Monday, February 6, 2023

Cassadine DOWN


Savoy: Linc tells Brook to sign a contract. Blaze tells Chase if he doesn't sing, she'll be all alone with Linc. He wants her to sign an NDA to keep quiet and she'll get her songs back. She ends up signing it. Chase is not happy.  Chase sees Linc playing with Blaze's hair.. He decides to sing a bit longer to help her. 

Trina is in GH..runs into TJ.  She's back to check on Spencer. She went home and changed for the rehearsal dinner.  Weird timeline. The dinner is TONIGHT? The wedding is Feb 14th. Gonna be a LONG time until the wedding for sure.  Anyway, Trina and TJ talk a bit about Spencer and then she leaves. 

Laura asks Spencer what he's doing with Nikolas. He won't tell her. She figures out it's illegal. She's upset that Spencer hates his father so much. She thinks it's crazy for Spencer to think he can raise a baby. 

Nikolas sees Ava at Wyndemere. Prances around..yells. Tells her it was a lie he slept with Elizabeth. He then lets Ava know that Esme was in the North Tower. He tells her about Elizabeth and his plan to take Esme to Greece and then get back together. Now he's furious she gave Spencer the video confession. He says "an eye for an eye" and something about taking a child. :eyeroll: I don't get it. Oh he's going to get Victor help him kidnap Avery. GEESH DERP, why would you tell Ava? LOL 

Liz tells Finn she's going to turn herself in. He says don't do it. She says she has to. He tells her he'll help her. He tells her not to go because what would happen to the boys? Would Cam have to take care of them?? Liz says she's still telling. He finally says to sleep on it and OH! Isn't she going to the rehearsal dinner tonight? LOL! What? 

Franco tells Mason to keep away from Ava. They argue like they've argued for eons. UGH. 


Chase tells Blaze and Linc he wants to make an album with her

Ava hits Nikolas with a statue. He goes down


  1. the timing is all over the place!!!!!!!!!
    Obviously Austin shows up and helps Ava (OOOO maybe hide Nik in the North Tower?) and thus for sure Ava/Austin pairing begins.......the previews show a woman's hand with blood so maybe Mason shows up for some reason????
    ---Wow Nik was scary today - I think it was the last speaking day for Nik????
    ---ANYONE care about Brook/Chase/Blaze/Linc????
    -----I liked Finn and Liz hugging BUT it looked more like a father hugging a child?????
    -----so mad LAURA is blaming herself for Nik's behavior - STUPID

  2. aha I bet Mason walks in on Ava in tomorrow's show. I hope laura and Spencer don't both end up out there too.

    1. I'm thinking Austin..and they'll keep Nik in the tower? Maybe?

    2. I'm hoping it's one of the Pawtucket crew, as sonya would say. lol We don't need them. And keeping Nik in the tower would be hilarious.

    3. "Di says, I'm hoping it's one of the Pawtucket crew, as sonya would say. lol"


      "And keeping Nik in the tower would be hilarious."

      Yes it would be!!!! Also very ironic and karma. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Or maybe she buries him alive? And when he gets out of the "grave" it's Tyler Christopher? :)

    2. We can dream can't we?

  4. I hope Finn sent Elizabeth off to the rehearsal party so that he can beetle over to Jordan and tell her about Naughty Nik.

    1. aha....yes. then Jordan goes over to Windemere (thinking it's still where Mick lives) and she ends up in the melee....dead.....

    2. HAHAHAHA! I would enjoy a melee and some characters biting the dust beside Nik!

  5. Kelly's:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Oooooo Pawtucket Holtster is protecting Ava!!! #Jolt!! :) Ooooo Pawtucket Holtster trying to call Ava!! :D

    The hospital:

    TJ and Trina: TJ says they are family! Awwwwwwwwww family! #Family. :)

    Laura and Spencer: No Laura!!! You are not responsible for Nik's actions!! He is a grown ass man and he makes his own decisions!!!

    Finchy and Liz: Now I like them as friends, but that is it!!! It was a nice FRIENDSHIP hug! He gave good advice as FRIENDS! Let's leave it at that writers!

    The Savoy:

    Linc and Brooky: Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: If you think this agreement gives you special groping privileges, just rip it up and shove it up


    Blaze and Chase: Chase looks jelly that Linc keeps putting his hand on Brooky's leg!! I can't believe Blaze has to remind him not to punch Linc because the last time he lost his job! ROFL!

    Linc, Brooky, Blaze, and Chase: I can't believe Brooky signed the papers without reading them! GAH!

    Brooky and Chase: Chase wants to get Linc!!! Once a cop always a cop. :)


    Ava and Nik: I'm glad Nik told Ava many truths, but oh no Nik! Don't be threatening to take Avery! You do remember Ava Jerome right? The queen! She can very easily get the Tribbles to bite you and maybe eat you! And who is in the previews that Ava looks at? Pawtucket Holtster maybe? I read the spoilers. Oh no! :(

    1. Pawtucket Holster? I thought that was Mason. No wionder i keep getting the names confused. lol

    2. WHAT?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Very funny! :) Unless you are serious.. No no Pawtucket Holtster is Austin! Mason is Mason Jar! :)

    3. Who is TJ's father again? I'm drawing a blank. I think I remember Jordan had an affair? Is it Curtis's brother? If so, yes #family

    4. Chatty, Jordan was married to Curtis's brother while she had an affair with Sean who is TJ's dad. :)

    5. Laura and Spencer were fab! I thought Spencer came across as all kinds of an adult, and I laughed when she brought up cooking meals and he asked her are we really talking about this right now? HAHAHAH! Laura has always loved/supported Nik but she's got to let that go at least when arguing with Spence. Nik's character is beyond ruined right now. I say right now because I have hopes he somehow gets redeemed with TC, lol!

  6. odd question ----- it is snowing hard outside Finn's office is snow storm gonna mean something for Ava or Wyndemere or the wedding??? otherwise why show it

    1. I definitely think it will mean something. Maybe the storm gets worse and people get stranded somewhere? Maybe the launch gets stuck on Spoon Island?

  7. I will say this: Adam Huss deserves the limited run of the year/recast award. No doubt a mountain to climb stepping in for a major character at the pinnacle of a storyline. Still fuzzy to me why the show couldn't tolerate having Marcus on 2-3 more days to finish out the story but Adam Huss has done a memorable turn. That said, the writers have really sullied the character of Nikolas.

    1. I agree! Adam Huss was amazing!

    2. I thought Marcus didn't want to do it.

    3. The official story is Marcus had been exposed to COVID.

    4. He was fantastic! I loved how he spilled all to Ava and Lord help me, I could understand his horrible decisions just like Ava did, lol! Then he turned around and threatened Avery?? Dang he was scary! And I would have clunked him on the head too!

    5. Wubs Official in the know: Marcus WALKED.

  8. Adam did an outstanding job! MC isn’t a bad actor but he just isn’t dynamic enough for these scenes. Can’t believe how hateful Nik had become.

    1. DEFINITELY the writers wanted MC gone and the character Nik because he became horrible....

    2. Wait until Mama Laura finds out what Nik did. Spencer doesn't know they kept Esme locked up in the tower too.

  9. Random thoughts: I hope they don't kill Nikolas. Brook Lynn and Chase deserve a better storyline. Have Maxie hire Brad at Crimson and they become new BFFs. Trim the cast by getting rid of Drew and Jordan. Recast Cody.

    1. OMG great idea about Brad!!

    2. Yes! PS proves himself over and over again. More please.

  10. YEAH!! Karen chimed in this morning!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Assuming he is "dead dead" - I'm not happy with killing off Nik (again). How many kids does Laura need to lose (and some over and over - ha)? NONE will be on screen - and frankly - Laura and all of her kids should be center stage.

  13. Can't someone just leave town instead of killing them? Maybe it won't fit in this story buy dang, Port Chuck is a dangerous place. Thinking Joss is still running around with no bodyguard.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...