Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Yesterday and Today


Watched yesterday's show so I'll cram it in here. Enough people on? Someone counted 22!! Holy crap.  
Roger is acting like Burton--HAHAHAA. Not saying anything thing else on that! 
Will Franco notice he has TATTOOS that aren't his!!??? 

The wedding.. I don't know, it wasn't my favorite thing GH has done with this storyline. Seems...disrespectful. As someone that works with patients, long term is usually the last to go and if he's not recognizing his loved ones, it's advanced enough he couldn't remember Yvonne in the short term this well. I know it's a soap--but those types of things are important. 

Who's Stella meeting--or how will it connect with Port Charles because if it doesn't, why bother!  "Yeah, I'll be LONDON"!!  Does Vernee have a series?? Hmmm.. I'll miss her if she's leaving. Yes, she does, found out it's on CBS. Damn it. Why can't the people I don't like have them?? 

LOVE Chelsea Lamb character--she's so good and light great "color" character. She could be related to Amy #2 and Chet! Loved how she said "Your other son" NIKOLAS is alive!! 


BORG STARE ahaahaha!! 

Speaking of yesterday-- I thought CarSon already renewed their vows--or was that CarJax? I know they did--but why did I think CarSon did too ?? I actually looked on You Tube-- I found CarJax but I don't think for ALL the times Carly and Sonny have married (4? 5?) they ever 'renewed". 

Jax and Hayden. She suggests going to Wyndemere while Sasha is sick...Jax balks at that idea. She's going by herself. He's going to go play--BASEBALL (LOL!!)  

Jason and Sam in Corinthos Coffee Baseball UNIs! ahahahaa. OMG and Dr. O is in an "Invader" one!! LOL! 
I guess its' Baseball day!! Maxie is in an Aurora one-- so..everyone is all playing on hometown teams. Hayden hired Dustin the Uber driver guy to play for her-- and Jax hired him to be the driver for Aurora so it was legit. Dr. O is totally fangirling over Jax lol. Later they all go to the bar and she STILL has her eye on him! 

JaSam kiss and make out at home. He carries her upstairs..but the door is knocked on. Robert wants Sam's statement and to tell them some "good news, and bad news".  He says Shiloh is going to face a "slew of charges" tomorrow. He tells them about the flashdrive because apparently, they had no idea. LOL!!!  He says Franco now thinks he's Drew Cane. 

Lucas gets told by Kim and Jules he's selling the bar. He's not really happy. Kim and Lucas have a boring convo. Sorry it was boring. Kim leaves. 
Julian says that he'll be happy in NYC because there's no Sonny Corinthos.  Lucas and Julian have a nice talk. Lucas thinks that Julian is going for Kim but Kim was going to leave without him. 

Franco sees his new face again. OMG he has that BORG Stare down! ahahhaa.  Drew says What about your face? Franco: Well, you don't have your face either.. omg. LIZ shows Franco the phone with photos and his driver's license.  He thinks it's 2012. He gets dressed to leave and says he doesn't believe Liz and it's impossible to turn him into "A whole different person".  He finally leaves. 
At the elevator he SEES KIM!! He smiles a bit and says "Kim"..

Hayden gets caught in the trophy room by Lesil. The mounted animals are amazing. 

Franco says a bunch of things to Kim he said to her when they first met-- "Top Gun" style. Then he kisses her --hard. Liz and Drew see him. LOL!!! 


  1. I love Vernee and am bummed that she is leaving but not surprised. She is another fine actor that GH is/was fortunate to have. If only they could keep them.
    Franco has unprecedented brain procedure and there are no doctors around. They could keep him sedated. Any patient can get up and walk out? Details. So Kim will be his anchor. Probably for a very long time to come. Maybe they can now end the baby story. Maybe not.
    Hayden is annoying.
    Hope they keep 'Brody' around. I will always love anyone who comes to GH that was on OLTL. I once had this idea that they could merge the two shows and fluctuate back and forth between PC and Llanview. Still like the concept.

    1. I agree, some may not but I as a OLTL fan welcome actors from the soap to hop over to GH. Mark Lawson was a favorite.
      I wonder now if Kim will be asking Franco as "Drew" for his baby? RoHo is one awesome actor but his scenes with Tamara were just ticking me off LOL! Hate this sl.....and we know how GH likes to drag them out so he could be "Drew" for yrs. 😡

  2. Sonny and Carly have been married three times and divorced three time and are currently on marriage number four, although the characters like to say that they have been married five times because of their vow renewal in 2001.

  3. love roger howarth. now get tyler christopher back. jason and sam need a long extended vacation would not miss them

  4. Is Aunt Stella really leaving? PLEASE say it isn't so . . .

    1. She is in a new Fall CBS show, but no word about GH yet.

  5. Anyone want to venture a guess on the over/under when Franco becomes Franco again ? Or if at all ? I'm going with at least six months the way stories are dragged out on this show.

    1. 6 months? You're being very optimistic. lol

    2. I give it a year and a half. After all baby Jonah is already one and no resolution

    3. I'm with Michelle, a year, easy!

  6. Wouldn't Franco be attending to by doctors? And wouldn't he notice that he has a different body as well as face?

  7. I haven't had a chance to watch today's episode yet, just read the recaps. Was the recap right, was Hayden checking out Helena's portrait with the teacup? Maybe, that thread is being picked up?

    1. Yes, she was-- Helena's "tea" portrait was in the trophy room-- looking at her when she was skulking. Connie is coming back for a day in a flashback with Hank and Drew I think?

  8. She was checking out the portrait, guess that will lead somehow to the Helena flashbacks. My prediction as of now is that Drew offers to take back his memories to save Franco, and that the procedure goes wrong and he doesn't survive.

    How could anyone even think of letting Franco leave GH, he doesn't know what year it is, who he is, where would he even go? He just had an amazing procedure done to him, where are the doctors, why isn't he being monitored?

    And HOW did Leisl get to Wyndemere in, like, 2 minutes?

    And Sam and Jason coming home after the ballgame to frolic on the couch, WHERE are her children? They are not even trying to pretend that she has children anymore . ..

    1. monica is raising the kids

    2. Thank you AntJoan! I wasn't paying that close attention but enough and I was like what? Liesel must have teleported to Wyndemere!
      As much as I hate losing Billy Miller I like your idea! Only if Franco were to become Franco again.
      Not only that but uh...she just got out of the hospital and she's playing a ball game?!?! I wonder if Sasha wants to join her??? LOL!!

  9. Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Lucas and Julian: Oh don't worry Lucas! Your dad isn't going anywhere!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Jax and RayRay: Geez RayRay what in the hell are you looking for? Jax wins the line of the day.

    Jax: The man is not crazy enough to kill us.


    Drew Jr's room:

    Drew Jr, Liz, and Drew: OH MY!!!! Great scene!!! Liz he don't remember you! You have to let him go and leave!!! You can't make him stay. You are breaking my heart! :( I noticed that Drew Jr has a military crew cut! ROFL!

    Drew and Liz:

    Liz: If we want him to stay we need to give him a reason.

    Liz are you going to ask CarlyKim to stay?!!?!?

    Nurses station:

    Drew Jr and CarlyKim: Drew Jr is smiling when he sees her!!! I was thinking just grab her and kiss her!!!! :) Man he is all flirty! Oh he does it! HE KISSED HER! HAHAHA! After he does that, I threw my hands up and said YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :) This is so very soapy! They have got chemistry. Oh oh HI LIZ AND DREW! FIGHT FOR HIM LIZ! FIGHT FOR HIM!

    The softball game: LOVE IT!!! I was thinking Dustin should be there.. OH WHOA! There he is!!! :) Uh Dr. O do you have a crush on Jax? :) OH SHE DOES HAHAHAHHAAHA! Hi Jax. :) I don't blame you Dr. O! :) People on soap central website have said that Dr.Cabot and Dr. O should be together.. Yeah I can see that. :)

    The floating rib: Dr. O is acting like a teenager over Jax!!! How do I look? HAHAHAHAHA! Lulu and Dustin scene YAY! :)

    Wyndemere: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR RAYRAY!!?!? Oh man that Helena portrait is creepy! Creepy face! What the heck is wrong with it? Does the eyes follow you RayRay? :) Hey no portrait of her naked? Where IS that portrait? Oh hi Dr. O. :)

    Jasam home:

    Jasam: Jason won the softball game. :) That's cute that they were at the softball game. Did you get rid of the tattoo yet Sam?

    Robert and Jasam: I'm glad Robert told them that BobTodd has Drew's memories now.

  10. Ok I loved baseball day, light and fun and Dustin!!!! He made the day bearable after the whole "Drew" mess....hatin' on it. Breaking my heart that Liz is trying so hard....
    As for Carson I too thought they had renewed their vows, but they have remarried ALOT so it could be that...
    Dr O was too cute fangirling over Jax, she's gotta get in line.

    1. "Michelle P says Dr O was too cute fangirling over Jax, she's gotta get in line."

      Yeah she does have to get in line!!! I'm the first one in line!!! :)

  11. I thought yesterday was kind of boring except for Dr. O and the Franco/Liz/Drew scenes. Borg and Mumbles reached new heights of superiority in their reactions to Cameron and Franco, though Jason's constant stare looked a teeny bit concerned about Cameron. I can't even pretend to enjoy anything about them anymore. It's all their fault that this mess happened anyway.

    Dr. O is such a treasure, I love her!

  12. I also meant to say that Liz and Drew were good together. I kind of miss them as a couple. I swear Becky has chemistry with everybody!

    1. I agree she does....except Nik. I was disappointed when they broke her and his character up to send him back to Sam but I loved Friz so....

    2. Sam and Nik used to be together? Oh oh I don't remember that!! I'm going to have to go back in time and refresh my memory! :)

    3. Sonya, I think Michelle meant when they broke up Liz and Drew (then Jake just finding out he was Jason) to send him back to Sam. Sam and Nik are kinda related....ewwwwww!!! LOL!

    4. Thank you Julie, yes, that's what I meant. It's hard to explain cause Drew has been Jake Doe then Jason Morgan now Drew Cain now Franco is "Drew".....egads......

  13. OK, I REALLY hope that Stella is not gone, but, if she is, c'mon TPTB, you can try to make it up to us by giving us more of Dr. O and Diane. I don't know how they manage it, but EVERYTHING that Leisl does is hysterical and amazing! I swear, she is the best character ever invented on soaps! And she can sing, too!

    1. Ok I admit I'm not the biggest Liesel fan because of what she did to Finn long ago but yes she can sing and she was so funny yesterday.

    2. Michelle, I know, I almost never like villains, I am not a big Helena fan like others are because of how evil she is. I think it is a testament to the actress who plays Leisl that she can be so lovable despite all of her many crimes. I think it is a combination of her acting, her accent, and the way they write her, but I could watch her all day!

    3. I don't remember Sam being with Nik - he is her cousin. Of course she has been with almost everyone else.

    4. I agree with you;don't think that Sam was romantically involved with Nik since he's her blood relative.Aside from Jason& Drew,I remember her involvement with Sonny,Jax,Lucky & of course,Patrick.

    5. And Ric Lansing and Finn!

    6. That's right.How could I forget about Silas(Kiki's dad) & the quickie with her mom's husband (Ric)?

  14. kd said... Damn it. Why can't the people I don't like have them??

    *** because nobody likes them. lol

  15. It drives me absolutely crazy when Robert (and/or Anna) consults with Jason, Sam or Sonny.

  16. "Julie H says Sonya, I think Michelle meant when they broke up Liz and Drew (then Jake just finding out he was Jason) to send him back to Sam. Sam and Nik are kinda related....ewwwwww!!! LOL!"

    "Michelle P Thank you Julie, yes, that's what I meant."

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :) Okay. Whew. :) And yeah Julie ewwww! :)


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...