Monday, February 20, 2023

TOO much happening!!


Should be an EXCITING DAY!! Here's hoping.  (note YES IT WAS!!!!!!)

Curtis tells Portia he can't live with her lie. She ruined their happy life. They go back and forth. Back and forth. Portia finally tells him Jordan knew/figured it out and told Stella. Curtis leaves, isn't sure if he's coming back.

Trina and Spencer go to the Art Gallery. She feels safe there. She tells Spencer that her bio dad might not be Taggert.  She's mad at her mom. Spencer says "she's going through hell" Trina says she doesn't care. Spencer says "well, at least she's not Nikolas Cassadine" AHHAHA. Spencer lists all of the things he likes about Trina and tells her that won't change even if her bio-dad does. Spencer and Trina kiss. Twitter goes insane.  

Greg brings in a bottle of champagne to Alexis at her office. He says the university wont' let him be on the board of the Invader because of a conflict of interest. Alexis gets a text from Smaltz saying that the police are all down at the pier. She and Greg try to figure out why the 3 of them would escape together. She's going to call Sam and Dante to find out what they know about Maggie the Nanny. Greg leaves. ALexis leaves a message for Sam. Then she calls the warden at SpringRidge. 

Laura, Mac and Jordan figure out Ryan et al are on Spoon Island, they take off for there. On the pier, Laura and Jordan caution Mac not to rush into things. Kevin comes down and he and Laura hug.  They figure out that Esme knew about Ryan before her memory loss. Kevin thinks that Esme is genuine with the memory thing. Laura figures out they can use the tunnels to get to Wyndemere from the mainland. The PCPD has some digital maps of it and Laura figures out the best way out/in.  Mac and Jordan go into the tunnels. Alexis runs in and says she knows who the hook is.

Ava taunts Ryan. He says only one of them is going on the boat with him. 

Austin gets hooked by Heather. She says "Wrong Place, wrong time, Doc" ..Esme screams her face off.  Austin comes into the room. He falls on the floor. Heather half-carries Esme and Esme faints. Ava's like OH. MY. GOD. Ryan yells at Heather: I thought I told you to stay on the pier!! Ryan says Esme is ok. Heather cops to being the hooker. Felicia is like: WHY? Heather says "why is your husband a cop"?? LOL  Ryan is going to shoot Felicia but Heather says they have to go right now. The cops probably already know they are all on the island. 

Esme tries to run. Ryan puts the gun on her "you belong to me" .. Felicia hits him on the head! He goes down! Esme runs out the back doors!! Ava's yelling that Austin is losing too much blood. Ryan pops up and tells Ava he'll knee-cap her and shoot Felicia if she tries anything. He says he's going after Esme. He leaves Heather with the gun. Heather tells Felicia and Ava they can go "use the tunnels, Ava, you know about those".  Heather says she's sick of Ryan's games. Then she says that she can tell Ava all about Ryan's plan and how far he'd go to get her back. Ava is intrigued. 


Ryan finds Esme in the woods. Her water broke 


  1. Karen HOW do you do it?? Another episode that must be watched-----so much happened...thoughts:
    ----Heather throwing Ryan under the bus so Ava will kill him?
    ----WHY would Ava say she would leave Austin? I thought she was lying but guess not.
    -----the wording on the letter must be what Heather has said to Alexis or Sam = Alexis figured it out....which means the writers DID change the hook story.
    ----LOVE Sprina ---------- hate when she says, "I don't know who I am anymore" - your parents are the ones who raised you......but it led to a kiss.....yeah...
    ----Jordan is worthless and SHE is going in the tunnels???? Fire her and hire new detective guy----------------hope Robert shows up soon.
    -----WHO is gonna deliver the baby with one handed Ryan? I STILL think someone else is on the island.....
    GREAT show.

    1. Tyler Christophers NIk would be my first choice. Second choice: Kevin! And Ryan has to sit by with handcuffs on

    2. "Mufasa says the wording on the letter must be what Heather has said to Alexis or Sam = Alexis figured it out....which means the writers DID change the hook story."

      Yup! Looks like the writers are changing the hook story. Oy!

    3. Linda says, "Ryan has to sit by with handcuffs on". They'd have to handcuff his one hand to his ankle! But I'm definitely with you otherwise.

    4. Yeah I forgot that important detail!

  2. Karen it was just as exciting reading on Twitter as it was watching it

  3. Amazing show today. GH firing on all cylinders.
    Did Twitter crash because of Sprina.

  4. Some funny one liners today. Okay I'll start first with a couple of boring scenes.

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Gregory: Oh just kiss already!!!! Wait Alexis and Poptart Smalls are working together?!?!! :0

    Metrocourt hotel room:

    Purtis: Oh just get a freakin DNA test already!!! Stop yammering your gums.

    Now the fun parts!

    The hospital:

    Jordan, Mac, and Laura: OH! Mac is okay! YAY! Awww love that Mac is so worried about Felicia. :)

    The pier:

    Kevlar, Mac, and Jordan:

    Mac: After all the trouble the Cassadines have caused over the years, you did not think the PCPD would have a map?



    Laura: Esme is Ryan's daughter.


    Kevlar and Alexis: Ooooo love that Alexis is helping! :)



    Felicia, Ava, Pawtucket Holtster, Ryan, Heather, and Vampira: I don't want Pawtucket Holtster to die! :( Go Vampira go!!! Run like the wind!!!! :)

    Felicia: You are the hook?

    Heather: Guilty as charged.

    I'm so confused. So are the writers going to make Heather the OG hook? Heather wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Why?

    Heather: Why is your husband a cop?


    Heather, Felicia, Pawtucket Holtster, and Ava: Felicia and Ava can't just leave with Pawtucket Holtster on the floor bleeding Heather!

    Outside Wyndemere:

    Papa Ryan and Vampira: RA RO! Baybay on the way! Grandpappy Ryan will have to deliver his own grandchild! And with one hand. :)

    Art gallery:

    Sprina: Great scene!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't want them to kiss because she is so upset and confused. I wanted their first kiss to be special and not because she is upset, but then Spencer did that whole speech, and I changed my mind. I want them to kiss. :) THE KISS! YAY!!!!! Trina is so teeny tiny she had to go on her tippy toes. ROFL!

    "Karen says, Spencer and Trina kiss. Twitter goes insane."



    Trina to Spencer: Don't stop.

    Oh oh I hope she is talking about kissing and not sex! It would be for all the wrong reasons.

    1. Karen wins line of the day with "Twitter goes insane"! HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm not on Twitter but I sure hear about it!
      3 days in a row Spencer has been the bee's knees! He really has grown and is very sensitive/kind when it doesn't involve HIS family!
      Having a little trouble with Trina's angst about "not knowing who she is anymore". Please. I know she's young but I still thought that was dumb. She definitely should be mad at her mom, though.
      The Portis conversation got old, real quick. Now we're going to get Curtis hollering at robot Jordan and Auntie. Who both are going to say, "but it was none of my business!" Can't quite put my finger on why, but I'm not feeling too much sympathy for Curtis, lol!
      Esme needs to win a Daytime Emmy for screaming. She's something else!
      Wonder if Roger got bored laying on the floor of Wyndemere? :)

    2. "Julie H says, Karen wins line of the day with "Twitter goes insane"! HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm not on Twitter but I sure hear about it!"

      Hahahahahaha. That was perfect. :) Awww you should go on twitter! :) You can follow along with us when Karen does GH. :)

      "3 days in a row Spencer has been the bee's knees! He really has grown and is very sensitive/kind when it doesn't involve HIS family!"

      Yes awwwwwwwww. :)

      "Having a little trouble with Trina's angst about "not knowing who she is anymore".

      Awwww she is just in shock. She needs time. And Spencer helped her out with that! :)

      "The Portis conversation got old, real quick. Now we're going to get Curtis hollering at robot Jordan and Auntie. Who both are going to say, "but it was none of my business!" Can't quite put my finger on why, but I'm not feeling too much sympathy for Curtis, lol!"

      Curtis needs to go and get a DNA test! Enough talking!

      "Esme needs to win a Daytime Emmy for screaming. She's something else!"

      YES!!!! She is a fantastic screamer and fainter. :) Oh and jumping off the parapet with flair! ROFL!

      "Wonder if Roger got bored laying on the floor of Wyndemere? :)"

      ROFL! He must be. :) I would love to see the bloopers! Hahaha!

  5. I am so dumb---just realized that Heather is talking about Ryan telling Esme to seduce Nik and break up Ava and Nik ------ not about his being the hook ---- duh!

    1. Ava is going to drop a house on Ryan! I can't wait!

  6. wow, just wow. thanks for the recap!!

  7. Jordan is the most inept foolish police person ever. She is much better at meddling in other peoples business.
    I thought the same thing about Trina saying she didn't know who she is. That's just dumb.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...