Friday, February 3, 2023

60th Anniversary Cameos


NOTE: I'm out today please use this page as your comments of the day blog!! Let me know if GH is watch-worthy!! 

It has been rumored that there will be cameos for the Anniversary.
Everything is hush hush right now but we decided to throw in our two cents for the ones
we would like to see. Feel free to mention who you would like to see pop in for the show. 

Karen's Picks: 

 3.  Demi Moore: (Jackie Templeton) Come on, it would be epic. And I know her character was recast but I don't care. Have her show up and talk to Greg about the summer house in Montreal or something

2.  Marisa Ramirez (Gia Campbell): Oh I'd love this. She is Taggert's little sis, she was involved with Nikolas and could even come back with a son for the 20 something set. He could go to PCU. I'd give double if he was Nikolas' son. 

1. Constance Towers (Helena Cassadine) Was there any doubt I'd choose her as my number one??! I'd love for her just to show up in the background of different event, lurking. Then Victor giving her a rose saying "It's all going according to plan". She smiles. Camera fades. 

Dave's Picks:

Jonathan Jackson. It can be the tail end of a show. He can be entering Lulu's hospital room and we can have him hold her hand and talk to her and tell her what's been going on, etc. JJ does emotion so well, they can just point the camera at him and say "go" and he will melt our heart. When he leaves, we see her fingers move. Setting up her eventual return to Port Charles in the fall (after Dante and Sam are married, of course)

John Stamos. I remember about 10 years ago Rick Springfield appeared at the Nurses Ball and sang Jessie's Girl. Or, something like that. I vaguely remember it but it happened. This time I want another actor to come back and sing on stage. And I am picking John Stamos as Blackie Parrish. Unfortunately he wouldn't have any family left in Port Charles, but there has to be someone who remembers him. Would be iconic if he threw in a "Have Mercy" in one of his scenes.

Anthony Geary. Ok, hear me out on this one. He is at the Haunted Star and Laura goes there to check on things and sees him and says "What are you doing here? Victor could see you". And Luke says "I have to see Tracy. Can you bring her to the ship?" Laura gets frustrated and yells at him and heads to the Q mansion to get Tracy. After seeing Tracy, Luke leaves town. Again. (If Karen can bring back the dead, so can I.)

There is one more "Mystery Cameo" that Karen and Dave are both hoping for...(IN A BIG WAY!) 

Hm..... wonder who!! 

and finally........

SPRUMOR CAMEO/RECAST??? Rumors abound that MC is being recast with Tyler Christopher...could it happen for the anniversary? 

What about YOUR Picks!!? I've seen Joe Kelly, Robin, Emma and Noah (little Noah) being wished for on twitter!! 


  1. Lois and her nails? OF COURSE, lol

  2. Wow, great picks! You covered mine with Constance, Tyler and JJ. I would add Robin and Faith Roscoe. And it wouldn't break my heart if we saw Frisco. If the nails are Lois, I love it! :)

  3. I would love for TC to come back. He always was a favorite of mine.

  4. I would love to see Constance come back. The scenario you painted would be perfect. Short and sweet. And i've always wanted tyler to come back. The other pics were all great too. I don't, however, want any more secret children. the show is incestuous enough. ( I secretly wish a condom manufacturer would put ads on their show. lol)

  5. Just a "PS" from the author here. I did consider Rachel Aames, but I hear her health wont allow it. But how amazing would that be?

  6. JJ would be so awesome! TC is my second pick.

  7. I think Tony G on zoom/face time - would LOVE John Stamos ----- Tyler back would be AWESOME - I HOPE Monica is around....
    I actually don't think they will kill Sonya Eddy's character Ephinany - so soon after Britt - I think they will say she is somewhere becoming a doctor-------

  8. Ohhhh Nik looked PO'd. Hope he doesn't take down Windemere and Ava with it. His good bye to Laura sounded awfully final.

    And Chase had better stay out of BLQ's problems with Link. The last thing he needs is to be charged again.

    Poor Ava has people after her on all sides. Sic 'em Doc.

  9. I don't see it being Lois since Wally Kurth was married to her in real life and now divorced, but I loved their dynamic back in the day.

  10. Kelly's:

    Jolt: Ooooo more scenes with them!!! Queen Ava wants to have supper with him! :) ROGER HOWARTH WITH FOOD! :D He is eating!!!! YAY! Time for her to leave. Ava leaves and oh boy she felt the cold of the outside!!! :D Oh it's starting to snow!!!

    Mason Jar: Oh and there he is!!! :) Are you one of the hooks Mason jar? Hmmmm? He sees Ava and gets on the phone. Pawtucket Holtster sees him!

    The hospital:

    Spencer, NuNik, and Laura: Oh boy! Spencer is quoting from the confession tape! HA! Laura has no idea what is going on. The actor who plays NuNik is so great! Great scene!!! But uh couldn't they talk anywhere else? Why did it have to be in the chapel?

    NuNik and Laura: NuNik's facial expressions is so great I love it! Laura is trying to help.

    NuNik: I will always love you.

    WAIT WHAT?!!?!?! Why did he say it like that? What's going to happen to him?! Will he die or will he run away?

    Laura and Spencer: Spencer wanted to know where father went, and Laura says she doesn't know.

    Finchy and Liz: Liz spills all the tea!!!! Finchy thinks what Nik did is disgusting! Yeah I do too!! Liz wants to turn herself in!!!

    The Savoy:

    Brooky and Chase: Chase wants to be a cop again! Me too Chase! Me too!!! Hurry up stupid board! Let him be a cop again!!! GRRRRR! Chase wants to help Brooky get her songs back and then that will be it. He is out!

    Chase and Blaze: Chase even tells her he wants out. Oh just kiss him!!! :) Oh oh Linc! Yuck! Linc is looking for Brooky. Did Linc get a haircut? Hmmm.

    Linc and Brooky: He is so slimy!! He has papers for her to sign! READ THEM BROOKY! READ THEM before you sign them! He puts his hand on her leg yuck! Chase looks jelly!

    Wyndemere: Queen Ava has arrived! :) The fireplace is going.. Damn that's so dangerous leaving a fireplace going while nobody is around. Unless the cleaning crew is there.


    Dex's home:

    Jex: Joss is wearing short sleeves. Yikes!!! She talks about her niece being born. Awww Ahsoka Walnut. :) I don't care what they name that baby.. She will always be Ahsoka Walnut to me. :) She says if she was really happy with Cam she wouldn't like twice at Dex!

    Dex: Are you sure about that? Because I was definitely looking at you.

    Oh boy! He is very charming. :) OH they kiss. :) Will they have zex? I don't know.. I'm glad she can have zex with Dex and not be afraid if there is a video camera watching them.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to September 27th 2007* Jason telling Carly to shut up! HA! Liz and Lucky. Liz and Emily.

    1. I felt the same as you about all that hate being let loose in the chapel.

      When Austin started eating RH immediately got out of character and became Todd again. It's taken him 3 roles to make Austin a different person and he lost it in less than a minute. IMHO

      That "I will always love you" from NuNik made me think that he was going to kill himself, but the scene when he showed up at Widemere made me think he was going to burn it down with ava in it.

    2. "Di says, I felt the same as you about all that hate being let loose in the chapel."

      Yeah they should have gone somewhere else for privacy to talk.

      "When Austin started eating RH immediately got out of character and became Todd again. It's taken him 3 roles to make Austin a different person and he lost it in less than a minute. IMHO"

      Hahahahaha. You will get over it. ROFL! *Snicker*

      "That "I will always love you" from NuNik made me think that he was going to kill himself, but the scene when he showed up at Widemere made me think he was going to burn it down with ava in it."

      I hate this! :(

    3. Well something's going to happen and I'm sure we won't all like it. Is it asking too much for them to take out Linc. I'm thinking Nik wants to take out Ava and I was thinking he would burn Wyndemere down around her. On the other hand Nick is now in Heather and Ryan's gunsights because he wants to take their grandchild, so maybe they go on a rampage there and get caught up in the melee. ( They can get Linc on the way to the boat ramp. lol)....*runs from sonya*

  11. I think Monday is Nik's last show - from all that I have read he doesn't show up in any previews.....when he said "I will always love you" to Laura, he was saying goodbye. SO I think he tells her she wins, but he WILL get even one day - especially when she tells him that Victor knows.....and he is off campus....
    --I like Dex - yep, something about him saying "I know I was looking at you" was SO good.
    ----FINALLY Liz told Finn and now he is going to tell her not to tell anyone - LOL
    ----Austin IS Franco like today and I am all in for Ava and Austin pairing....
    ----Love Laura but when was the last time we saw her as mayor - or her assistant - or the assistant DA for that matter????

    1. Laura is definitely a roaming mayor. Wish i had her job. I love her to pieces though. And he was definitely saying goodbye to her.

      Glad you noticed that about Austin today too.

      I like Dex because he is so supportive of Joss. He treats her with so much respect and takes his cues from her when they're together. If she just needs a friend. He's a friend. And when he looks at her....quite often, I must say, he sees her. And I don't find a caring, supportive man boring.

    2. I like Dex! The actor really came to life when he became involved with Joss. Too bad she is such a selfish, self centered mini Carly.

    3. I decided I liked Dex when he started smiling at Joss. It was the first twinkling of a personality in the character.

  12. "Mufasa says I am all in for Ava and Austin pairing..."

    Me too me too!!! #Jolt! :)

  13. Didn't I read Jane Eliot is back in April

    1. It won't be JJ or Geary or any of the more popular actors. Won't be Frisco.

  14. One of these days I am afraid we are going to lose Nicholas Chavez/ Spencer. His acting is just so good.

    1. I just looked it up; Nicholas Chavez is 23 and just 2 months older than my daughter.

    2. I agree about nicholas chavez he is great and right behind him is avery pohl. she shows emotion in her eyes.

  15. Nicholas Chavez is just amazingly good. I can see why MC was let go - his whispery acting couldn’t even stand up to NC. However TempNik was really good in these scenes. I would rather see TC if Nik is brought back, though. I like Ava and Austin-at least they have chemistry. Glad Liz spilled to Finn-he deserved an explanation. I kind of feel bad for this version of Esme and sort of hope she stays this way. The actress has been so good, too.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...