Wednesday, February 8, 2023

It's a Giant BABY Day

WELP! It's HUMP DAY!!!! And wow... it's BEEN A WEEK ALREADY! lordy!! LOL - I'm tired. 

I LOVED Zeke and Sterling! So glad Portia has a fine family LOL. Maybe one or both will move to PC?? 

Willow wakes up wants to see the baby. Carly and Michael are there. Carly tells Sonny that Willow woke up. Carly and Sonny talk about the baby having life saving bone marrow. They talk about Donna then mention Nelle and...things just deteriorate. 

Liesl and Nina looking at the baby. Scotty comes along. They get the news Willow woke up. 

Willow and Michael hold Baby. That baby is basically talking LOL! REALLY LOUD babbling and smiling all over LMAO. IT's adorable but SO SO not just born LOL. 

Laura goes to Liz' house and asks if she's heard from Nikolas. Is worried about Liz. Also tells Liz that Spencer is going to sue for custody of Baby Cassadine. They have a talk about Nikolas and how worried Laura is about him. 

Ava has two nightmares about Nikolas. One with him telling her he's dead and she killed him and another with blood all over the bed.  Then Austin comes in. She yells at him to leave. He asks what she is going to do about Nikolas when people ask. She says she'll tell them they argued and he left and she hasn't seen him. Austin tells her Mason is after her too. Oh I wonder if they are going to tie this into Olivia Jerome. I bet boots Nikolas' body will be gone. They talk about the next steps. Doorbell rings. It's Laura. Austin sneaks out. Laura talks to Ava about Nikolas and Ava says he was there last night and they fought and he's gone. 

It's Laura. Ava tells her Nikolas was there but they fought. 

Finn goes to talk to Alexis about a "hypothetical" case and someone being an accessory to a felony. She says it depends on the crime. She also says that it would be good if the friend testified against the person that did the crime in the first place. She suggests he tell the friend to call Martin or Diane. Finn runs out. Greg comes in! They talk about him being a professor again. :eyeroll: 


Baby's name is Amelia Grace. 

Elizabeth calls Scotty !! yeah!! says she's in trouble. 

Austin goes in to tell everyone about the stem cells but the show ends lol 

Alexis offers Greg a job. 


  1. The previews for this week promised bloodshed and mayhem with one dead and another in intensive care. We got a bop on the head on Monday and blah blah blah all week. Willow is in intensive care so I guess they were playing with us on that one and the case of Nik's death will go down as the most boring crime in GH history.

    Willow will probably end up dying because they don't like kids being raised in 2 parent families on this show. And Liz will probably go to jail as they don't want any real criminals there either. *sigh*

    I am really disappointed with this week so far.

    P.S. I wonder if they named the baby Amelia as an homage to Annie Wersching, who died last week.

    1. "Di says, Willow will probably end up dying because they don't like kids being raised in 2 parent families on this show. And Liz will probably go to jail as they don't want any real criminals there either. *sigh* "


      "P.S. I wonder if they named the baby Amelia as an homage to Annie Wersching, who died last week"

      Was that her real first name?

    2. Wouldn't this have been taped way before last week?

    3. No, sonya. That was the character she played.

    4. they filmed the wedding the first of January so I don't think Annie had passed away at that time

    5. "Di says, No, sonya. That was the character she played."

      Ohhhhhh. okay!

  2. I think this is correct in what we have dealt with but absolutely NO continuity --
    ----Nina is Willow's mother - Willow hates her but everyone loves Carly still
    ---Drew and Carly slept together
    ---Willow had a baby - hemmoraged and was in a coma - baby is big and fat
    ----Ava gave Spencer the video
    ---Spence told Nik he knows the truth
    ---Britt's memorial
    ----Nik brings in Caroline - Caroline tells Liz and so Liz and Nik are done....
    ----Liz tells Finn the entire truth
    ----Stella figures out about Trina
    -----Rehearsal dinner with Portia's brother and father with whom we want to keep
    ----Ava and Austin bonded and Mason is stalking Ava
    ----Ava and Nik fought - he may or may not be dead
    -----Spence and Victor discussed Nik
    -----Anna, Val and Felicia are now wanting Irene to crack...
    (I will not list people with whom I don't care what happens.)
    SOOOO the question is - what freakin day is it????? How many days have passed since Nina found out???????????
    No WAY GH would ever win Best Editing category!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "Mufas says, baby is big and fat"

      ROFL! YES! And can babble really really loudly! It can probably grab onto things too!

      "Rehearsal dinner with Portia's brother and father with whom we want to keep"

      YES! We do want to keep them. :)

  3. "WELP! It's HUMP DAY!!!! And wow... it's BEEN A WEEK ALREADY! lordy!! LOL - I'm tired."


    "I LOVED Zeke and Sterling!"

    Me too!!!

    "Maybe one or both will move to PC??"

    I hope both will! Anyway a lot of funny one liners today.

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Finchy:

    Alexis: I am not a hypothetical lawyer.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Alexis and Gregory: Take the job Gregory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Liz's home:

    Liz and Laura: Awww why did Liz get rid of her curly hair? It was great on her! And of course Liz is still protecting Nik! Oy!

    Liz and Scotty: Dammit Scotty! Don't make me cry!!!! #Family


    Ava and her dreams: Gotta love the dream within a dream! :)

    Jolt: Pawtucket Holtster sees Ava in her pajamas, and she wanted her to stay the night to keep an eye on her?! #JOLT is happening!!!! ALERT ALERT! :) Oh and let's not forget that she wanted him OUT, but then he didn't leave and stayed and they chit chatted about what they are going to do. What their plan is.. So #JOLT. :) He told her that Nik is dead? Yeah right. Something fishy about that.

    Ava and Laura: Mother to mother. Yeah Ava isn't going to tell Laura the truth!

    The hospital:

    Balbrecht and Nina: Awwww they are looking at huge baby Ohsaka Walnut. :) Beautiful baby! :)

    Nison: Lovey dovey and hugs awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Dr. O and Finchy: Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: You have my thanks, for your absence at my Britta's memorial.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dr. O I love you. :) Oh she don't like Liz either! ROFL!

    Willow's room:

    Mildew, Carly and baby Ahsoka Walnut: Man that baby is babbling so loud for a newborn! BAHAHAHAHAHA! The camera just HAD to show a closeup of her huge hands, huge feet, huge legs! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Amelia Grace.. Awwww so sweet. I'm still going to call her Osaka Walnut. Forever! :)

    Waiting area:

    Carly and Sonny: The baby looked right at Carly?! What else did she do Carly? Did she smile at you too? ROFL!

    1. That dream in a dream was great, I loved it!
      I don't care if it is twin boys that baby is absolutely adorable! And looks like a girl and Amelia Grace is a great name. (though your Ohsaka Walnut cracks me up!)
      I think Dr. O is going to create all kinds of trouble for Carly and Hallmark Hank. And seriously her line to Finn was the line of the day! HAHAHAHA!
      If I was Liz I wouldn't tell anybody about anything, lol!

  4. Good rapper name: 'lil big fat baby'.
    Liked the double dream opening. Through it all Ava will reign. Body will be gone most likely. That is the GH way.
    There was mention of the hook killer today. Wow...what a failed story that was/is. We already know and don't care. But we do care about what Heather/Ryan/Esme will be up to. Hopefully.
    Yes, taped too long ago to pay homage to Annie Wersching. Amelia is a very popular name right now.

  5. not that days and times matter LOL - but the date on Irene's car is 2/7 which is the date of the show..............but the wedding is supposed to be Feb 14 - Valentine's Day!!!!

  6. Just a dumb opinion - but I think Austin will bring Nick back to life ` just a thought

  7. The baby is Amelia Earhart. Lol

  8. Just wait until Laura starts to put the pieces together. Ava better watch her back.

  9. Isn't her name Eileen, not Irene?

  10. Celebrating a legacy character like Laura by taking all of her kids off the canvas is a bad move.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...