Friday, August 16, 2019


Telling people about Franco: 


Monica and Drew, he's going to tell her about Franco. She's glad for Cam, sad for Liz. Drew says that Franco hasn't lost anything but Liz has. 

Sam is going to tell CarSon about Franco. They are like: Blink..WHA? They talk. 

Liz has to tell Cameron about Franco. "He's confused-- he can be fixed". Cam's not so sure. She wants to keep the info to minimum from Aiden and Jake-- Cam says that's not possible with the internet. They talk more and vow to bring Franco 'back' with memories. 

Franco sees Jason in The Rib. Jason says "You're half right... I'm Jason Morgan'.. Franco says "My twin"... He says he saw Jason in the newspaper when Jason was on the HS soccer team. HE realized they were twins. He then did research about Alan Quartermaine. Says they 'gave him away'. Jason says no, Alan didn't even know Susan HAD twins, she's the one that did that. Franco says he's leaving town as soon as he can get a bus ticket. "you gonna try and stop me"? He says to Jason.. Says he wants money to leave town. Jason says no. 
Ok, this is dumb. There's no way that ANYONE that woke up with another face would be like, meh.. I'm just going to go on being me. I mean??? WTF 

Hayden and Finn were on. OH and he tells her about Franco too!! "Be there for your sister". He also tells her she could have been exposed to Sasha's virus if she was in the Crimson offices. He thinks she's in the clear... and she says "is it ok to be around chi

Willow and Chase were in The Rib. She talks about what Lulu told her about being with a cop. He talks about why he wanted to be a cop--his dad, yada yada. 

WHOOPS! Dev and Josslyn were on too!! Talking about him going to school and he wants to be a mobster. 

Franco punches Chase..he and Jason square off (hilarious) 

Hayden is going to move in with Liz.. Liz is so happy...
Chase arrests Franco for assaulting a police officer. 


  1. KM never ceases to amaze me. Why, in heavens name, would a woman in her forties start sticking her finger in her mouth trying to look coy. Sam did it yesterday when talking to Jason, and she did it again today when she was with Sonny and Carly. Surely to God the directors haven't suggested she suddenly start regressing to a recently pubescent state. And if the actress herself is doing it, is she really trying to pi** us all off. She needs to GROW UP or leave.

    And I was glad that Franco explained today how he knew about Jason before 2012. That part had confused me.

    And poor Franco is lucky his little fight came to nothing. His brain may think he's a Seal but he definitely isn't. lol

    And Dev today seemed to be keeping a secret about his mother. I wonder where they're going with this.

  2. can someone please give me a reason to tune in and watch this mess?

    1. Thank you. Thought I was the only one that can't watch this mess

    2. "delcodave can someone please give me a reason to tune in and watch this mess?"

      The acting!!!!! There is some of the best acting there!!!!! :) Also the soon to be Helena flashbacks. :) You will get to see her! :)

    3. The actors. Period. It is a mess...and it's not hot. Just a mess.

  3. Ok so I came in late with getting off work at 3 but WHAT, did I hear right?? Carson are marrying AGAIN? Stoopid! (I know I spelled that wrong, that's how stupid it is). 🙄

  4. Dev reminds me of a younger version of John Zacharra I wonder if they could be related.

  5. Floating rib:

    Chillow: Geez Willow! Lulu really got in your head didn't she? Have you taken Sam up on her offer to get rid of her your tattoo? Did you get rid of it yet?

    Drew Jr and Jason: Drew Jr wins the line of the day!

    Drew Jr: If all goes according to plan, I never have to lay eyes on her ever again.

    ROFL! Yeah good luck with that!

    Drew Jr and Chase: DAMN!!!! Drew Jr is very scary!!! He has so much anger in him!!! Someone quickly get him to a therapist STAT!!! I've been thinking that since he is Drew Jr now, it's too late for Laura to apologize to him! CRAP!

    The hospital:

    Drew and Monica: MONICA!!!! :) Awww her hand! :( Great scene!

    RayRay and Finchy: Stop talking about Drew Jr and the flu!!! RayRay talk to him about Finchy Jr!!

    RayRay: And it's okay to be around children?

    What children? What child are you talking about? Is it oh I don't know, Finchy Jr?!?!!? Where is he/she!!?!?!
    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Joss and Turkey boy: Turkey boy is very very smart!!!!! :) Joss is impressed! Don't fall in wuv with him Joss!

    Carson home:

    Carson and Sam: What the hell is Carly wearing? Is she going to bed in it? If so, then okay. Oh man what the heck was the reason for Sam to show up teo telling about Drew Jr? Why couldn't Jason tell them? Sam did you get rid of your tattoo yet?

    Friz home:

    Liz and Cam: Awwww! Great scene!!!! :)

    Liz and RayRay: WHAT?! RayRay is moving in?!!?!?! BUT WHAT ABOUT FINCHY JR?!?!?!!?!

  6. Something I don't get about Franco/Drew. Why is he acting like such a mean jerk? Didn't Kim say that Drew (Oscar's father) was a really nice and great guy. Francodrew is not acting nice at all. Stealing kisses from Kim even?????

    1. In his defense 😥 he's in a hospital surrounded by strange people and they keep calling him Franco, and they stuck him with a needle and then they wouldn't let him go....How would you feel? I'd probably be a little bit of a jerk too. Also he thinks he IS Drew he sees Kim so yes, it seems ok to him. Put yourself in his shoes. He's not "Franco" pretending to do this, he had this memory transfer so all for for all he knows HE IS DREW and kissing Kim was ok.

    2. I agree Lindie. I thought the same thing. Tough doesn't be mean or rude. I get that he's upset but he just seems to be overplaying the rebellion.

    3. Michelle P you have a very good point. :)

  7. Lindie, I don’t get it either. Maybe the memory procedure altered his personality, but Drew was always a nice guy, even when he thought he was Jason. Still can’t stand Dev, but Cam is a pleasure to watch. Does anyone really care about Sonny and Carly anymore? Sam as usual had no purse, AntJoan. Did anyone think of mentioning to Drew-Franco that he was a famous artist? I kind of like seeing RH playing a different role like this-always thought he was miscast as Franco.

    1. Yes Drew has always been a nice guy but if you're waking up surrounded by strangers (and I'm assuming he was in Afghanistan in 2012)in a hospital being called by a different name numerous times, they won't let you go, being stuck by a needle...I'd be upset too. As for the purse, not every carries one. I can't even picture Sam carrying one, she's too boyish LOL!! I hope he doesn't stay Drew long.

    2. Linda, thanks SO MUCH for thinking of me re the purse! I watch GH EVERY DAY, but had to work late last night, then ran out for a family birthday party, so I actually haven't watched yet! I will watch it today . . .

  8. A purse would just get in the way when Jason has to carry her around.

    1. Exactly and when she's getting locked in freezers, etc. No time for purses. I don't even carry a purse. I keep my dl and cc in my ph. It's all I need.

  9. Carly - "Hey wardrobe, could you make me a robe or something out of those old yellow curtains backstage.I want to look extra frumpy today? And those old towels - could you whip up a wedding dress cause I'm gonna marry Sonny for the umpteenth time soon before my belly explodes?

    1. It's bad enough Carson is having another child, now they have to get married again too? I am the number 1 Sonny fan, as everyone here probably knows, but even I think this is too much . . . Sonny has so many family issues, they never show him as a mob boss anymore, or even working at all. Is he still supposed to be "the most powerful man on the East Coast"?

    2. I haven't even watched yesterday's show yet. This blog is more fun.
      They rarely show anyone working anymore except a bit at Crimson. We have never seen any kind of office for ELQ...a company that's been around for decades on GH. Soaps should be a blend of reality and fiction. Not happening.

    3. They actually have shown Michael and others at ELQ "offices"; but, like other offices on GH, they have no staff.

      I guess at GH they show the doctors and nurses working. Also, Krissy at Charlie's, and Alexis does do some lawyer work. Oh, and Lucy Coe, they show her working.

      But the hardest worker of all is Cam, who has been doing community service for months and months for a minor infraction, even having to go in the next day after being brutally kidnapped and traumatized.

    4. That dress was PURE Mrs. Roper from the 70's. Good Lord

    5. Which dress? Carly yellow and white?

  10. Yes. They haven't shown ELQ office in MANY years

  11. OK - Drew plus Franco - Dranco ? Anything ? My 1st attempt at a mash-up - sorry lol

    1. Dranco! Hahahaha cute. :)

    2. I think everyone is calling him that, I like it. Still hate the sl, but like the mash up. 😊

  12. DREWCO I've been calling him that all week!! LOL



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...