her. lol Her conversation with Liz was great. I think it might just have persuaded her to say nothing.

    1. I truly think she is the only actress that has never annoyed me or not given 150 percent or 'phoned in a scene' --------------never have found anything wrong with her----she is perfection!

    2. Agreed 100%.. love her even when she's trying to manipulate our Liz!

    3. But fortunately she was manipulating her for Liz's own good. And she's so good at it.


  5. Liz's home:

    Liz and Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: What did you do? Run over your neighbor's mailbox and not tell him?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Before she could really get into the meat of the matter, Queen Ava visited! :)

    Scotty and Ava:

    Scotty: I'll see you Ava.

    Ava: Not if I see you first!

    Hahaha. Awww I miss their scenes together. :(

    Liz and Ava: They talk about Vampira being locked up and the lies Liz told. Ava is impressed by Liz! :) Ava doesn't want her to turn herself in!! She also tells Liz that Nik has left town!

    The hospital:

    Dr. O and Finchy: Ohhhh. Dr. O doesn't hate Liz! Cus she is Scotty's family and Dr. O wants to help Liz! Awwwwwwwww! :)

    Balbrecht and Finchy: Yeah Finchy, Scotty is not going to tell you anything! Client/Lawyer type thing you know? :) Scotty will always want to protect Liz awwwww. :)

    Willow's room:

    Mildew, Terry, and Pawtucket Holtster: Man that beeping sound gets loud! They were not able to harvest enough stem cells for the transplant! So that is out! She is still on the donor registry, but as like Michael said, she has been on it for months. So she has weeks to live!!!!!

    Nurses station:

    Nison and Donna: Sonny has Donna meet her baby niece Ohsaka Walnut! He tells her who he is to that baby and Nina and Donna. Donna says we are family! GAH! She is adorable! :)

    Carly and Sonny: Carly has to tell him the update on Willow. :(

    Nison: Sonny has to tell her the update on Willow. Come on Nina!!!! THINK!!!! You can get your family members to take a blood test!!! COME ONNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Dr. O and Terry: Dr. O wants to help Willow and take a blood test! THERE YA GO!! Why does Dr. O have to think of these things? Geez! :)

    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: Alexis offers him the job. Gregory doesn't want to quit his teaching job, and he doesn't want to retire.. Alexis says he can do both jobs! :) And he accepts! YAY! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 21st, 1992* Holly came back from the dead!!! Dominique was there with Mac and Robert.

  6. Is that Amelia Grace eating all those Oreo's? SORAs all ready. lol

  7. Anyone in PC could get tested to be a donor aside from her family. This has been done very poorly. They could have used it to encourage getting tested in reality. And still it could all end at whoever is a match. Leisl, Wiley or even a mysterious stranger.

    1. I was actually surprised that they didn't use the opportunity to do some adverrtising for getting tested for donation too.

    2. SO glad ya'll brought this up ------ I was just saying that to a friend of mine!! How odd they didn't do that every single episode?

  8. Little Donna is a beautiful child and delivered her lines perfectly. A Maura in the making!
    Question: at Windemere there was a throw on the back of the sofa that had a big H initial on it. What does the H stand for? It's been bugging me for days, lol!
    Liz and Ava together make me happy. Their scenes were so good and I was ticked when Scotty interrupted. I could have listened to those ladies all day.
    Willow's private meltdown was also a good scene. I don't care what others say, I like her! :)

  9. Sonny said Donna looks up to her sisters Josslyn and Avery....but doesn't mention Kristina? Ugh. I hate that kind of thing!!!!!

    1. Because Joss babysits her and Avery is still a kid who she probably plays with every day. Kristina is more like an elderly Aunt she never sees. Stop looking for hate.

    2. Di that was not at all what they were doing. I love ya but you get so touchy.

    3. How do you know. And stop jumping on me about being touchy every time I say something that isn't "I agree"

    4. They weren't hating is what I was saying. I have read the users comments for quite a while. No one is jumping you... I enjoy sharing thoughts with you but sometimes you make it difficult for some of us.

    5. They were hating that they felt Kristina was being left out again. And the passive aggressive " don't be so touchy " is jumping on me. I came over to this site when Gedstern closed and I followed the Wub, and I've never had problems like this before. Every time someone from this group doesn't like my opinion or a question I ask the wagons are circled and I'm being mean. Enough is enough. I guess the object is to get me to leave so the field belongs to your group and those who agree with you.

    6. When someone says something like "I hate when they do that" it is not the "hate" that you make it to be. We just all want to enjoy GH and this blog. All the comments are fun to read especially when we agree. Many of the posters here make up scenarios about what's coming etc. If I don't agree I just scroll along. This is something we should all enjoy not argue about. If someone uses the "hate" word just shine it on rather than make a big deal of it. Peace.

  10. I have followed Gedstern and wubs for years as well. No one wants you to leave, there is room for us all at the table.

    1. "Linda says, there is room for us all at the table."

      Including the Tribbles and Badger Bob? :)



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...